// $ANTLR 3.2 Sep 23, 2009 12:02:23 C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g 2011-02-10 11:21:05 // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used. #pragma warning disable 168, 219 // Unreachable code detected. #pragma warning disable 162 /* Ulysses OO-Action System Parser Copyright Willibald Krenn 2009 */ using System; using Antlr.Runtime; using IList = System.Collections.IList; using ArrayList = System.Collections.ArrayList; using Stack = Antlr.Runtime.Collections.StackList; using IDictionary = System.Collections.IDictionary; using Hashtable = System.Collections.Hashtable; namespace TUG.Mogentes { public partial class ooaLexer : Lexer { public const int T_FLOATNUMBER = 29; public const int T_SYSTEM = 6; public const int T_ELSE = 87; public const int T_LPAREN = 12; public const int T_DUNION = 102; public const int T_BOOL = 25; public const int T_METHODS = 35; public const int T_INDS = 105; public const int T_OR = 69; public const int EOF = -1; public const int T_OD = 38; public const int T_AND = 75; public const int T_OF = 18; public const int T_STRINGLITERAL = 93; public const int T_SET = 66; public const int T_SKIP = 52; public const int T_WITH = 57; public const int T_DOM = 108; public const int T_WS = 111; public const int T_VAR = 34; public const int T_SUM = 47; public const int T_REQUIRES = 45; public const int T_DINTER = 101; public const int T_AUTOCONS = 33; public const int T_HEAD = 104; public const int T_END = 43; public const int T_TRUE = 90; public const int T_LSQPAREN = 15; public const int T_MAPS = 96; public const int T_PRIMED = 97; public const int T_INFTY = 24; public const int T_NIL = 92; public const int T_IF = 85; public const int LINE_COMMENT = 113; public const int T_THEN = 86; public const int T_FLOAT = 28; public const int T_SELF = 55; public const int T_TAIL = 107; public const int T_DIFF = 48; public const int T_MERGE = 110; public const int T_FOLDRL = 51; public const int T_QUANTITY = 22; public const int T_IN = 65; public const int T_MUNION = 82; public const int T__126 = 126; public const int T__125 = 125; public const int T_INTER = 74; public const int T_SEMICOLON = 7; public const int T_FOLDLR = 50; public const int T_CARD = 99; public const int T_FALSE = 91; public const int T_CONT = 44; public const int T_SUBSET = 68; public const int T_COMMA = 19; public const int T_RANGETO = 27; public const int T_MINUS = 23; public const int T_CONC = 77; public const int T_IDIV = 71; public const int T_FORALL = 88; public const int T_DERIV = 46; public const int T_CONSTS = 4; public const int T_TYPES = 5; public const int T_GREATEREQUAL = 60; public const int T__118 = 118; public const int T_RNG = 109; public const int T__119 = 119; public const int T_MOD = 72; public const int T__117 = 117; public const int T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE = 83; public const int T__124 = 124; public const int T__123 = 123; public const int T_ELEMS = 103; public const int T__122 = 122; public const int T__121 = 121; public const int T_IMPLIES = 64; public const int T__120 = 120; public const int T_EXISTS = 89; public const int T_POW = 76; public const int T_COMMENT = 112; public const int T_RPAREN = 13; public const int T_PRIO = 10; public const int T_RNGRESBY = 80; public const int T_ABS = 98; public const int T_DIV = 70; public const int T_LIST = 14; public const int T_CBRL = 31; public const int T_DCONC = 100; public const int T_ABORT = 53; public const int T_CHAR = 30; public const int T_STATIC = 39; public const int T_POINT = 84; public const int T_INT = 26; public const int T_CBRR = 32; public const int T_PROD = 49; public const int T_COLON = 42; public const int T_ACTIONS = 36; public const int T_LESS = 61; public const int T_DIGIT = 114; public const int T_BAR = 95; public const int T_TO = 21; public const int T_NONDET = 11; public const int T_DOMRESBY = 78; public const int T_DOMRESTO = 79; public const int T_EQUAL = 9; public const int T_GREATER = 59; public const int T_KILL = 54; public const int T_RNGRESTO = 81; public const int T_RSQPAREN = 17; public const int T_NEW = 94; public const int T_INTNUMBER = 16; public const int T_UNION = 73; public const int T_OBS = 40; public const int T_BIIMPLIES = 58; public const int T_NOTEQUAL = 63; public const int T_IDENTIFIER = 8; public const int T_DO = 37; public const int FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE = 115; public const int T_NOT = 67; public const int T_LEN = 106; public const int T_ASSIGNMENT = 56; public const int T_LETTER = 116; public const int T_LESSEQUAL = 62; public const int T_MAP = 20; public const int T_CTRL = 41; // delegates // delegators public ooaLexer() { InitializeCyclicDFAs(); } public ooaLexer(ICharStream input) : this(input, null) { } public ooaLexer(ICharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) : base(input, state) { InitializeCyclicDFAs(); } override public string GrammarFileName { get { return "C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g";} } // $ANTLR start "T__117" public void mT__117() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__117; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:17:8: ( '|[' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:17:10: '|[' { Match("|["); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__117" // $ANTLR start "T__118" public void mT__118() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__118; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:18:8: ( ']|' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:18:10: ']|' { Match("]|"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__118" // $ANTLR start "T__119" public void mT__119() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__119; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:19:8: ( 'begin' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:19:10: 'begin' { Match("begin"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__119" // $ANTLR start "T__120" public void mT__120() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__120; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:20:8: ( '&' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:20:10: '&' { Match('&'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__120" // $ANTLR start "T__121" public void mT__121() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__121; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:21:8: ( 'as' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:21:10: 'as' { Match("as"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__121" // $ANTLR start "T__122" public void mT__122() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__122; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:22:8: ( 'qval' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:22:10: 'qval' { Match("qval"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__122" // $ANTLR start "T__123" public void mT__123() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__123; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:23:8: ( 'steady' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:23:10: 'steady' { Match("steady"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__123" // $ANTLR start "T__124" public void mT__124() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__124; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:24:8: ( 'inc' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:24:10: 'inc' { Match("inc"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__124" // $ANTLR start "T__125" public void mT__125() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__125; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:25:8: ( 'dec' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:25:10: 'dec' { Match("dec"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__125" // $ANTLR start "T__126" public void mT__126() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T__126; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:26:8: ( '::' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:26:10: '::' { Match("::"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__126" // $ANTLR start "T_WS" public void mT_WS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_WS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:989:8: ( ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:989:10: ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\t' && input.LA(1) <= '\n') || (input.LA(1) >= '\f' && input.LA(1) <= '\r') || input.LA(1) == ' ' ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _channel=HIDDEN; } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_WS" // $ANTLR start "T_COMMENT" public void mT_COMMENT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_COMMENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:993:6: ( '/*' ( . )* '*/' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:993:8: '/*' ( . )* '*/' { Match("/*"); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:993:13: ( . )* do { int alt1 = 2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA1_0 == '*') ) { int LA1_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA1_1 == '/') ) { alt1 = 2; } else if ( ((LA1_1 >= '\u0000' && LA1_1 <= '.') || (LA1_1 >= '0' && LA1_1 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt1 = 1; } } else if ( ((LA1_0 >= '\u0000' && LA1_0 <= ')') || (LA1_0 >= '+' && LA1_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt1 = 1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:993:13: . { MatchAny(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; default: goto loop1; } } while (true); loop1: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop1' has no statements Match("*/"); if (state.failed) return ; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _channel=HIDDEN; } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_COMMENT" // $ANTLR start "LINE_COMMENT" public void mLINE_COMMENT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = LINE_COMMENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:6: ( '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:8: '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' { Match('#'); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:12: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* do { int alt2 = 2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA2_0 >= '\u0000' && LA2_0 <= '\t') || (LA2_0 >= '\u000B' && LA2_0 <= '\f') || (LA2_0 >= '\u000E' && LA2_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt2 = 1; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:12: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '\t') || (input.LA(1) >= '\u000B' && input.LA(1) <= '\f') || (input.LA(1) >= '\u000E' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default: goto loop2; } } while (true); loop2: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop2' has no statements // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:26: ( '\\r' )? int alt3 = 2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0 == '\r') ) { alt3 = 1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:997:26: '\\r' { Match('\r'); if (state.failed) return ; } break; } Match('\n'); if (state.failed) return ; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _channel=HIDDEN; } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "LINE_COMMENT" // $ANTLR start "T_PRIMED" public void mT_PRIMED() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_PRIMED; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1001:2: ( '\\'' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1001:4: '\\'' { Match('\''); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_PRIMED" // $ANTLR start "T_STRINGLITERAL" public