// $ANTLR 3.2 Sep 23, 2009 12:02:23 C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g 2011-02-10 11:21:04 #define ANTLR_DEBUG // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used. #pragma warning disable 168, 219 // Unreachable code detected. #pragma warning disable 162 /* Ulysses OO-Action System Parser Copyright Willibald Krenn 2009 */ using System; using Antlr.Runtime; using IList = System.Collections.IList; using ArrayList = System.Collections.ArrayList; using Stack = Antlr.Runtime.Collections.StackList; using Antlr.Runtime.Debug; using IOException = System.IO.IOException; namespace TUG.Mogentes { public partial class ooaParser : DebugParser { public static readonly string[] tokenNames = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "T_CONSTS", "T_TYPES", "T_SYSTEM", "T_SEMICOLON", "T_IDENTIFIER", "T_EQUAL", "T_PRIO", "T_NONDET", "T_LPAREN", "T_RPAREN", "T_LIST", "T_LSQPAREN", "T_INTNUMBER", "T_RSQPAREN", "T_OF", "T_COMMA", "T_MAP", "T_TO", "T_QUANTITY", "T_MINUS", "T_INFTY", "T_BOOL", "T_INT", "T_RANGETO", "T_FLOAT", "T_FLOATNUMBER", "T_CHAR", "T_CBRL", "T_CBRR", "T_AUTOCONS", "T_VAR", "T_METHODS", "T_ACTIONS", "T_DO", "T_OD", "T_STATIC", "T_OBS", "T_CTRL", "T_COLON", "T_END", "T_CONT", "T_REQUIRES", "T_DERIV", "T_SUM", "T_DIFF", "T_PROD", "T_FOLDLR", "T_FOLDRL", "T_SKIP", "T_ABORT", "T_KILL", "T_SELF", "T_ASSIGNMENT", "T_WITH", "T_BIIMPLIES", "T_GREATER", "T_GREATEREQUAL", "T_LESS", "T_LESSEQUAL", "T_NOTEQUAL", "T_IMPLIES", "T_IN", "T_SET", "T_NOT", "T_SUBSET", "T_OR", "T_DIV", "T_IDIV", "T_MOD", "T_UNION", "T_INTER", "T_AND", "T_POW", "T_CONC", "T_DOMRESBY", "T_DOMRESTO", "T_RNGRESBY", "T_RNGRESTO", "T_MUNION", "T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE", "T_POINT", "T_IF", "T_THEN", "T_ELSE", "T_FORALL", "T_EXISTS", "T_TRUE", "T_FALSE", "T_NIL", "T_STRINGLITERAL", "T_NEW", "T_BAR", "T_MAPS", "T_PRIMED", "T_ABS", "T_CARD", "T_DCONC", "T_DINTER", "T_DUNION", "T_ELEMS", "T_HEAD", "T_INDS", "T_LEN", "T_TAIL", "T_DOM", "T_RNG", "T_MERGE", "T_WS", "T_COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "T_DIGIT", "FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE", "T_LETTER", "'|['", "']|'", "'begin'", "'&'", "'as'", "'qval'", "'steady'", "'inc'", "'dec'", "'::'" }; public const int T_FLOATNUMBER = 29; public const int T_SYSTEM = 6; public const int T_ELSE = 87; public const int T_LPAREN = 12; public const int T_DUNION = 102; public const int T_BOOL = 25; public const int T_METHODS = 35; public const int T_INDS = 105; public const int T_OR = 69; public const int EOF = -1; public const int T_OD = 38; public const int T_AND = 75; public const int T_OF = 18; public const int T_STRINGLITERAL = 93; public const int T_SET = 66; public const int T_SKIP = 52; public const int T_WITH = 57; public const int T_DOM = 108; public const int T_WS = 111; public const int T_VAR = 34; public const int T_SUM = 47; public const int T_REQUIRES = 45; public const int T_DINTER = 101; public const int T_HEAD = 104; public const int T_AUTOCONS = 33; public const int T_END = 43; public const int T_TRUE = 90; public const int T_LSQPAREN = 15; public const int T_PRIMED = 97; public const int T_MAPS = 96; public const int T_NIL = 92; public const int T_INFTY = 24; public const int T_IF = 85; public const int LINE_COMMENT = 113; public const int T_THEN = 86; public const int T_FLOAT = 28; public const int T_TAIL = 107; public const int T_SELF = 55; public const int T_MERGE = 110; public const int T_DIFF = 48; public const int T_FOLDRL = 51; public const int T_QUANTITY = 22; public const int T_IN = 65; public const int T_MUNION = 82; public const int T__126 = 126; public const int T__125 = 125; public const int T_INTER = 74; public const int T_SEMICOLON = 7; public const int T_FOLDLR = 50; public const int T_CARD = 99; public const int T_FALSE = 91; public const int T_CONT = 44; public const int T_SUBSET = 68; public const int T_COMMA = 19; public const int T_RANGETO = 27; public const int T_MINUS = 23; public const int T_CONC = 77; public const int T_IDIV = 71; public const int T_FORALL = 88; public const int T_DERIV = 46; public const int T_CONSTS = 4; public const int T_TYPES = 5; public const int T_GREATEREQUAL = 60; public const int T__118 = 118; public const int T_RNG = 109; public const int T__119 = 119; public const int T_MOD = 72; public const int T__117 = 117; public const int T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE = 83; public const int T__124 = 124; public const int T__123 = 123; public const int T_ELEMS = 103; public const int T__122 = 122; public const int T__121 = 121; public const int T_IMPLIES = 64; public const int T__120 = 120; public const int T_EXISTS = 89; public const int T_POW = 76; public const int T_COMMENT = 112; public const int T_RPAREN = 13; public const int T_PRIO = 10; public const int T_RNGRESBY = 80; public const int T_ABS = 98; public const int T_DIV = 70; public const int T_LIST = 14; public const int T_CBRL = 31; public const int T_DCONC = 100; public const int T_ABORT = 53; public const int T_CHAR = 30; public const int T_POINT = 84; public const int T_STATIC = 39; public const int T_CBRR = 32; public const int T_INT = 26; public const int T_COLON = 42; public const int T_PROD = 49; public const int T_ACTIONS = 36; public const int T_DIGIT = 114; public const int T_LESS = 61; public const int T_BAR = 95; public const int T_TO = 21; public const int T_NONDET = 11; public const int T_DOMRESBY = 78; public const int T_DOMRESTO = 79; public const int T_EQUAL = 9; public const int T_GREATER = 59; public const int T_KILL = 54; public const int T_RNGRESTO = 81; public const int T_RSQPAREN = 17; public const int T_NEW = 94; public const int T_INTNUMBER = 16; public const int T_UNION = 73; public const int T_OBS = 40; public const int T_BIIMPLIES = 58; public const int T_NOTEQUAL = 63; public const int T_IDENTIFIER = 8; public const int T_DO = 37; public const int FLOAT_OR_INT_OR_RANGE = 115; public const int T_LEN = 106; public const int T_NOT = 67; public const int T_ASSIGNMENT = 56; public const int T_LETTER = 116; public const int T_MAP = 20; public const int T_LESSEQUAL = 62; public const int T_CTRL = 41; // delegates // delegators public static readonly string[] ruleNames = new string[] { "invalidRule", "statement", "op_un_set_list", "actionBodyParallel", "atomExpression", "initializedListType", "anonymousAction", "asTypeCompositionParallel", "actionBodySequential", "listComprehension", "methodCallParams", "constant", "qvalExpression", "namedTypeList", "map", "namedConst", "initializedSetType", "qualifiedIdentifier", "op_un", "actionBlockParen", "ooActionSystems", "blockvarlist", "setComprehension", "binoperator", "asTypeCompositionBlockParen", "localActionVars", "simpleType", "namedAction", "identifierExpression", "asTypeComposition", "expression", "reference", "namedActionList", "ooActionSystem", "actionBlockParallel", "complexType", "actionBody", "attrList", "initializedComplexType", "continuousActionBody", "methodParameterList", "methodList", "qualConstraint", "namedConstList", "actionBlock", "actionBlockSequential", "initializedSet", "accessExpression", "asTypeCompositionSequential", "method", "namedType", "actionBodyParen", "discreteActionBody", "quantifierExpression", "attr", "op_un_map", "blockvar", "anonymousOrNamedAction", "qualConstraintList" }; private int ruleLevel = 0; public int RuleLevel { get { return ruleLevel; } } public void IncRuleLevel() { ruleLevel++; } public void DecRuleLevel() { ruleLevel--; } public ooaParser(ITokenStream input) : this(input, DebugEventSocketProxy.DEFAULT_DEBUGGER_PORT, new RecognizerSharedState()) { } public ooaParser(ITokenStream input, int port, RecognizerSharedState state) : base(input, state) { DebugEventSocketProxy dbg = new DebugEventSocketProxy(this, port, null);DebugListener = dbg; try { dbg.Handshake(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ReportError(ioe); } InitializeCyclicDFAs(dbg); } public ooaParser(ITokenStream input, IDebugEventListener dbg) : base(input, dbg, new RecognizerSharedState()) { InitializeCyclicDFAs(dbg); } protected bool EvalPredicate(bool result, string predicate) { dbg.SemanticPredicate(result, predicate); return result; } override public string[] TokenNames { get { return ooaParser.tokenNames; } } override public string GrammarFileName { get { return "C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g"; } } // $ANTLR start "ooActionSystems" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:135:1: ooActionSystems : ( T_CONSTS namedConstList )? T_TYPES namedTypeList T_SYSTEM comp= asTypeComposition[null] ; public void ooActionSystems() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IdentifierList comp = default(IdentifierList); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "ooActionSystems"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(135, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:136:2: ( ( T_CONSTS namedConstList )? T_TYPES namedTypeList T_SYSTEM comp= asTypeComposition[null] ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:136:4: ( T_CONSTS namedConstList )? T_TYPES namedTypeList T_SYSTEM comp= asTypeComposition[null] { dbg.Location(136,4); initializeTopLevelParserState(); dbg.Location(138,11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:138:11: ( T_CONSTS namedConstList )? int alt1 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(1); try { dbg.EnterDecision(1); int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA1_0 == T_CONSTS) ) { alt1 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(1); } switch (alt1) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:138:12: T_CONSTS namedConstList { dbg.Location(138,12); Match(input,T_CONSTS,FOLLOW_T_CONSTS_in_ooActionSystems93); dbg.Location(138,21); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedConstList_in_ooActionSystems95); namedConstList(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(1); } dbg.Location(140,4); Match(input,T_TYPES,FOLLOW_T_TYPES_in_ooActionSystems105); dbg.Location(141,6); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedTypeList_in_ooActionSystems113); namedTypeList(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(142,4); Match(input,T_SYSTEM,FOLLOW_T_SYSTEM_in_ooActionSystems118); dbg.Location(143,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeComposition_in_ooActionSystems125); comp = asTypeComposition(null); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(144,4); fixUpRun(comp); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(145, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "ooActionSystems"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "ooActionSystems" // $ANTLR start "namedConstList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:153:1: namedConstList : namedConst ( T_SEMICOLON namedConst )* ; public void namedConstList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedConstList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(153, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:154:2: ( namedConst ( T_SEMICOLON namedConst )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:154:4: namedConst ( T_SEMICOLON namedConst )* { dbg.Location(154,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedConst_in_namedConstList148); namedConst(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(154,15); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:154:15: ( T_SEMICOLON namedConst )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(2); do { int alt2 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(2); int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt2 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(2); } switch (alt2) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:154:16: T_SEMICOLON namedConst { dbg.Location(154,16); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedConstList151); dbg.Location(154,28); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedConst_in_namedConstList153); namedConst(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop2; } } while (true); loop2: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop2' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(2); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(155, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedConstList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedConstList" // $ANTLR start "namedConst" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:157:1: namedConst : aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL anExpr= expression ; public void namedConst() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken aName = null; Expression anExpr = default(Expression); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedConst"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(157, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:158:2: (aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL anExpr= expression ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:158:4: aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL anExpr= expression { dbg.Location(158,9); aName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedConst169); dbg.Location(159,3); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedConst173); dbg.Location(160,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_namedConst179); anExpr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(161,3); addNamedConst(aName,anExpr); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(162, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedConst"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedConst" // $ANTLR start "namedTypeList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:168:1: namedTypeList : namedType ( T_SEMICOLON namedType )* ; public void namedTypeList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedTypeList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(168, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:169:2: ( namedType ( T_SEMICOLON namedType )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:169:4: namedType ( T_SEMICOLON namedType )* { dbg.Location(169,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedType_in_namedTypeList199); namedType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(169,14); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:169:14: ( T_SEMICOLON namedType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(3); do { int alt3 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(3); int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt3 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(3); } switch (alt3) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:169:15: T_SEMICOLON namedType { dbg.Location(169,15); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedTypeList202); dbg.Location(169,27); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedType_in_namedTypeList204); namedType(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop3; } } while (true); loop3: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop3' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(3); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(170, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedTypeList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedTypeList" // $ANTLR start "namedType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:172:1: namedType : aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL (aType= complexType | anOoaType= ooActionSystem ) ; public void namedType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken aName = null; UlyssesType aType = default(UlyssesType); OoActionSystemType anOoaType = default(OoActionSystemType); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(172, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:173:2: (aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL (aType= complexType | anOoaType= ooActionSystem ) ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:173:4: aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL (aType= complexType | anOoaType= ooActionSystem ) { dbg.Location(173,9); aName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedType220); dbg.Location(174,3); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedType225); dbg.Location(175,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:175:3: (aType= complexType | anOoaType= ooActionSystem ) int alt4 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(4); try { dbg.EnterDecision(4); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt4 = dfa4.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(4); } switch (alt4) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:176:4: aType= complexType { dbg.Location(176,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_namedType237); aType = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(176,24); createNamedType(aName,aType); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:177:5: anOoaType= ooActionSystem { dbg.Location(177,14); PushFollow(FOLLOW_ooActionSystem_in_namedType249); anOoaType = ooActionSystem(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(177,30); createNamedType(aName,anOoaType); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(4); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(180, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedType" // $ANTLR start "asTypeComposition" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:183:1: asTypeComposition[IdentifierList top] returns [IdentifierList prioList] : asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] )* ; public IdentifierList asTypeComposition(IdentifierList top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IdentifierList prioList = default(IdentifierList); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeComposition"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(183, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:185:2: ( asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:185:6: asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] )* { dbg.Location(185,6); prioList = new PrioIdentifierList(top); dbg.Location(186,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionParallel_in_asTypeComposition285); asTypeCompositionParallel(prioList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(186,40); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:186:40: ( T_PRIO asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(5); do { int alt5 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(5); int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0 == T_PRIO) ) { alt5 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(5); } switch (alt5) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:186:41: T_PRIO asTypeCompositionParallel[prioList] { dbg.Location(186,41); Match(input,T_PRIO,FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_asTypeComposition290); dbg.Location(186,48); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionParallel_in_asTypeComposition292); asTypeCompositionParallel(prioList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop5; } } while (true); loop5: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop5' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(5); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(187, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeComposition"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return prioList; } // $ANTLR end "asTypeComposition" // $ANTLR start "asTypeCompositionParallel" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:189:1: asTypeCompositionParallel[IdentifierList top] : asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] )* ; public void asTypeCompositionParallel(IdentifierList top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionParallel"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(189, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:190:2: ( asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:190:6: asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] )* { dbg.Location(190,6); IdentifierList parList = new NondetIdentifierList(top); dbg.Location(191,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionSequential_in_asTypeCompositionParallel315); asTypeCompositionSequential(parList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(191,40); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:191:40: ( T_NONDET asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(6); do { int alt6 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(6); int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0 == T_NONDET) ) { alt6 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(6); } switch (alt6) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:191:41: T_NONDET asTypeCompositionSequential[parList] { dbg.Location(191,41); Match(input,T_NONDET,FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_asTypeCompositionParallel319); dbg.Location(191,50); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionSequential_in_asTypeCompositionParallel321); asTypeCompositionSequential(parList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop6; } } while (true); loop6: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop6' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(6); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(192, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionParallel"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "asTypeCompositionParallel" // $ANTLR start "asTypeCompositionSequential" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:194:1: asTypeCompositionSequential[IdentifierList top] : asTypeCompositionBlockParen[seqList] ; public void asTypeCompositionSequential(IdentifierList top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionSequential"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(194, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:195:2: ( asTypeCompositionBlockParen[seqList] ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:195:6: asTypeCompositionBlockParen[seqList] { dbg.Location(195,6); IdentifierList seqList = new SeqIdentifierList(top); dbg.Location(196,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionBlockParen_in_asTypeCompositionSequential343); asTypeCompositionBlockParen(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(197, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionSequential"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "asTypeCompositionSequential" // $ANTLR start "asTypeCompositionBlockParen" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:199:1: asTypeCompositionBlockParen[IdentifierList top] : ( T_LPAREN asTypeComposition[top] T_RPAREN | aName= T_IDENTIFIER ); public void asTypeCompositionBlockParen(IdentifierList top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken aName = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionBlockParen"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(199, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:200:2: ( T_LPAREN asTypeComposition[top] T_RPAREN | aName= T_IDENTIFIER ) int alt7 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(7); int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt7 = 1; } else if ( (LA7_0 == T_IDENTIFIER) ) { alt7 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d7s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d7s0); throw nvae_d7s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(7); } switch (alt7) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:200:4: T_LPAREN asTypeComposition[top] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(200,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen358); dbg.Location(200,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_asTypeComposition_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen360); asTypeComposition(top); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(200,36); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen363); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:201:4: aName= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(201,9); aName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen370); dbg.Location(201,23); addToIdentifierList(top,aName); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(202, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "asTypeCompositionBlockParen"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "asTypeCompositionBlockParen" // $ANTLR start "complexType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:209:1: complexType returns [UlyssesType aTypeSymbol] : ( T_LIST T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN T_OF innertype= complexType | T_LSQPAREN alistelem= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER )* T_RSQPAREN | T_MAP ( T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN )? mapfromtype= simpleType T_TO maptotype= complexType | T_QUANTITY T_OF T_LSQPAREN (alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY ) ( T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) )* T_RSQPAREN | T_LPAREN aType= complexType ( T_COMMA anotherType= complexType )* T_RPAREN | r= simpleType ); public UlyssesType complexType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { UlyssesType aTypeSymbol = default(UlyssesType); IToken numOfElements = null; IToken alistelem = null; IToken otherlistelem = null; IToken alandmark = null; IToken otherlandmark = null; UlyssesType innertype = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType mapfromtype = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType maptotype = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType aType = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType anotherType = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType r = default(UlyssesType); aTypeSymbol = null; alandmark = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "complexType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(209, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:215:2: ( T_LIST T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN T_OF innertype= complexType | T_LSQPAREN alistelem= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER )* T_RSQPAREN | T_MAP ( T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN )? mapfromtype= simpleType T_TO maptotype= complexType | T_QUANTITY T_OF T_LSQPAREN (alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY ) ( T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) )* T_RSQPAREN | T_LPAREN aType= complexType ( T_COMMA anotherType= complexType )* T_RPAREN | r= simpleType ) int alt14 = 6; try { dbg.EnterDecision(14); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt14 = dfa14.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(14); } switch (alt14) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:215:4: T_LIST T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN T_OF innertype= complexType { dbg.Location(215,4); Match(input,T_LIST,FOLLOW_T_LIST_in_complexType401); dbg.Location(215,12); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType404); dbg.Location(215,36); numOfElements = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INTNUMBER ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(215,64); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType414); dbg.Location(215,75); Match(input,T_OF,FOLLOW_T_OF_in_complexType416); dbg.Location(215,90); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType421); innertype = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(216,4); aTypeSymbol = createListType(numOfElements,innertype); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:219:4: T_LSQPAREN alistelem= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER )* T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(219,4); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType436); dbg.Location(219,24); alistelem=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType440); dbg.Location(219,38); aTypeSymbol = createListEnumType(alistelem); dbg.Location(220,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:220:4: ( T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(8); do { int alt8 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(8); int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt8 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(8); } switch (alt8) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:220:5: T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(220,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType449); dbg.Location(220,26); otherlistelem=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType453); dbg.Location(220,40); addToListEnumType(aTypeSymbol,otherlistelem); } break; default: goto loop8; } } while (true); loop8: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop8' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(8); } dbg.Location(220,90); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType459); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:223:4: T_MAP ( T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN )? mapfromtype= simpleType T_TO maptotype= complexType { dbg.Location(223,4); Match(input,T_MAP,FOLLOW_T_MAP_in_complexType469); dbg.Location(223,12); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:223:12: ( T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN )? int alt9 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(9); try { dbg.EnterDecision(9); int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0 == T_LSQPAREN) ) { alt9 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(9); } switch (alt9) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:223:13: T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(223,13); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType474); dbg.Location(223,37); numOfElements = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INTNUMBER ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(223,65); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType484); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(9); } dbg.Location(223,89); PushFollow(FOLLOW_simpleType_in_complexType490); mapfromtype = simpleType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(223,101); Match(input,T_TO,FOLLOW_T_TO_in_complexType492); dbg.Location(223,115); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType496); maptotype = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(224,4); aTypeSymbol = createMapType(numOfElements,mapfromtype,maptotype); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:226:4: T_QUANTITY T_OF T_LSQPAREN (alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY ) ( T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) )* T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(226,4); Match(input,T_QUANTITY,FOLLOW_T_QUANTITY_in_complexType510); dbg.Location(226,15); Match(input,T_OF,FOLLOW_T_OF_in_complexType512); dbg.Location(226,20); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType514); dbg.Location(226,31); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:226:31: (alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY ) int alt10 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(10); try { dbg.EnterDecision(10); int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0 == T_IDENTIFIER) ) { alt10 = 1; } else if ( (LA10_0 == T_MINUS) ) { alt10 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d10s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 10, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d10s0); throw nvae_d10s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(10); } switch (alt10) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:226:32: alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(226,41); alandmark=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType519); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:226:56: alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY { dbg.Location(226,65); alandmark=(IToken)Match(input,T_MINUS,FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_complexType524); dbg.Location(226,74); Match(input,T_INFTY,FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_complexType526); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(10); } dbg.Location(226,83); aTypeSymbol = createQrType(alandmark); dbg.Location(227,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:227:4: ( T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(12); do { int alt12 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(12); int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA12_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt12 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(12); } switch (alt12) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:227:5: T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) { dbg.Location(227,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType536); dbg.Location(227,13); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:227:13: (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) int alt11 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(11); try { dbg.EnterDecision(11); int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0 == T_IDENTIFIER) ) { alt11 = 1; } else if ( (LA11_0 == T_INFTY) ) { alt11 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d11s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d11s0); throw nvae_d11s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(11); } switch (alt11) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:227:14: otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(227,27); otherlandmark=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType541); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:227:41: otherlandmark= T_INFTY { dbg.Location(227,54); otherlandmark=(IToken)Match(input,T_INFTY,FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_complexType545); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(11); } dbg.Location(227,64); addToQrType(aTypeSymbol,otherlandmark); } break; default: goto loop12; } } while (true); loop12: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop12' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(12); } dbg.Location(227,108); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType552); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:229:5: T_LPAREN aType= complexType ( T_COMMA anotherType= complexType )* T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(229,5); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_complexType562); dbg.Location(229,19); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType566); aType = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(229,32); aTypeSymbol = createTupleType(aType); dbg.Location(230,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:230:4: ( T_COMMA anotherType= complexType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(13); do { int alt13 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(13); int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt13 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(13); } switch (alt13) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:230:5: T_COMMA anotherType= complexType { dbg.Location(230,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType575); dbg.Location(230,24); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType579); anotherType = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(230,37); addToTupleType(aTypeSymbol,anotherType); } break; default: goto loop13; } } while (true); loop13: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop13' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(13); } dbg.Location(230,83); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_complexType586); } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:233:4: r= simpleType { dbg.Location(233,5); PushFollow(FOLLOW_simpleType_in_complexType599); r = simpleType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(233,17); aTypeSymbol = r; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { fixupComplexType(aTypeSymbol); } dbg.Location(234, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "complexType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return aTypeSymbol; } // $ANTLR end "complexType" // $ANTLR start "simpleType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:239:1: simpleType returns [UlyssesType aTypeSymbol] : ( T_BOOL | T_INT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN | T_FLOAT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN | T_CHAR | T_CBRL aRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL optVal= T_INTNUMBER )? ( T_COMMA otherRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? )* T_CBRR | aType= T_IDENTIFIER ); public UlyssesType simpleType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { UlyssesType aTypeSymbol = default(UlyssesType); IToken rangeLow = null; IToken rangeHigh = null; IToken aRangeValue = null; IToken optVal = null; IToken otherRangeValue = null; IToken otherOptVal = null; IToken aType = null; aTypeSymbol = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "simpleType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(239, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:244:2: ( T_BOOL | T_INT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN | T_FLOAT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN | T_CHAR | T_CBRL aRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL optVal= T_INTNUMBER )? ( T_COMMA otherRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? )* T_CBRR | aType= T_IDENTIFIER ) int alt18 = 6; try { dbg.EnterDecision(18); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_BOOL: { alt18 = 1; } break; case T_INT: { alt18 = 2; } break; case T_FLOAT: { alt18 = 3; } break; case T_CHAR: { alt18 = 4; } break; case T_CBRL: { alt18 = 5; } break; case T_IDENTIFIER: { alt18 = 6; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d18s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 18, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d18s0); throw nvae_d18s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(18); } switch (alt18) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:244:4: T_BOOL { dbg.Location(244,4); Match(input,T_BOOL,FOLLOW_T_BOOL_in_simpleType632); dbg.Location(244,12); aTypeSymbol = createBoolType(); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:247:4: T_INT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(247,4); Match(input,T_INT,FOLLOW_T_INT_in_simpleType645); dbg.Location(247,10); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_simpleType647); dbg.Location(247,29); rangeLow = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INTNUMBER || input.LA(1) == T_INFTY ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(247,65); Match(input,T_RANGETO,FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_simpleType659); dbg.Location(247,84); rangeHigh = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INTNUMBER || input.LA(1) == T_INFTY ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(247,120); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_simpleType671); dbg.Location(248,4); aTypeSymbol = createIntType(rangeLow,rangeHigh); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:251:4: T_FLOAT T_LSQPAREN rangeLow= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RANGETO rangeHigh= ( T_FLOATNUMBER | T_INFTY | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(251,4); Match(input,T_FLOAT,FOLLOW_T_FLOAT_in_simpleType690); dbg.Location(251,13); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_simpleType693); dbg.Location(251,32); rangeLow = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INFTY || input.LA(1) == T_FLOATNUMBER ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(251,70); Match(input,T_RANGETO,FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_simpleType705); dbg.Location(251,89); rangeHigh = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_INFTY || input.LA(1) == T_FLOATNUMBER ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(251,127); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_simpleType717); dbg.Location(252,4); aTypeSymbol = createFloatType(rangeLow,rangeHigh); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:255:4: T_CHAR { dbg.Location(255,4); Match(input,T_CHAR,FOLLOW_T_CHAR_in_simpleType735); dbg.Location(255,11); aTypeSymbol = createCharType(); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:259:4: T_CBRL aRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL optVal= T_INTNUMBER )? ( T_COMMA otherRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? )* T_CBRR { dbg.Location(259,4); Match(input,T_CBRL,FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_simpleType751); dbg.Location(259,22); aRangeValue=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType755); dbg.Location(259,36); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:259:36: ( T_EQUAL optVal= T_INTNUMBER )? int alt15 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(15); try { dbg.EnterDecision(15); int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0 == T_EQUAL) ) { alt15 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(15); } switch (alt15) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:259:37: T_EQUAL optVal= T_INTNUMBER { dbg.Location(259,37); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_simpleType758); dbg.Location(259,51); optVal=(IToken)Match(input,T_INTNUMBER,FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_simpleType762); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(15); } dbg.Location(259,66); aTypeSymbol = createEnumType(aRangeValue, optVal); dbg.Location(260,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:260:4: ( T_COMMA otherRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(17); do { int alt17 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(17); int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt17 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(17); } switch (alt17) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:260:5: T_COMMA otherRangeValue= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? { dbg.Location(260,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_simpleType773); dbg.Location(260,28); otherRangeValue=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType777); dbg.Location(260,42); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:260:42: ( T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER )? int alt16 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(16); try { dbg.EnterDecision(16); int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA16_0 == T_EQUAL) ) { alt16 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(16); } switch (alt16) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:260:43: T_EQUAL otherOptVal= T_INTNUMBER { dbg.Location(260,43); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_simpleType780); dbg.Location(260,62); otherOptVal=(IToken)Match(input,T_INTNUMBER,FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_simpleType784); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(16); } dbg.Location(260,77); addToEnumType(aTypeSymbol,otherRangeValue,otherOptVal); otherOptVal=null; } break; default: goto loop17; } } while (true); loop17: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop17' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(17); } dbg.Location(260,155); Match(input,T_CBRR,FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_simpleType792); } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:262:4: aType= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(262,9); aType=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType803); dbg.Location(262,23); aTypeSymbol = getNamedType(aType); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { fixupSimpleType(aTypeSymbol); } dbg.Location(263, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "simpleType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return aTypeSymbol; } // $ANTLR end "simpleType" // $ANTLR start "ooActionSystem" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:272:1: ooActionSystem returns [OoActionSystemType aTypeSymbol] : ( T_AUTOCONS )? T_SYSTEM ( T_LPAREN refinesSystemName= T_IDENTIFIER T_RPAREN )? '|[' ( T_VAR attrList )? ( T_METHODS methodList )? ( T_ACTIONS