void mT_STRINGLITERAL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_STRINGLITERAL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1004:2: ( '\"' ( ( '\"' '\"' )=> '\"' | ~ '\"' )* '\"' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1004:4: '\"' ( ( '\"' '\"' )=> '\"' | ~ '\"' )* '\"' { Match('\"'); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1005:3: ( ( '\"' '\"' )=> '\"' | ~ '\"' )* do { int alt4 = 3; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0 == '\"') ) { int LA4_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA4_1 == '\"') && (synpred1_ooa()) ) { alt4 = 1; } else if ( ((LA4_1 >= '\u0000' && LA4_1 <= '!') || (LA4_1 >= '#' && LA4_1 <= '\uFFFF')) && (synpred1_ooa()) ) { alt4 = 1; } } else if ( ((LA4_0 >= '\u0000' && LA4_0 <= '!') || (LA4_0 >= '#' && LA4_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt4 = 2; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1006:9: ( '\"' '\"' )=> '\"' { Match('\"'); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1007:13: ~ '\"' { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '!') || (input.LA(1) >= '#' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default: goto loop4; } } while (true); loop4: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop4' has no statements Match('\"'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_STRINGLITERAL" // $ANTLR start "T_ABORT" public void mT_ABORT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ABORT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1013:9: ( 'abort' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1013:11: 'abort' { Match("abort"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ABORT" // $ANTLR start "T_ACTIONS" public void mT_ACTIONS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ACTIONS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1015:2: ( 'actions' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1015:4: 'actions' { Match("actions"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ACTIONS" // $ANTLR start "T_ASSIGNMENT" public void mT_ASSIGNMENT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ASSIGNMENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1017:2: ( ':=' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1017:4: ':=' { Match(":="); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ASSIGNMENT" // $ANTLR start "T_AUTOCONS" public void mT_AUTOCONS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_AUTOCONS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1018:11: ( 'autocons' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1018:13: 'autocons' { Match("autocons"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_AUTOCONS" // $ANTLR start "T_BAR" public void mT_BAR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_BAR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1019:7: ( '|' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1019:9: '|' { Match('|'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_BAR" // $ANTLR start "T_BOOL" public void mT_BOOL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_BOOL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1020:8: ( 'bool' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1020:10: 'bool' { Match("bool"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_BOOL" // $ANTLR start "T_CBRL" public void mT_CBRL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CBRL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1021:8: ( '{' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1021:10: '{' { Match('{'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CBRL" // $ANTLR start "T_CBRR" public void mT_CBRR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CBRR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1022:8: ( '}' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1022:10: '}' { Match('}'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CBRR" // $ANTLR start "T_COLON" public void mT_COLON() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_COLON; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1023:9: ( ':' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1023:11: ':' { Match(':'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_COLON" // $ANTLR start "T_COMMA" public void mT_COMMA() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_COMMA; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1024:9: ( ',' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1024:11: ',' { Match(','); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_COMMA" // $ANTLR start "T_CONT" public void mT_CONT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CONT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1025:8: ( 'qual' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1025:10: 'qual' { Match("qual"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CONT" // $ANTLR start "T_CHAR" public void mT_CHAR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CHAR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1026:8: ( 'char' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1026:10: 'char' { Match("char"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CHAR" // $ANTLR start "T_CTRL" public void mT_CTRL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CTRL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1027:9: ( 'ctr' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1027:11: 'ctr' { Match("ctr"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CTRL" // $ANTLR start "T_SYSTEM" public void mT_SYSTEM() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SYSTEM; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1029:2: ( 'system' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1029:4: 'system' { Match("system"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SYSTEM" // $ANTLR start "T_DO" public void mT_DO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DO; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1030:6: ( 'do' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1030:8: 'do' { Match("do"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DO" // $ANTLR start "T_ELSE" public void mT_ELSE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ELSE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1031:8: ( 'else' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1031:10: 'else' { Match("else"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ELSE" // $ANTLR start "T_END" public void mT_END() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_END; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1032:7: ( 'end' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1032:9: 'end' { Match("end"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_END" // $ANTLR start "T_EQUAL" public void mT_EQUAL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_EQUAL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1033:9: ( '=' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1033:11: '=' { Match('='); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_EQUAL" // $ANTLR start "T_EXISTS" public void mT_EXISTS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_EXISTS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1034:9: ( 'exists' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1034:11: 'exists' { Match("exists"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_EXISTS" // $ANTLR start "T_FLOAT" public void mT_FLOAT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_FLOAT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1035:9: ( 'float' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1035:11: 'float' { Match("float"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FLOAT" // $ANTLR start "T_FORALL" public void mT_FORALL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_FORALL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1036:9: ( 'forall' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1036:11: 'forall' { Match("forall"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FORALL" // $ANTLR start "T_FALSE" public void mT_FALSE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_FALSE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1037:9: ( 'false' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1037:11: 'false' { Match("false"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FALSE" // $ANTLR start "T_IF" public void mT_IF() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_IF; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1038:6: ( 'if' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1038:8: 'if' { Match("if"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_IF" // $ANTLR start "T_IN" public void mT_IN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_IN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1039:6: ( 'in' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1039:8: 'in' { Match("in"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_IN" // $ANTLR start "T_INT" public void mT_INT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_INT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1040:7: ( 'int' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1040:9: 'int' { Match("int"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_INT" // $ANTLR start "T_KILL" public void mT_KILL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_KILL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1041:8: ( 'kill' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1041:10: 'kill' { Match("kill"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_KILL" // $ANTLR start "T_LIST" public void mT_LIST() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LIST; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1042:8: ( 'list' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1042:10: 'list' { Match("list"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LIST" // $ANTLR start "T_LPAREN" public void mT_LPAREN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1043:9: ( '(' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1043:11: '(' { Match('('); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LPAREN" // $ANTLR start "T_LSQPAREN" public void mT_LSQPAREN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LSQPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1044:11: ( '[' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1044:13: '[' { Match('['); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LSQPAREN" // $ANTLR start "T_MAP" public void mT_MAP() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_MAP; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1045:7: ( 'map' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1045:9: 'map' { Match("map"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MAP" // $ANTLR start "T_MAPS" public void mT_MAPS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_MAPS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1046:8: ( '->' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1046:10: '->' { Match("->"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MAPS" // $ANTLR start "T_METHODS" public void mT_METHODS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_METHODS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1048:2: ( 'methods' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1048:4: 'methods' { Match("methods"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_METHODS" // $ANTLR start "T_NEW" public void mT_NEW() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_NEW; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1049:7: ( 'new' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1049:9: 'new' { Match("new"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_NEW" // $ANTLR start "T_NIL" public void mT_NIL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_NIL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1050:7: ( 'nil' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1050:9: 'nil' { Match("nil"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_NIL" // $ANTLR start "T_NONDET" public void mT_NONDET() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_NONDET; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1051:9: ( '[]' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1051:11: '[]' { Match("[]"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_NONDET" // $ANTLR start "T_OBS" public void mT_OBS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_OBS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1052:7: ( 'obs' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1052:9: 'obs' { Match("obs"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_OBS" // $ANTLR start "T_OD" public void mT_OD() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_OD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1053:6: ( 'od' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1053:8: 'od' { Match("od"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_OD" // $ANTLR start "T_OF" public void mT_OF() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_OF; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1054:6: ( 'of' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1054:8: 'of' { Match("of"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_OF" // $ANTLR start "T_PRIO" public void mT_PRIO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_PRIO; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1055:8: ( '//' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1055:10: '//' { Match("//"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_PRIO" // $ANTLR start "T_REQUIRES" public void mT_REQUIRES() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_REQUIRES; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1057:2: ( 'requires' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1057:4: 'requires' { Match("requires"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_REQUIRES" // $ANTLR start "T_RPAREN" public void mT_RPAREN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_RPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1058:9: ( ')' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1058:11: ')' { Match(')'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RPAREN" // $ANTLR start "T_RSQPAREN" public void mT_RSQPAREN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_RSQPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1059:11: ( ']' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1059:13: ']' { Match(']'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RSQPAREN" // $ANTLR start "T_QUANTITY" public void mT_QUANTITY() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_QUANTITY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1061:2: ( 'qspace' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1061:4: 'qspace' { Match("qspace"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_QUANTITY" // $ANTLR start "T_SELF" public void mT_SELF() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SELF; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1062:8: ( 'self' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1062:10: 'self' { Match("self"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SELF" // $ANTLR start "T_SET" public void mT_SET() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SET; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1063:8: ( 'set' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1063:10: 'set' { Match("set"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SET" // $ANTLR start "T_SEMICOLON" public void mT_SEMICOLON() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SEMICOLON; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1065:2: ( ';' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1065:4: ';' { Match(';'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SEMICOLON" // $ANTLR start "T_STATIC" public void mT_STATIC() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_STATIC; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1066:9: ( 'static' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1066:11: 'static' { Match("static"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_STATIC" // $ANTLR start "T_SKIP" public void mT_SKIP() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SKIP; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1067:8: ( 'skip' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1067:10: 'skip' { Match("skip"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SKIP" // $ANTLR start "T_THEN" public void mT_THEN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_THEN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1068:8: ( 'then' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1068:10: 'then' { Match("then"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_THEN" // $ANTLR start "T_TRUE" public void mT_TRUE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_TRUE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1069:9: ( 'true' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1069:11: 'true' { Match("true"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_TRUE" // $ANTLR start "T_TO" public void mT_TO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_TO; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1070:6: ( 'to' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1070:8: 'to' { Match("to"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_TO" // $ANTLR start "T_TYPES" public void mT_TYPES() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_TYPES; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1071:9: ( 'types' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1071:11: 'types' { Match("types"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_TYPES" // $ANTLR start "T_VAR" public void mT_VAR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_VAR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1072:7: ( 'var' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1072:9: 'var' { Match("var"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_VAR" // $ANTLR start "T_WITH" public void mT_WITH() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_WITH; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1073:8: ( 'with' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1073:10: 'with' { Match("with"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_WITH" // $ANTLR start "T_AND" public void mT_AND() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_AND; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1079:7: ( 'and' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1079:9: 'and' { Match("and"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_AND" // $ANTLR start "T_BIIMPLIES" public void mT_BIIMPLIES() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_BIIMPLIES; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1081:2: ( '<=>' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1081:4: '<=>' { Match("<=>"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_BIIMPLIES" // $ANTLR start "T_IMPLIES" public void mT_IMPLIES() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_IMPLIES; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1083:2: ( '=>' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1083:4: '=>' { Match("=>"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_IMPLIES" // $ANTLR start "T_NOT" public void mT_NOT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_NOT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1084:7: ( 'not' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1084:9: 'not' { Match("not"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_NOT" // $ANTLR start "T_NOTEQUAL" public void mT_NOTEQUAL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_NOTEQUAL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1085:11: ( '<>' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1085:13: '<>' { Match("<>"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_NOTEQUAL" // $ANTLR start "T_OR" public void mT_OR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_OR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1086:6: ( 'or' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1086:8: 'or' { Match("or"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_OR" // $ANTLR start "T_ABS" public void mT_ABS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ABS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1089:7: ( 'abs' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1089:9: 'abs' { Match("abs"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ABS" // $ANTLR start "T_DIV" public void mT_DIV() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DIV; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1090:7: ( '/' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1090:9: '/' { Match('/'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DIV" // $ANTLR start "T_GREATER" public void mT_GREATER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_GREATER; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1092:2: ( '>' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1092:4: '>' { Match('>'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_GREATER" // $ANTLR start "T_GREATEREQUAL" public void mT_GREATEREQUAL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_GREATEREQUAL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1094:2: ( '>=' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1094:4: '>=' { Match(">="); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_GREATEREQUAL" // $ANTLR start "T_IDIV" public void mT_IDIV() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_IDIV; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1095:8: ( 'div' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1095:10: 'div' { Match("div"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_IDIV" // $ANTLR start "T_LESS" public void mT_LESS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LESS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1096:8: ( '<' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1096:10: '<' { Match('<'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LESS" // $ANTLR start "T_LESSEQUAL" public void mT_LESSEQUAL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LESSEQUAL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1098:2: ( '<=' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1098:4: '<=' { Match("<="); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LESSEQUAL" // $ANTLR start "T_MOD" public void mT_MOD() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_MOD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1099:7: ( 'mod' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1099:9: 'mod' { Match("mod"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MOD" // $ANTLR start "T_POW" public void mT_POW() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_POW; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1100:7: ( '**' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1100:9: '**' { Match("**"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_POW" // $ANTLR start "T_PROD" public void mT_PROD() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_PROD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1101:8: ( '*' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1101:10: '*' { Match('*'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_PROD" // $ANTLR start "T_DERIV" public void mT_DERIV() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DERIV; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1102:9: ( 'dt' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1102:11: 'dt' { Match("dt"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DERIV" // $ANTLR start "T_CARD" public void mT_CARD() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CARD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1105:8: ( 'card' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1105:10: 'card' { Match("card"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CARD" // $ANTLR start "T_CONC" public void mT_CONC() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CONC; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1106:8: ( '^' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1106:10: '^' { Match('^'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CONC" // $ANTLR start "T_DCONC" public void mT_DCONC() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DCONC; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1107:9: ( 'conc' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1107:11: 'conc' { Match("conc"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DCONC" // $ANTLR start "T_DIFF" public void mT_DIFF() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DIFF; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1108:8: ( '\\\\' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1108:10: '\\\\' { Match('\\'); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DIFF" // $ANTLR start "T_DINTER" public void mT_DINTER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DINTER; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1109:9: ( 'dinter' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1109:11: 'dinter' { Match("dinter"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DINTER" // $ANTLR start "T_DUNION" public void mT_DUNION() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DUNION; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1110:9: ( 'dunion' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1110:11: 'dunion' { Match("dunion"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DUNION" // $ANTLR start "T_ELEMS" public void mT_ELEMS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_ELEMS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1111:9: ( 'elems' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1111:11: 'elems' { Match("elems"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_ELEMS" // $ANTLR start "T_HEAD" public void mT_HEAD() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_HEAD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1112:8: ( 'hd' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1112:10: 'hd' { Match("hd"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_HEAD" // $ANTLR start "T_INDS" public void mT_INDS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_INDS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1113:8: ( 'inds' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1113:10: 'inds' { Match("inds"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_INDS" // $ANTLR start "T_INTER" public void mT_INTER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_INTER; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1114:9: ( 'inter' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1114:11: 'inter' { Match("inter"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_INTER" // $ANTLR start "T_LEN" public void mT_LEN() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_LEN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1115:7: ( 'len' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1115:9: 'len' { Match("len"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LEN" // $ANTLR start "T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE" public void mT_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1117:2: ( '++' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1117:4: '++' { Match("++"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE" // $ANTLR start "T_SUBSET" public void mT_SUBSET() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_SUBSET; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1118:9: ( 'subset' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1118:11: 'subset' { Match("subset"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SUBSET" // $ANTLR start "T_TAIL" public void mT_TAIL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_TAIL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1119:8: ( 'tl' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1119:10: 'tl' { Match("tl"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_TAIL" // $ANTLR start "T_UNION" public void mT_UNION() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_UNION; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1120:9: ( 'union' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1120:11: 'union' { Match("union"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_UNION" // $ANTLR start "T_FOLDLR" public void mT_FOLDLR() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_FOLDLR; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1122:2: ( ':>:' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1122:4: ':>:' { Match(":>:"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FOLDLR" // $ANTLR start "T_FOLDRL" public void mT_FOLDRL() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_FOLDRL; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1124:2: ( ':<:' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1124:4: ':<:' { Match(":<:"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FOLDRL" // $ANTLR start "T_DOM" public void mT_DOM() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DOM; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1128:7: ( 'dom' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1128:9: 'dom' { Match("dom"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DOM" // $ANTLR start "T_DOMRESBY" public void mT_DOMRESBY() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DOMRESBY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1130:2: ( '<-:' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1130:4: '<-:' { Match("<-:"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DOMRESBY" // $ANTLR start "T_DOMRESTO" public void mT_DOMRESTO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_DOMRESTO; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1132:2: ( '<:' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1132:4: '<:' { Match("<:"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DOMRESTO" // $ANTLR start "T_RNG" public void mT_RNG() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_RNG; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1133:7: ( 'rng' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1133:9: 'rng' { Match("rng"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RNG" // $ANTLR start "T_RNGRESBY" public void mT_RNGRESBY() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_RNGRESBY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1135:2: ( ':->' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1135:4: ':->' { Match(":->"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RNGRESBY" // $ANTLR start "T_RNGRESTO" public void mT_RNGRESTO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_RNGRESTO; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1137:2: ( ':>' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1137:4: ':>' { Match(":>"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RNGRESTO" // $ANTLR start "T_MERGE" public void mT_MERGE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_MERGE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1138:9: ( 'merge' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1138:11: 'merge' { Match("merge"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MERGE" // $ANTLR start "T_MUNION" public void mT_MUNION() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_MUNION; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1139:9: ( 'munion' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1139:11: 'munion' { Match("munion"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MUNION" // $ANTLR start "T_CONSTS" public void mT_CONSTS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_CONSTS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1141:9: ( 'consts' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1141:11: 'consts' { Match("consts"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_CONSTS" // $ANTLR start "T_INFTY" public void mT_INFTY() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_INFTY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1145:9: ( ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? 'inf' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1145:11: ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? 'inf' { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1145:11: ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? int alt5 = 2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0 == '+' || LA5_0 == '-') ) { alt5 = 1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g: { if ( input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-' ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; } Match("inf"); if (state.failed) return ; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_INFTY" // $ANTLR start "T_INTNUMBER" public void mT_INTNUMBER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1152:2: () // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1152:4: { } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_INTNUMBER" // $ANTLR start "T_FLOATNUMBER" public void mT_FLOATNUMBER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1154:2: () // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1154:4: { } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_FLOATNUMBER" // $ANTLR start "T_RANGETO" public void mT_RANGETO() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1156:2: () // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1156:4: { } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_RANGETO" // $ANTLR start "FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE" public void mFLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1159:2: ( ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( T_POINT T_POINT )=> | ( T_POINT T_DIGIT )=> T_POINT ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ )? | ) | T_POINT ( T_POINT | ) | T_MINUS | T_SUM ) int alt14 = 4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case '-': { int LA14_1 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA14_1 >= '0' && LA14_1 <= '9')) ) { alt14 = 1; } else { alt14 = 3;} } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { alt14 = 1; } break; case '.': { alt14 = 2; } break; case '+': { int LA14_4 = input.LA(2); if ( ((LA14_4 >= '0' && LA14_4 <= '9')) ) { alt14 = 1; } else { alt14 = 4;} } break; default: if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} NoViableAltException nvae_d14s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input); throw nvae_d14s0; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1159:5: ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( T_POINT T_POINT )=> | ( T_POINT T_DIGIT )=> T_POINT ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ )? | ) { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1159:5: ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? int alt6 = 2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0 == '+' || LA6_0 == '-') ) { alt6 = 1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g: { if ( input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-' ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; } // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1159:22: ( T_DIGIT )+ int cnt7 = 0; do { int alt7 = 2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA7_0 >= '0' && LA7_0 <= '9')) ) { alt7 = 1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1159:22: T_DIGIT { mT_DIGIT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; default: if ( cnt7 >= 1 ) goto loop7; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} EarlyExitException eee7 = new EarlyExitException(7, input); throw eee7; } cnt7++; } while (true); loop7: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop7' has no statements // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1160:3: ( ( T_POINT T_POINT )=> | ( T_POINT T_DIGIT )=> T_POINT ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ )? | ) int alt12 = 3; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA12_0 == '.') && (synpred3_ooa()) ) { alt12 = 2; } else if ( (synpred2_ooa()) ) { alt12 = 1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt12 = 3; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} NoViableAltException nvae_d12s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input); throw nvae_d12s0; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1161:5: ( T_POINT T_POINT )=> { if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_INTNUMBER; } } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:6: ( T_POINT T_DIGIT )=> T_POINT ( T_DIGIT )+ ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ )? { mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:35: ( T_DIGIT )+ int cnt8 = 0; do { int alt8 = 2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA8_0 >= '0' && LA8_0 <= '9')) ) { alt8 = 1; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:35: T_DIGIT { mT_DIGIT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; default: if ( cnt8 >= 1 ) goto loop8; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} EarlyExitException eee8 = new EarlyExitException(8, input); throw eee8; } cnt8++; } while (true); loop8: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop8' has no statements // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:44: ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ )? int alt11 = 2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0 == 'E' || LA11_0 == 'e') ) { alt11 = 1; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:45: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? ( T_DIGIT )+ { if ( input.LA(1) == 'E' || input.LA(1) == 'e' ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:55: ( T_MINUS | T_SUM )? int alt9 = 2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0 == '+' || LA9_0 == '-') ) { alt9 = 1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g: { if ( input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-' ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; } // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:72: ( T_DIGIT )+ int cnt10 = 0; do { int alt10 = 2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA10_0 >= '0' && LA10_0 <= '9')) ) { alt10 = 1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:72: T_DIGIT { mT_DIGIT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; default: if ( cnt10 >= 1 ) goto loop10; if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} EarlyExitException eee10 = new EarlyExitException(10, input); throw eee10; } cnt10++; } while (true); loop10: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop10' has no statements } break; } if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_FLOATNUMBER; } } break; case 3 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1163:6: { if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_INTNUMBER; } } break; } } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1165:4: T_POINT ( T_POINT | ) { mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1166:3: ( T_POINT | ) int alt13 = 2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0 == '.') ) { alt13 = 1; } else { alt13 = 2;} switch (alt13) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1167:5: T_POINT { mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_RANGETO; } } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1168:13: { if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_POINT; } } break; } } break; case 3 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1170:4: T_MINUS { mT_MINUS(); if (state.failed) return ; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_MINUS; } } break; case 4 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1171:4: T_SUM { mT_SUM(); if (state.failed) return ; if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { _type=T_SUM; } } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE" // $ANTLR start "T_MINUS" public void mT_MINUS() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1176:17: ( '-' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1176:19: '-' { Match('-'); if (state.failed) return ; } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_MINUS" // $ANTLR start "T_SUM" public void mT_SUM() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1177:16: ( '+' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1177:18: '+' { Match('+'); if (state.failed) return ; } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_SUM" // $ANTLR start "T_POINT" public void mT_POINT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1178:17: ( '.' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1178:19: '.' { Match('.'); if (state.failed) return ; } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_POINT" // $ANTLR start "T_IDENTIFIER" public void mT_IDENTIFIER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { int _type = T_IDENTIFIER; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1184:2: ( T_LETTER ( T_LETTER | T_DIGIT )* ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1184:4: T_LETTER ( T_LETTER | T_DIGIT )* { mT_LETTER(); if (state.failed) return ; // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1184:13: ( T_LETTER | T_DIGIT )* do { int alt15 = 2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0 == '$' || (LA15_0 >= '0' && LA15_0 <= '9') || (LA15_0 >= 'A' && LA15_0 <= 'Z') || LA15_0 == '_' || (LA15_0 >= 'a' && LA15_0 <= 'z')) ) { alt15 = 1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g: { if ( input.LA(1) == '$' || (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') || (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z') || input.LA(1) == '_' || (input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default: goto loop15; } } while (true); loop15: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop15' has no statements } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_IDENTIFIER" // $ANTLR start "T_LETTER" public void mT_LETTER() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1192:2: ( '$' | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '_' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g: { if ( input.LA(1) == '$' || (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z') || input.LA(1) == '_' || (input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.Consume(); state.failed = false; } else { if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); Recover(mse); throw mse;} } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_LETTER" // $ANTLR start "T_DIGIT" public void mT_DIGIT() // throws RecognitionException [2] { try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1199:8: ( '0' .. '9' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1199:10: '0' .. '9' { MatchRange('0','9'); if (state.failed) return ; } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T_DIGIT" override public void mTokens() // throws RecognitionException { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:8: ( T__117 | T__118 | T__119 | T__120 | T__121 | T__122 | T__123 | T__124 | T__125 | T__126 | T_WS | T_COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | T_PRIMED | T_STRINGLITERAL | T_ABORT | T_ACTIONS | T_ASSIGNMENT | T_AUTOCONS | T_BAR | T_BOOL | T_CBRL | T_CBRR | T_COLON | T_COMMA | T_CONT | T_CHAR | T_CTRL | T_SYSTEM | T_DO | T_ELSE | T_END | T_EQUAL | T_EXISTS | T_FLOAT | T_FORALL | T_FALSE | T_IF | T_IN | T_INT | T_KILL | T_LIST | T_LPAREN | T_LSQPAREN | T_MAP | T_MAPS | T_METHODS | T_NEW | T_NIL | T_NONDET | T_OBS | T_OD | T_OF | T_PRIO | T_REQUIRES | T_RPAREN | T_RSQPAREN | T_QUANTITY | T_SELF | T_SET | T_SEMICOLON | T_STATIC | T_SKIP | T_THEN | T_TRUE | T_TO | T_TYPES | T_VAR | T_WITH | T_AND | T_BIIMPLIES | T_IMPLIES | T_NOT | T_NOTEQUAL | T_OR | T_ABS | T_DIV | T_GREATER | T_GREATEREQUAL | T_IDIV | T_LESS | T_LESSEQUAL | T_MOD | T_POW | T_PROD | T_DERIV | T_CARD | T_CONC | T_DCONC | T_DIFF | T_DINTER | T_DUNION | T_ELEMS | T_HEAD | T_INDS | T_INTER | T_LEN | T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE | T_SUBSET | T_TAIL | T_UNION | T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL | T_DOM | T_DOMRESBY | T_DOMRESTO | T_RNG | T_RNGRESBY | T_RNGRESTO | T_MERGE | T_MUNION | T_CONSTS | T_INFTY | FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE | T_IDENTIFIER ) int alt16 = 115; alt16 = dfa16.Predict(input); switch (alt16) { case 1 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:10: T__117 { mT__117(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 2 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:17: T__118 { mT__118(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 3 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:24: T__119 { mT__119(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 4 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:31: T__120 { mT__120(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 5 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:38: T__121 { mT__121(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 6 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:45: T__122 { mT__122(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 7 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:52: T__123 { mT__123(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 8 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:59: T__124 { mT__124(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 9 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:66: T__125 { mT__125(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 10 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:73: T__126 { mT__126(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 11 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:80: T_WS { mT_WS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 12 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:85: T_COMMENT { mT_COMMENT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 13 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:95: LINE_COMMENT { mLINE_COMMENT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 14 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:108: T_PRIMED { mT_PRIMED(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 15 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:117: T_STRINGLITERAL { mT_STRINGLITERAL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 16 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:133: T_ABORT { mT_ABORT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 17 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:141: T_ACTIONS { mT_ACTIONS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 18 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:151: T_ASSIGNMENT { mT_ASSIGNMENT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 19 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:164: T_AUTOCONS { mT_AUTOCONS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 20 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:175: T_BAR { mT_BAR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 21 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:181: T_BOOL { mT_BOOL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 22 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:188: T_CBRL { mT_CBRL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 23 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:195: T_CBRR { mT_CBRR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 24 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:202: T_COLON { mT_COLON(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 25 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:210: T_COMMA { mT_COMMA(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 26 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:218: T_CONT { mT_CONT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 27 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:225: T_CHAR { mT_CHAR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 28 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:232: T_CTRL { mT_CTRL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 29 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:239: T_SYSTEM { mT_SYSTEM(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 30 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:248: T_DO { mT_DO(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 31 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:253: T_ELSE { mT_ELSE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 32 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:260: T_END { mT_END(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 33 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:266: T_EQUAL { mT_EQUAL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 34 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:274: T_EXISTS { mT_EXISTS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 35 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:283: T_FLOAT { mT_FLOAT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 36 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:291: T_FORALL { mT_FORALL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 37 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:300: T_FALSE { mT_FALSE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 38 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:308: T_IF { mT_IF(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 39 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:313: T_IN { mT_IN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 40 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:318: T_INT { mT_INT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 41 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:324: T_KILL { mT_KILL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 42 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:331: T_LIST { mT_LIST(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 43 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:338: T_LPAREN { mT_LPAREN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 44 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:347: T_LSQPAREN { mT_LSQPAREN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 45 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:358: T_MAP { mT_MAP(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 46 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:364: T_MAPS { mT_MAPS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 47 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:371: T_METHODS { mT_METHODS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 48 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:381: T_NEW { mT_NEW(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 49 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:387: T_NIL { mT_NIL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 50 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:393: T_NONDET { mT_NONDET(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 51 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:402: T_OBS { mT_OBS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 52 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:408: T_OD { mT_OD(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 53 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:413: T_OF { mT_OF(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 54 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:418: T_PRIO { mT_PRIO(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 55 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:425: T_REQUIRES { mT_REQUIRES(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 56 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:436: T_RPAREN { mT_RPAREN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 57 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:445: T_RSQPAREN { mT_RSQPAREN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 58 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:456: T_QUANTITY { mT_QUANTITY(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 59 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:467: T_SELF { mT_SELF(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 60 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:474: T_SET { mT_SET(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 61 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:480: T_SEMICOLON { mT_SEMICOLON(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 62 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:492: T_STATIC { mT_STATIC(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 63 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:501: T_SKIP { mT_SKIP(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 64 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:508: T_THEN { mT_THEN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 65 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:515: T_TRUE { mT_TRUE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 66 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:522: T_TO { mT_TO(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 67 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:527: T_TYPES { mT_TYPES(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 68 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:535: T_VAR { mT_VAR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 69 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:541: T_WITH { mT_WITH(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 70 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:548: T_AND { mT_AND(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 71 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:554: T_BIIMPLIES { mT_BIIMPLIES(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 72 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:566: T_IMPLIES { mT_IMPLIES(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 73 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:576: T_NOT { mT_NOT(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 74 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:582: T_NOTEQUAL { mT_NOTEQUAL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 75 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:593: T_OR { mT_OR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 76 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:598: T_ABS { mT_ABS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 77 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:604: T_DIV { mT_DIV(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 78 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:610: T_GREATER { mT_GREATER(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 79 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:620: T_GREATEREQUAL { mT_GREATEREQUAL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 80 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:635: T_IDIV { mT_IDIV(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 81 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:642: T_LESS { mT_LESS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 82 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:649: T_LESSEQUAL { mT_LESSEQUAL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 83 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:661: T_MOD { mT_MOD(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 84 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:667: T_POW { mT_POW(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 85 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:673: T_PROD { mT_PROD(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 86 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:680: T_DERIV { mT_DERIV(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 87 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:688: T_CARD { mT_CARD(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 88 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:695: T_CONC { mT_CONC(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 89 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:702: T_DCONC { mT_DCONC(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 90 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:710: T_DIFF { mT_DIFF(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 91 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:717: T_DINTER { mT_DINTER(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 92 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:726: T_DUNION { mT_DUNION(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 93 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:735: T_ELEMS { mT_ELEMS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 94 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:743: T_HEAD { mT_HEAD(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 95 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:750: T_INDS { mT_INDS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 96 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:757: T_INTER { mT_INTER(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 97 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:765: T_LEN { mT_LEN(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 98 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:771: T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE { mT_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 99 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:792: T_SUBSET { mT_SUBSET(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 100 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:801: T_TAIL { mT_TAIL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 101 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:808: T_UNION { mT_UNION(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 102 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:816: T_FOLDLR { mT_FOLDLR(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 103 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:825: T_FOLDRL { mT_FOLDRL(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 104 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:834: T_DOM { mT_DOM(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 105 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:840: T_DOMRESBY { mT_DOMRESBY(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 106 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:851: T_DOMRESTO { mT_DOMRESTO(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 107 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:862: T_RNG { mT_RNG(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 108 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:868: T_RNGRESBY { mT_RNGRESBY(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 109 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:879: T_RNGRESTO { mT_RNGRESTO(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 110 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:890: T_MERGE { mT_MERGE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 111 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:898: T_MUNION { mT_MUNION(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 112 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:907: T_CONSTS { mT_CONSTS(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 113 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:916: T_INFTY { mT_INFTY(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 114 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:924: FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE { mFLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; case 115 : // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1:946: T_IDENTIFIER { mT_IDENTIFIER(); if (state.failed) return ; } break; } } // $ANTLR start "synpred1_ooa" public void synpred1_ooa_fragment() { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1006:9: ( '\"' '\"' ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1006:11: '\"' '\"' { Match('\"'); if (state.failed) return ; Match('\"'); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end "synpred1_ooa" // $ANTLR start "synpred2_ooa" public void synpred2_ooa_fragment() { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1161:5: ( T_POINT T_POINT ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1161:6: T_POINT T_POINT { mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end "synpred2_ooa" // $ANTLR start "synpred3_ooa" public void synpred3_ooa_fragment() { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:6: ( T_POINT T_DIGIT ) // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:1162:7: T_POINT T_DIGIT { mT_POINT(); if (state.failed) return ; mT_DIGIT(); if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end "synpred3_ooa" public bool synpred2_ooa() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.Mark(); try { synpred2_ooa_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { Console.Error.WriteLine("impossible: "+re); } bool success = !state.failed; input.Rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed = false; return success; } public bool synpred1_ooa() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.Mark(); try { synpred1_ooa_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { Console.Error.WriteLine("impossible: "+re); } bool success = !state.failed; input.Rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed = false; return success; } public bool synpred3_ooa() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.Mark(); try { synpred3_ooa_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { Console.Error.WriteLine("impossible: "+re); } bool success = !state.failed; input.Rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed = false; return success; } protected DFA16 dfa16; private void InitializeCyclicDFAs() { this.dfa16 = new DFA16(this); } const string DFA16_eotS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x30\x01\x32\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x05\x2e\x01\x4e\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x51\x06\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\x5a\x03\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x62"+ "\x01\x2e\x01\x2d\x03\x2e\x02\uffff\x03\x2e\x01\x7d\x01\x7f\x01\u0081"+ "\x02\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\x2d\x01\x2e\x06\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\u0087\x0c"+ "\x2e\x01\u009b\x01\u009c\x01\x2e\x01\u009f\x01\x2e\x01\u00a2\x01"+ "\x2e\x02\uffff\x01\u00a5\x06\uffff\x07\x2e\x02\uffff\x06\x2e\x02"+ "\uffff\x04\x2e\x02\uffff\x04\x2e\x01\u00bd\x01\u00be\x01\u00bf\x04"+ "\x2e\x01\u00c4\x01\x2e\x01\u00c6\x02\x2e\x01\u00ca\x08\uffff\x01"+ "\u00cb\x01\uffff\x03\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\u00d0\x02\x2e\x01"+ "\u00d3\x07\x2e\x01\u00db\x02\x2e\x01\u00de\x01\u00e0\x01\x2e\x01"+ "\x68\x02\uffff\x01\u00e2\x01\u00e3\x01\uffff\x01\u00e4\x01\x2e\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x2e\x02\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\u00e8\x04\x2e\x01\u00ee\x06"+ "\x2e\x01\u00f5\x01\u00f6\x02\x2e\x01\u00f9\x01\x2e\x01\u00fb\x01"+ "\u00fc\x01\u00fd\x01\u00fe\x03\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\u0100\x02\x2e\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\u0104\x01\x2e\x03\uffff\x02\x2e\x01"+ "\u0108\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\u010c\x01\u010d\x04"+ "\x2e\x01\u0112\x01\uffff\x01\u0113\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x2e\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\u0116\x03\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\u0119\x01\uffff\x01\u011a"+ "\x01\u011b\x01\x2e\x01\u011d\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x04\x2e\x01\u0123"+ "\x01\u0124\x02\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x2e\x04\uffff\x01\x2e"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\u0129\x01\u012a\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\u012c\x01\x2e"+ "\x01\u012e\x01\uffff\x01\u012f\x02\x2e\x02\uffff\x04\x2e\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x2e\x01\u0137\x01\uffff\x02\x2e\x03\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\u013b\x01\x2e\x01\u013d\x01\x2e\x01\u013f\x02\uffff\x01\x2e"+ "\x01\u0141\x02\x2e\x02\uffff\x01\u0144\x01\uffff\x01\u0145\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x2e\x01\u0148\x01\u0149\x01\u014a\x01\u014b\x01\u014c\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\u014d\x01\u014e\x01\u014f\x01\uffff\x01\u0150\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\u0151\x01\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\u0153\x01\x2e\x02\uffff\x01"+ "\u0155\x01\x2e\x0a\uffff\x01\u0157\x01\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\u0159\x01\uffff\x01\u015a\x02\uffff"; const string DFA16_eofS = "\u015b\uffff"; const string DFA16_minS = "\x01\x09\x01\x5b\x01\x7c\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x62\x01\x73\x01"+ "\x65\x01\x66\x01\x65\x01\x2d\x01\uffff\x01\x2a\x06\uffff\x01\x61"+ "\x01\x6c\x01\x3e\x01\x61\x01\x69\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x5d\x01\x61"+ "\x01\x3e\x01\x65\x01\x62\x01\x65\x02\uffff\x01\x68\x01\x61\x01\x69"+ "\x01\x2d\x01\x3d\x01\x2a\x02\uffff\x01\x64\x01\x2b\x01\x6e\x06\uffff"+ "\x01\x67\x01\x6f\x01\x24\x01\x6f\x02\x74\x01\x64\x02\x61\x01\x70"+ "\x01\x61\x01\x73\x01\x6c\x01\x69\x01\x62\x02\x24\x01\x63\x01\x24"+ "\x01\x6e\x01\x24\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01\x3a\x06\uffff\x01\x61\x02"+ "\x72\x01\x6e\x01\x65\x01\x64\x01\x69\x02\uffff\x01\x6f\x01\x72\x02"+ "\x6c\x01\x73\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01\x70\x01\x72\x01\x64\x01\x6e\x02"+ "\uffff\x01\x77\x01\x6c\x01\x74\x01\x73\x03\x24\x01\x71\x01\x67\x01"+ "\x65\x01\x75\x01\x24\x01\x70\x01\x24\x01\x72\x01\x74\x01\x3e\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x02\x69\x01\x6c\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x24"+ "\x01\x69\x01\x6f\x01\x24\x02\x6c\x02\x61\x02\x74\x01\x66\x01\x24"+ "\x01\x70\x01\x73\x02\x24\x01\x73\x01\x24\x02\uffff\x02\x24\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x24\x01\x74\x01\uffff\x01\x69\x02\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x24\x01"+ "\x64\x01\x63\x01\x65\x01\x6d\x01\x24\x01\x73\x02\x61\x01\x73\x01"+ "\x6c\x01\x74\x02\x24\x01\x68\x01\x67\x01\x24\x01\x69\x04\x24\x03"+ "\uffff\x01\x75\x01\x24\x01\x6e\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x65\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x24\x01\x68\x03\uffff\x01\x6f\x01\x6e\x01\x24\x01\x74\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x6f\x01\x63\x01\uffff\x02\x24\x01\x63\x01\x64\x01\x69\x01\x65"+ "\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x24\x03\uffff\x01\x65\x01\x6f\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x02\x24\x01\x74"+ "\x01\x24\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x02\x74\x01\x6c\x01\x65\x02\x24\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x6f\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x6f\x04\uffff\x01\x69\x01\uffff\x02"+ "\x24\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x01\x6e\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x24"+ "\x01\x6e\x01\x6f\x02\uffff\x01\x65\x01\x79\x01\x63\x01\x6d\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x74\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x6e\x03\uffff\x01\x73\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x24\x01\x73\x01\x24\x01\x6c\x01\x24\x02\uffff\x01\x64"+ "\x01\x24\x01\x6e\x01\x72\x02\uffff\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x02"+ "\uffff\x01\x73\x01\x6e\x05\x24\x01\uffff\x03\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x24"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x01\x65\x02"+ "\uffff\x01\x24\x01\x73\x0a\uffff\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x73\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x24\x02\uffff"; const string DFA16_maxS = "\x01\x7d\x01\x5b\x01\x7c\x01\x6f\x01\uffff\x01\x75\x01\x76\x01"+ "\x79\x01\x6e\x01\x75\x01\x3e\x01\uffff\x01\x2f\x06\uffff\x01\x74"+ "\x01\x78\x01\x3e\x01\x6f\x02\x69\x01\uffff\x01\x5d\x01\x75\x01\x69"+ "\x01\x6f\x01\x72\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01\x79\x01\x61\x01\x69\x01\x3e"+ "\x01\x3d\x01\x2a\x02\uffff\x01\x64\x01\x69\x01\x6e\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x67\x01\x6f\x01\x7a\x01\x73\x02\x74\x01\x64\x02\x61\x01\x70\x01"+ "\x65\x01\x73\x01\x74\x01\x69\x01\x62\x02\x7a\x01\x63\x01\x7a\x01"+ "\x76\x01\x7a\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01\x3a\x06\uffff\x01\x61\x02\x72"+ "\x01\x6e\x01\x73\x01\x64\x01\x69\x02\uffff\x01\x6f\x01\x72\x02\x6c"+ "\x01\x73\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01\x70\x01\x74\x01\x64\x01\x6e\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x77\x01\x6c\x01\x74\x01\x73\x03\x7a\x01\x71\x01\x67\x01\x65"+ "\x01\x75\x01\x7a\x01\x70\x01\x7a\x01\x72\x01\x74\x01\x3e\x08\uffff"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x02\x69\x01\x6c\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x7a\x01"+ "\x69\x01\x6f\x01\x7a\x02\x6c\x02\x61\x02\x74\x01\x66\x01\x7a\x01"+ "\x70\x01\x73\x02\x7a\x01\x73\x01\x7a\x02\uffff\x02\x7a\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\x74\x01\uffff\x01\x69\x02\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x7a\x01"+ "\x64\x01\x73\x01\x65\x01\x6d\x01\x7a\x01\x73\x02\x61\x01\x73\x01"+ "\x6c\x01\x74\x02\x7a\x01\x68\x01\x67\x01\x7a\x01\x69\x04\x7a\x03"+ "\uffff\x01\x75\x01\x7a\x01\x6e\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x65\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\x68\x03\uffff\x01\x6f\x01\x6e\x01\x7a\x01\x74\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x6f\x01\x63\x01\uffff\x02\x7a\x01\x63\x01\x64\x01\x69\x01\x65"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x7a\x03\uffff\x01\x65\x01\x6f\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x02\x7a\x01\x74"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x02\x74\x01\x6c\x01\x65\x02\x7a\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x6f\x01\x65\x01\uffff\x01\x6f\x04\uffff\x01\x69\x01\uffff\x02"+ "\x7a\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\x6e\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x7a"+ "\x01\x6e\x01\x6f\x02\uffff\x01\x65\x01\x79\x01\x63\x01\x6d\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x74\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x6e\x03\uffff\x01\x73\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\x73\x01\x7a\x01\x6c\x01\x7a\x02\uffff\x01\x64"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\x6e\x01\x72\x02\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x02"+ "\uffff\x01\x73\x01\x6e\x05\x7a\x01\uffff\x03\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x7a"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x73\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\x65\x02"+ "\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\x73\x0a\uffff\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x73\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x7a\x02\uffff"; const string DFA16_acceptS = "\x04\uffff\x01\x04\x06\uffff\x01\x0b\x01\uffff\x01\x0d\x01\x0e"+ "\x01\x0f\x01\x16\x01\x17\x01\x19\x06\uffff\x01\x2b\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x38\x01\x3d\x06\uffff\x01\x58\x01\x5a\x03\uffff\x01\x72\x01\x73"+ "\x01\x01\x01\x14\x01\x02\x01\x39\x16\uffff\x01\x0a\x01\x12\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x67\x01\x6c\x01\x18\x01\x0c\x01\x36\x01\x4d\x07\uffff\x01\x48"+ "\x01\x21\x06\uffff\x01\x32\x01\x2c\x04\uffff\x01\x2e\x01\x71\x11"+ "\uffff\x01\x4a\x01\x69\x01\x6a\x01\x51\x01\x4f\x01\x4e\x01\x54\x01"+ "\x55\x01\uffff\x01\x62\x03\uffff\x01\x05\x13\uffff\x01\x27\x01\x26"+ "\x02\uffff\x01\x1e\x02\uffff\x01\x56\x01\uffff\x01\x66\x01\x6d\x17"+ "\uffff\x01\x34\x01\x35\x01\x4b\x04\uffff\x01\x42\x01\uffff\x01\x64"+ "\x02\uffff\x01\x47\x01\x52\x01\x5e\x04\uffff\x01\x4c\x02\uffff\x01"+ "\x46\x07\uffff\x01\x3c\x02\uffff\x01\x08\x01\uffff\x01\x28\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x09\x01\x68\x01\x50\x03\uffff\x01\x1c\x05\uffff\x01\x20\x06"+ "\uffff\x01\x61\x01\x2d\x02\uffff\x01\x53\x01\uffff\x01\x30\x01\x31"+ "\x01\x49\x01\x33\x01\uffff\x01\x6b\x03\uffff\x01\x44\x03\uffff\x01"+ "\x15\x03\uffff\x01\x06\x01\x1a\x04\uffff\x01\x3b\x01\x3f\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x5f\x02\uffff\x01\x1b\x01\x57\x01\x59\x01\uffff\x01\x1f\x05"+ "\uffff\x01\x29\x01\x2a\x04\uffff\x01\x40\x01\x41\x01\uffff\x01\x45"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\x10\x07\uffff\x01\x60\x03\uffff\x01\x5d\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x23\x01\uffff\x01\x25\x01\uffff\x01\x6e\x02\uffff\x01"+ "\x43\x01\x65\x02\uffff\x01\x3a\x01\x07\x01\x3e\x01\x1d\x01\x63\x01"+ "\x5b\x01\x5c\x01\x70\x01\x22\x01\x24\x01\uffff\x01\x6f\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x11\x01\uffff\x01\x2f\x01\uffff\x01\x13\x01\x37"; const string DFA16_specialS = "\u015b\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA16_transitionS = { "\x02\x0b\x01\uffff\x02\x0b\x12\uffff\x01\x0b\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x0f\x01\x0d\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x01\x0e\x01\x19\x01\x20"+ "\x01\x27\x01\x2b\x01\x12\x01\x1c\x01\x2d\x01\x0c\x0a\x2d\x01"+ "\x0a\x01\x21\x01\x25\x01\x15\x01\x26\x02\uffff\x1a\x2e\x01\x1a"+ "\x01\x29\x01\x02\x01\x28\x01\x2e\x01\uffff\x01\x05\x01\x03\x01"+ "\x13\x01\x09\x01\x14\x01\x16\x01\x2e\x01\x2a\x01\x08\x01\x2e"+ "\x01\x17\x01\x18\x01\x1b\x01\x1d\x01\x1e\x01\x2e\x01\x06\x01"+ "\x1f\x01\x07\x01\x22\x01\x2c\x01\x23\x01\x24\x03\x2e\x01\x10"+ "\x01\x01\x01\x11", "\x01\x2f", "\x01\x31", "\x01\x33\x09\uffff\x01\x34", "", "\x01\x36\x01\x37\x0a\uffff\x01\x39\x04\uffff\x01\x35\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x38", "\x01\x3c\x01\uffff\x01\x3b\x01\x3a", "\x01\x3f\x05\uffff\x01\x40\x08\uffff\x01\x3d\x01\x41\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x3e", "\x01\x43\x07\uffff\x01\x42", "\x01\x44\x03\uffff\x01\x46\x05\uffff\x01\x45\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x47\x01\x48", "\x01\x4d\x0c\uffff\x01\x49\x01\uffff\x01\x4c\x01\x4a\x01\x4b", "", "\x01\x4f\x04\uffff\x01\x50", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\x01\x54\x06\uffff\x01\x52\x06\uffff\x01\x55\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x53", "\x01\x56\x01\uffff\x01\x57\x09\uffff\x01\x58", "\x01\x59", "\x01\x5d\x0a\uffff\x01\x5b\x02\uffff\x01\x5c", "\x01\x5e", "\x01\x60\x03\uffff\x01\x5f", "", "\x01\x61", "\x01\x63\x03\uffff\x01\x64\x09\uffff\x01\x65\x05\uffff\x01"+ "\x66", "\x01\x67\x2a\uffff\x01\x68", "\x01\x69\x03\uffff\x01\x6a\x05\uffff\x01\x6b", "\x01\x6c\x01\uffff\x01\x6d\x01\uffff\x01\x6e\x0b\uffff\x01"+ "\x6f", "\x01\x70\x08\uffff\x01\x71", "", "", "\x01\x72\x03\uffff\x01\x76\x02\uffff\x01\x74\x02\uffff\x01"+ "\x73\x06\uffff\x01\x75", "\x01\x77", "\x01\x78", "\x01\x7b\x0c\uffff\x01\x7c\x02\uffff\x01\x79\x01\x7a", "\x01\x7e", "\x01\u0080", "", "", "\x01\u0082", "\x01\u0083\x3d\uffff\x01\x68", "\x01\u0084", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\x01\u0085", "\x01\u0086", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0088\x03\uffff\x01\u0089", "\x01\u008a", "\x01\u008b", "\x01\u008c", "\x01\u008d", "\x01\u008e", "\x01\u008f", "\x01\u0091\x03\uffff\x01\u0090", "\x01\u0092", "\x01\u0093\x07\uffff\x01\u0094", "\x01\u0095", "\x01\u0096", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x02\x2e\x01\u0097\x01\u0099\x01\x2e\x01\u009a"+ "\x0d\x2e\x01\u0098\x06\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u009d", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x0c\x2e\x01\u009e\x0d\x2e", "\x01\u00a1\x07\uffff\x01\u00a0", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00a3", "", "", "\x01\u00a4", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\x01\u00a6", "\x01\u00a7", "\x01\u00a8", "\x01\u00a9", "\x01\u00ab\x0d\uffff\x01\u00aa", "\x01\u00ac", "\x01\u00ad", "", "", "\x01\u00ae", "\x01\u00af", "\x01\u00b0", "\x01\u00b1", "\x01\u00b2", "\x01\u00b3", "", "", "\x01\u00b4", "\x01\u00b6\x01\uffff\x01\u00b5", "\x01\u00b7", "\x01\u00b8", "", "", "\x01\u00b9", "\x01\u00ba", "\x01\u00bb", "\x01\u00bc", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00c0", "\x01\u00c1", "\x01\u00c2", "\x01\u00c3", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00c5", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00c7", "\x01\u00c8", "\x01\u00c9", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\u00cc", "\x01\u00cd", "\x01\u00ce", "", "\x01\u00cf", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00d1", "\x01\u00d2", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00d4", "\x01\u00d5", "\x01\u00d6", "\x01\u00d7", "\x01\u00d8", "\x01\u00d9", "\x01\u00da", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00dc", "\x01\u00dd", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x04\x2e\x01\u00df\x15\x2e", "\x01\u00e1", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00e5", "", "\x01\u00e6", "", "", "\x01\u00e7", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00e9", "\x01\u00ea\x0f\uffff\x01\u00eb", "\x01\u00ec", "\x01\u00ed", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00ef", "\x01\u00f0", "\x01\u00f1", "\x01\u00f2", "\x01\u00f3", "\x01\u00f4", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00f7", "\x01\u00f8", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u00fa", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "", "\x01\u00ff", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0101", "\x01\u0102", "", "\x01\u0103", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0105", "", "", "", "\x01\u0106", "\x01\u0107", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0109", "", "\x01\u010a", "\x01\u010b", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u010e", "\x01\u010f", "\x01\u0110", "\x01\u0111", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0114", "", "\x01\u0115", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "", "\x01\u0117", "\x01\u0118", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u011c", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u011e", "", "\x01\u011f", "\x01\u0120", "\x01\u0121", "\x01\u0122", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "\x01\u0125", "\x01\u0126", "", "\x01\u0127", "", "", "", "", "\x01\u0128", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u012b", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u012d", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0130", "\x01\u0131", "", "", "\x01\u0132", "\x01\u0133", "\x01\u0134", "\x01\u0135", "", "", "\x01\u0136", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\u0138", "\x01\u0139", "", "", "", "\x01\u013a", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u013c", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u013e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "\x01\u0140", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0142", "\x01\u0143", "", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "", "\x01\u0146", "\x01\u0147", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\u0152", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0154", "", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "\x01\u0156", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\u0158", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "\x01\x2e\x0b\uffff\x0a\x2e\x07\uffff\x1a\x2e\x04\uffff\x01"+ "\x2e\x01\uffff\x1a\x2e", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA16_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA16_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA16_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA16_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA16_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_minS); static readonly char[] DFA16_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA16_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA16_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA16_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA16_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA16_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA16_transitionS); protected class DFA16 : DFA { public DFA16(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 16; this.eot = DFA16_eot; this.eof = DFA16_eof; this.min = DFA16_min; this.max = DFA16_max; this.accept = DFA16_accept; this.special = DFA16_special; this.transition = DFA16_transition; } override public string Description { get { return "1:1: Tokens : ( T__117 | T__118 | T__119 | T__120 | T__121 | T__122 | T__123 | T__124 | T__125 | T__126 | T_WS | T_COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | T_PRIMED | T_STRINGLITERAL | T_ABORT | T_ACTIONS | T_ASSIGNMENT | T_AUTOCONS | T_BAR | T_BOOL | T_CBRL | T_CBRR | T_COLON | T_COMMA | T_CONT | T_CHAR | T_CTRL | T_SYSTEM | T_DO | T_ELSE | T_END | T_EQUAL | T_EXISTS | T_FLOAT | T_FORALL | T_FALSE | T_IF | T_IN | T_INT | T_KILL | T_LIST | T_LPAREN | T_LSQPAREN | T_MAP | T_MAPS | T_METHODS | T_NEW | T_NIL | T_NONDET | T_OBS | T_OD | T_OF | T_PRIO | T_REQUIRES | T_RPAREN | T_RSQPAREN | T_QUANTITY | T_SELF | T_SET | T_SEMICOLON | T_STATIC | T_SKIP | T_THEN | T_TRUE | T_TO | T_TYPES | T_VAR | T_WITH | T_AND | T_BIIMPLIES | T_IMPLIES | T_NOT | T_NOTEQUAL | T_OR | T_ABS | T_DIV | T_GREATER | T_GREATEREQUAL | T_IDIV | T_LESS | T_LESSEQUAL | T_MOD | T_POW | T_PROD | T_DERIV | T_CARD | T_CONC | T_DCONC | T_DIFF | T_DINTER | T_DUNION | T_ELEMS | T_HEAD | T_INDS | T_INTER | T_LEN | T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE | T_SUBSET | T_TAIL | T_UNION | T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL | T_DOM | T_DOMRESBY | T_DOMRESTO | T_RNG | T_RNGRESBY | T_RNGRESTO | T_MERGE | T_MUNION | T_CONSTS | T_INFTY | FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE | T_IDENTIFIER );"; } } } } }