namedActionList )? ( T_DO (bl= actionBlock[null] )? T_OD )? ']|' ; public OoActionSystemType ooActionSystem() // throws RecognitionException [1] { OoActionSystemType aTypeSymbol = default(OoActionSystemType); IToken refinesSystemName = null; Block bl = default(Block); bool autoCons = false; aTypeSymbol = null; refinesSystemName = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "ooActionSystem"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(272, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:279:2: ( ( T_AUTOCONS )? T_SYSTEM ( T_LPAREN refinesSystemName= T_IDENTIFIER T_RPAREN )? '|[' ( T_VAR attrList )? ( T_METHODS methodList )? ( T_ACTIONS namedActionList )? ( T_DO (bl= actionBlock[null] )? T_OD )? ']|' ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:279:9: ( T_AUTOCONS )? T_SYSTEM ( T_LPAREN refinesSystemName= T_IDENTIFIER T_RPAREN )? '|[' ( T_VAR attrList )? ( T_METHODS methodList )? ( T_ACTIONS namedActionList )? ( T_DO (bl= actionBlock[null] )? T_OD )? ']|' { dbg.Location(279,9); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:279:9: ( T_AUTOCONS )? int alt19 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(19); try { dbg.EnterDecision(19); int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA19_0 == T_AUTOCONS) ) { alt19 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(19); } switch (alt19) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:279:10: T_AUTOCONS { dbg.Location(279,10); Match(input,T_AUTOCONS,FOLLOW_T_AUTOCONS_in_ooActionSystem846); dbg.Location(279,21); autoCons = true; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(19); } dbg.Location(280,3); Match(input,T_SYSTEM,FOLLOW_T_SYSTEM_in_ooActionSystem855); dbg.Location(280,12); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:280:12: ( T_LPAREN refinesSystemName= T_IDENTIFIER T_RPAREN )? int alt20 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(20); try { dbg.EnterDecision(20); int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt20 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(20); } switch (alt20) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:280:13: T_LPAREN refinesSystemName= T_IDENTIFIER T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(280,13); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_ooActionSystem858); dbg.Location(280,39); refinesSystemName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_ooActionSystem862); dbg.Location(280,53); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_ooActionSystem864); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(20); } dbg.Location(281,3); aTypeSymbol = createOoaType(refinesSystemName,autoCons); dbg.Location(282,3); Match(input,117,FOLLOW_117_in_ooActionSystem877); dbg.Location(283,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:283:4: ( T_VAR attrList )? int alt21 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(21); try { dbg.EnterDecision(21); int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0 == T_VAR) ) { alt21 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(21); } switch (alt21) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:283:5: T_VAR attrList { dbg.Location(283,5); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_ooActionSystem883); dbg.Location(283,11); PushFollow(FOLLOW_attrList_in_ooActionSystem885); attrList(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(21); } dbg.Location(284,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:284:4: ( T_METHODS methodList )? int alt22 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(22); try { dbg.EnterDecision(22); int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA22_0 == T_METHODS) ) { alt22 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(22); } switch (alt22) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:284:5: T_METHODS methodList { dbg.Location(284,5); Match(input,T_METHODS,FOLLOW_T_METHODS_in_ooActionSystem893); dbg.Location(284,15); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodList_in_ooActionSystem895); methodList(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(22); } dbg.Location(285,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:285:4: ( T_ACTIONS namedActionList )? int alt23 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(23); try { dbg.EnterDecision(23); int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA23_0 == T_ACTIONS) ) { alt23 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(23); } switch (alt23) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:285:5: T_ACTIONS namedActionList { dbg.Location(285,5); Match(input,T_ACTIONS,FOLLOW_T_ACTIONS_in_ooActionSystem903); dbg.Location(285,15); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedActionList_in_ooActionSystem905); namedActionList(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(23); } dbg.Location(286,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:286:4: ( T_DO (bl= actionBlock[null] )? T_OD )? int alt25 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(25); try { dbg.EnterDecision(25); int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA25_0 == T_DO) ) { alt25 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(25); } switch (alt25) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:286:5: T_DO (bl= actionBlock[null] )? T_OD { dbg.Location(286,5); Match(input,T_DO,FOLLOW_T_DO_in_ooActionSystem913); dbg.Location(286,10); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:286:10: (bl= actionBlock[null] )? int alt24 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(24); try { dbg.EnterDecision(24); int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA24_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || LA24_0 == T_LPAREN || LA24_0 == T_VAR || (LA24_0 >= T_CONT && LA24_0 <= T_REQUIRES) || LA24_0 == T_SKIP) ) { alt24 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(24); } switch (alt24) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:286:11: bl= actionBlock[null] { dbg.Location(286,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlock_in_ooActionSystem918); bl = actionBlock(null); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(286,32); addActionBlock(aTypeSymbol,bl); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(24); } dbg.Location(286,68); Match(input,T_OD,FOLLOW_T_OD_in_ooActionSystem925); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(25); } dbg.Location(287,3); Match(input,118,FOLLOW_118_in_ooActionSystem931); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { fixupOoaType(aTypeSymbol); } dbg.Location(288, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "ooActionSystem"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return aTypeSymbol; } // $ANTLR end "ooActionSystem" // $ANTLR start "attrList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:298:1: attrList : attr ( T_SEMICOLON attr )* ; public void attrList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "attrList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(298, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:299:2: ( attr ( T_SEMICOLON attr )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:299:4: attr ( T_SEMICOLON attr )* { dbg.Location(299,4); BeginParsingAttributes(); dbg.Location(300,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_attr_in_attrList962); attr(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(300,9); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:300:9: ( T_SEMICOLON attr )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(26); do { int alt26 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(26); int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA26_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt26 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(26); } switch (alt26) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:300:10: T_SEMICOLON attr { dbg.Location(300,10); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_attrList965); dbg.Location(300,22); PushFollow(FOLLOW_attr_in_attrList967); attr(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop26; } } while (true); loop26: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop26' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(26); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { EndParsingAttributes(); } dbg.Location(301, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "attrList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "attrList" // $ANTLR start "attr" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:306:1: attr : ( T_STATIC )? ( T_OBS | T_CTRL )? varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType ( T_EQUAL anExpr= expression )? ; public void attr() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken varname = null; UlyssesType aType = default(UlyssesType); Expression anExpr = default(Expression); bool isStatic = false; bool isCtr = false; bool isObs = false; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "attr"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(306, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:2: ( ( T_STATIC )? ( T_OBS | T_CTRL )? varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType ( T_EQUAL anExpr= expression )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:5: ( T_STATIC )? ( T_OBS | T_CTRL )? varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType ( T_EQUAL anExpr= expression )? { dbg.Location(313,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:5: ( T_STATIC )? int alt27 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(27); try { dbg.EnterDecision(27); int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA27_0 == T_STATIC) ) { alt27 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(27); } switch (alt27) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:6: T_STATIC { dbg.Location(313,6); Match(input,T_STATIC,FOLLOW_T_STATIC_in_attr992); dbg.Location(313,15); isStatic = true; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(27); } dbg.Location(313,36); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:36: ( T_OBS | T_CTRL )? int alt28 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(28); try { dbg.EnterDecision(28); int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA28_0 == T_OBS) ) { alt28 = 1; } else if ( (LA28_0 == T_CTRL) ) { alt28 = 2; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(28); } switch (alt28) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:37: T_OBS { dbg.Location(313,37); Match(input,T_OBS,FOLLOW_T_OBS_in_attr999); dbg.Location(313,43); isObs = true; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:313:61: T_CTRL { dbg.Location(313,61); Match(input,T_CTRL,FOLLOW_T_CTRL_in_attr1005); dbg.Location(313,68); isCtr = true; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(28); } dbg.Location(314,10); varname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_attr1016); dbg.Location(314,25); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_attr1019); dbg.Location(314,38); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_attr1023); aType = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(314,51); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:314:51: ( T_EQUAL anExpr= expression )? int alt29 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(29); try { dbg.EnterDecision(29); int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA29_0 == T_EQUAL) ) { alt29 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(29); } switch (alt29) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:314:52: T_EQUAL anExpr= expression { dbg.Location(314,52); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_attr1026); dbg.Location(314,66); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_attr1030); anExpr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(29); } dbg.Location(315,3); createAttribute(varname, isStatic, isObs, isCtr, aType, anExpr); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(316, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "attr"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "attr" // $ANTLR start "methodList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:321:1: methodList : method ( T_SEMICOLON method )* ; public void methodList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "methodList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(321, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:322:2: ( method ( T_SEMICOLON method )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:322:5: method ( T_SEMICOLON method )* { dbg.Location(322,5); PushFollow(FOLLOW_method_in_methodList1052); method(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(322,12); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:322:12: ( T_SEMICOLON method )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(30); do { int alt30 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(30); int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA30_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt30 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(30); } switch (alt30) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:322:13: T_SEMICOLON method { dbg.Location(322,13); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_methodList1055); dbg.Location(322,25); PushFollow(FOLLOW_method_in_methodList1057); method(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop30; } } while (true); loop30: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop30' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(30); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(323, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "methodList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "methodList" // $ANTLR start "method" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:325:1: method : mname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newMethod] T_RPAREN )? ( T_COLON rt= complexType )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newMethod] 'begin' )? statements= actionBody[null] T_END ; public void method() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken mname = null; UlyssesType rt = default(UlyssesType); Block statements = default(Block); FunctionIdentifier newMethod = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "method"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(325, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:329:2: (mname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newMethod] T_RPAREN )? ( T_COLON rt= complexType )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newMethod] 'begin' )? statements= actionBody[null] T_END ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:329:4: mname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newMethod] T_RPAREN )? ( T_COLON rt= complexType )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newMethod] 'begin' )? statements= actionBody[null] T_END { dbg.Location(329,9); mname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_method1079); dbg.Location(329,24); newMethod = createMethodSymbol(mname); dbg.Location(330,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:330:3: ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newMethod] T_RPAREN )? int alt31 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(31); try { dbg.EnterDecision(31); int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA31_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt31 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(31); } switch (alt31) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:330:4: T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newMethod] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(330,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_method1087); dbg.Location(330,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_method1089); methodParameterList(newMethod); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(330,45); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_method1093); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(31); } dbg.Location(331,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:331:3: ( T_COLON rt= complexType )? int alt32 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(32); try { dbg.EnterDecision(32); int LA32_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA32_0 == T_COLON) ) { alt32 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(32); } switch (alt32) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:331:4: T_COLON rt= complexType { dbg.Location(331,4); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_method1101); dbg.Location(331,14); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_method1105); rt = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(331,27); setMethodReturnType(newMethod,rt); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(32); } dbg.Location(332,4); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_method1115); dbg.Location(333,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:333:4: ( T_VAR localActionVars[newMethod] 'begin' )? int alt33 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(33); try { dbg.EnterDecision(33); int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA33_0 == T_VAR) ) { alt33 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(33); } switch (alt33) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:333:5: T_VAR localActionVars[newMethod] 'begin' { dbg.Location(333,5); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_method1122); dbg.Location(333,11); PushFollow(FOLLOW_localActionVars_in_method1124); localActionVars(newMethod); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(333,38); Match(input,119,FOLLOW_119_in_method1127); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(33); } dbg.Location(334,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBody_in_method1136); statements = actionBody(null); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(334,31); addMethodBody(newMethod,statements); dbg.Location(335,3); Match(input,T_END,FOLLOW_T_END_in_method1144); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popResolveStack(newMethod); } dbg.Location(336, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "method"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "method" // $ANTLR start "methodParameterList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:340:1: methodParameterList[FunctionIdentifier newMethod] : paramName= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON atype= complexType ( T_COMMA otherparam= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON othertype= complexType )* ; public void methodParameterList(FunctionIdentifier newMethod) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken paramName = null; IToken otherparam = null; UlyssesType atype = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType othertype = default(UlyssesType); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "methodParameterList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(340, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:341:2: (paramName= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON atype= complexType ( T_COMMA otherparam= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON othertype= complexType )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:341:5: paramName= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON atype= complexType ( T_COMMA otherparam= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON othertype= complexType )* { dbg.Location(341,14); paramName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_methodParameterList1168); dbg.Location(341,28); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_methodParameterList1170); dbg.Location(341,41); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_methodParameterList1174); atype = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(341,54); addMethodParameter(newMethod,paramName,atype); dbg.Location(342,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:342:4: ( T_COMMA otherparam= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON othertype= complexType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(34); do { int alt34 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(34); int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA34_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt34 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(34); } switch (alt34) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:342:5: T_COMMA otherparam= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON othertype= complexType { dbg.Location(342,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_methodParameterList1182); dbg.Location(342,23); otherparam=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_methodParameterList1186); dbg.Location(342,37); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_methodParameterList1188); dbg.Location(342,54); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_methodParameterList1192); othertype = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(343,4); addMethodParameter(newMethod,otherparam,othertype); } break; default: goto loop34; } } while (true); loop34: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop34' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(34); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(344, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "methodParameterList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "methodParameterList" // $ANTLR start "namedActionList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:351:1: namedActionList : namedAction ( T_SEMICOLON namedAction )* ; public void namedActionList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedActionList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(351, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:352:2: ( namedAction ( T_SEMICOLON namedAction )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:352:4: namedAction ( T_SEMICOLON namedAction )* { dbg.Location(352,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedAction_in_namedActionList1219); namedAction(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(352,16); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:352:16: ( T_SEMICOLON namedAction )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(35); do { int alt35 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(35); int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA35_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt35 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(35); } switch (alt35) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:352:17: T_SEMICOLON namedAction { dbg.Location(352,17); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedActionList1222); dbg.Location(352,29); PushFollow(FOLLOW_namedAction_in_namedActionList1224); namedAction(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop35; } } while (true); loop35: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop35' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(35); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(353, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedActionList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedActionList" // $ANTLR start "namedAction" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:355:1: namedAction : ( T_CONT cactionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL constraints= continuousActionBody | ( T_CTRL | T_OBS | ) actionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newAction] )? body= discreteActionBody ); public void namedAction() // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken cactionname = null; IToken actionname = null; GuardedCommand constraints = default(GuardedCommand); GuardedCommand body = default(GuardedCommand); FunctionTypeEnum actionType; FunctionIdentifier newAction = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "namedAction"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(355, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:360:2: ( T_CONT cactionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL constraints= continuousActionBody | ( T_CTRL | T_OBS | ) actionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newAction] )? body= discreteActionBody ) int alt40 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(40); int LA40_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA40_0 == T_CONT) ) { alt40 = 1; } else if ( (LA40_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || (LA40_0 >= T_OBS && LA40_0 <= T_CTRL)) ) { alt40 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d40s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 40, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d40s0); throw nvae_d40s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(40); } switch (alt40) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:360:4: T_CONT cactionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL constraints= continuousActionBody { dbg.Location(360,4); Match(input,T_CONT,FOLLOW_T_CONT_in_namedAction1244); dbg.Location(360,22); cactionname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedAction1248); dbg.Location(360,37); newAction = createNamedContinuousAction(cactionname, FunctionTypeEnum.Continuous); dbg.Location(361,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:361:3: ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? int alt36 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(36); try { dbg.EnterDecision(36); int LA36_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA36_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt36 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(36); } switch (alt36) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:361:4: T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(361,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_namedAction1256); dbg.Location(361,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_namedAction1258); methodParameterList(newAction); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(361,45); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_namedAction1262); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(36); } dbg.Location(362,3); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedAction1269); dbg.Location(362,22); PushFollow(FOLLOW_continuousActionBody_in_namedAction1273); constraints = continuousActionBody(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(362,44); addContinuousActionBody(newAction,constraints); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:364:4: ( T_CTRL | T_OBS | ) actionname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? T_EQUAL ( T_VAR localActionVars[newAction] )? body= discreteActionBody { dbg.Location(364,4); actionType = FunctionTypeEnum.Internal; dbg.Location(365,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:365:3: ( T_CTRL | T_OBS | ) int alt37 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(37); try { dbg.EnterDecision(37); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_CTRL: { alt37 = 1; } break; case T_OBS: { alt37 = 2; } break; case T_IDENTIFIER: { alt37 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d37s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 37, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d37s0); throw nvae_d37s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(37); } switch (alt37) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:365:4: T_CTRL { dbg.Location(365,4); Match(input,T_CTRL,FOLLOW_T_CTRL_in_namedAction1288); dbg.Location(365,11); actionType = FunctionTypeEnum.Controllable; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:365:58: T_OBS { dbg.Location(365,58); Match(input,T_OBS,FOLLOW_T_OBS_in_namedAction1293); dbg.Location(365,64); actionType = FunctionTypeEnum.Observable; } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:365:109: { } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(37); } dbg.Location(366,14); actionname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedAction1305); dbg.Location(366,29); newAction = createNamedAction(actionname,actionType); dbg.Location(367,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:367:3: ( T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN )? int alt38 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(38); try { dbg.EnterDecision(38); int LA38_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA38_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt38 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(38); } switch (alt38) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:367:4: T_LPAREN methodParameterList[newAction] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(367,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_namedAction1313); dbg.Location(367,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_namedAction1315); methodParameterList(newAction); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(367,45); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_namedAction1319); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(38); } dbg.Location(368,3); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedAction1326); dbg.Location(369,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:369:3: ( T_VAR localActionVars[newAction] )? int alt39 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(39); try { dbg.EnterDecision(39); int LA39_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA39_0 == T_VAR) ) { alt39 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(39); } switch (alt39) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:369:4: T_VAR localActionVars[newAction] { dbg.Location(369,4); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_namedAction1332); dbg.Location(369,10); PushFollow(FOLLOW_localActionVars_in_namedAction1334); localActionVars(newAction); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(39); } dbg.Location(370,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_namedAction1345); body = discreteActionBody(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(371,3); addActionBody(newAction,body); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popResolveStack(newAction); } dbg.Location(372, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "namedAction"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "namedAction" // $ANTLR start "localActionVars" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:377:1: localActionVars[FunctionIdentifier newMethod] : id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* ; public void localActionVars(FunctionIdentifier newMethod) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken id1 = null; IToken id2 = null; UlyssesType t1 = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType t2 = default(UlyssesType); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "localActionVars"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(377, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:378:2: (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:379:3: id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* { dbg.Location(379,6); id1=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_localActionVars1377); dbg.Location(379,20); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_localActionVars1379); dbg.Location(379,30); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_localActionVars1383); t1 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(379,44); addLocalVariableToNamedAction(newMethod,id1,t1); dbg.Location(380,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:380:4: ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(41); do { int alt41 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(41); int LA41_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA41_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt41 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(41); } switch (alt41) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:380:5: T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType { dbg.Location(380,5); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_localActionVars1392); dbg.Location(380,20); id2=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_localActionVars1396); dbg.Location(380,34); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_localActionVars1398); dbg.Location(380,44); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_localActionVars1402); t2 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(381,4); addLocalVariableToNamedAction(newMethod,id2,t2); } break; default: goto loop41; } } while (true); loop41: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop41' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(41); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(382, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "localActionVars"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "localActionVars" // $ANTLR start "anonymousAction" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:386:1: anonymousAction returns [GuardedCommand result] : (a= continuousActionBody | b= discreteActionBody ); public GuardedCommand anonymousAction() // throws RecognitionException [1] { GuardedCommand result = default(GuardedCommand); GuardedCommand a = default(GuardedCommand); GuardedCommand b = default(GuardedCommand); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "anonymousAction"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(386, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:388:2: (a= continuousActionBody | b= discreteActionBody ) int alt42 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(42); int LA42_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA42_0 == T_CONT) ) { alt42 = 1; } else if ( (LA42_0 == T_REQUIRES) ) { alt42 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d42s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 42, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d42s0); throw nvae_d42s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(42); } switch (alt42) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:388:4: a= continuousActionBody { dbg.Location(388,5); PushFollow(FOLLOW_continuousActionBody_in_anonymousAction1432); a = continuousActionBody(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(388,27); result = a; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:389:4: b= discreteActionBody { dbg.Location(389,5); PushFollow(FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_anonymousAction1441); b = discreteActionBody(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(389,25); result = b; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(390, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "anonymousAction"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "anonymousAction" // $ANTLR start "continuousActionBody" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:392:1: continuousActionBody returns [GuardedCommand result] : T_CONT T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= qualConstraintList T_END ; public GuardedCommand continuousActionBody() // throws RecognitionException [1] { GuardedCommand result = default(GuardedCommand); Expression expr = default(Expression); Block bdy = default(Block); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "continuousActionBody"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(392, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:397:2: ( T_CONT T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= qualConstraintList T_END ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:397:4: T_CONT T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= qualConstraintList T_END { dbg.Location(397,4); Match(input,T_CONT,FOLLOW_T_CONT_in_continuousActionBody1466); dbg.Location(397,11); Match(input,T_REQUIRES,FOLLOW_T_REQUIRES_in_continuousActionBody1468); dbg.Location(397,26); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_continuousActionBody1472); expr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(397,38); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_continuousActionBody1474); dbg.Location(398,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualConstraintList_in_continuousActionBody1481); bdy = qualConstraintList(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(399,3); Match(input,T_END,FOLLOW_T_END_in_continuousActionBody1486); dbg.Location(400,3); result = createGuardedCommandStatement(expr,bdy,true); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(401, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "continuousActionBody"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "continuousActionBody" // $ANTLR start "qualConstraintList" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:403:1: qualConstraintList returns [Block result] : stmt= qualConstraint ( T_COMMA ostmt= qualConstraint )* ; public Block qualConstraintList() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Block result = default(Block); QualitativeConstraintStatement stmt = default(QualitativeConstraintStatement); QualitativeConstraintStatement ostmt = default(QualitativeConstraintStatement); result = createSeqBlock(null); pushBlockToResolveStack(result); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "qualConstraintList"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(403, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:409:2: (stmt= qualConstraint ( T_COMMA ostmt= qualConstraint )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:409:4: stmt= qualConstraint ( T_COMMA ostmt= qualConstraint )* { dbg.Location(409,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualConstraint_in_qualConstraintList1514); stmt = qualConstraint(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(409,24); addToBlockList(result,stmt); dbg.Location(410,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:410:3: ( T_COMMA ostmt= qualConstraint )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(43); do { int alt43 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(43); int LA43_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA43_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt43 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(43); } switch (alt43) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:410:4: T_COMMA ostmt= qualConstraint { dbg.Location(410,4); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_qualConstraintList1521); dbg.Location(410,17); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualConstraint_in_qualConstraintList1525); ostmt = qualConstraint(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(410,33); addToBlockList(result,ostmt); } break; default: goto loop43; } } while (true); loop43: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop43' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(43); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popBlockFromResolveStack(result); } dbg.Location(411, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "qualConstraintList"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "qualConstraintList" // $ANTLR start "qualConstraint" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:417:1: qualConstraint returns [QualitativeConstraintStatement result] : id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL ( T_DERIV derivid= T_IDENTIFIER | id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) ) ; public QualitativeConstraintStatement qualConstraint() // throws RecognitionException [1] { QualitativeConstraintStatement result = default(QualitativeConstraintStatement); IToken id1 = null; IToken derivid = null; IToken id2 = null; IToken op = null; IToken id3 = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "qualConstraint"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(417, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:419:2: (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL ( T_DERIV derivid= T_IDENTIFIER | id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) ) ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:419:4: id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL ( T_DERIV derivid= T_IDENTIFIER | id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) ) { dbg.Location(419,7); id1=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1556); dbg.Location(419,21); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_qualConstraint1558); dbg.Location(420,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:420:3: ( T_DERIV derivid= T_IDENTIFIER | id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) ) int alt46 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(46); try { dbg.EnterDecision(46); int LA46_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA46_0 == T_DERIV) ) { alt46 = 1; } else if ( (LA46_0 == T_IDENTIFIER) ) { alt46 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d46s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 46, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d46s0); throw nvae_d46s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(46); } switch (alt46) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:420:5: T_DERIV derivid= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(420,5); Match(input,T_DERIV,FOLLOW_T_DERIV_in_qualConstraint1565); dbg.Location(420,20); derivid=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1569); dbg.Location(421,4); result = createQualDerivConstraintStatement(id1,derivid); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:424:11: id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) { dbg.Location(424,14); id2=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1604); dbg.Location(425,11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:425:11: ( (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER | ) int alt45 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(45); try { dbg.EnterDecision(45); int LA45_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA45_0 >= T_SUM && LA45_0 <= T_PROD)) ) { alt45 = 1; } else if ( (LA45_0 == T_COMMA || LA45_0 == T_END) ) { alt45 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d45s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 45, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d45s0); throw nvae_d45s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(45); } switch (alt45) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:426:12: (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) id3= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(426,12); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:426:12: (op= T_SUM | op= T_DIFF | op= T_PROD ) int alt44 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(44); try { dbg.EnterDecision(44); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_SUM: { alt44 = 1; } break; case T_DIFF: { alt44 = 2; } break; case T_PROD: { alt44 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d44s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 44, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d44s0); throw nvae_d44s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(44); } switch (alt44) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:426:14: op= T_SUM { dbg.Location(426,16); op=(IToken)Match(input,T_SUM,FOLLOW_T_SUM_in_qualConstraint1635); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:427:14: op= T_DIFF { dbg.Location(427,16); op=(IToken)Match(input,T_DIFF,FOLLOW_T_DIFF_in_qualConstraint1652); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:428:14: op= T_PROD { dbg.Location(428,16); op=(IToken)Match(input,T_PROD,FOLLOW_T_PROD_in_qualConstraint1669); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(44); } dbg.Location(430,15); id3=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1698); dbg.Location(431,12); result = createQualArithConstraintStatement(id1,id2,id3,op); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:433:12: { dbg.Location(433,12); result = createQualEqualConstraintStatement(id1,id2); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(45); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(46); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(436, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "qualConstraint"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "qualConstraint" // $ANTLR start "discreteActionBody" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:441:1: discreteActionBody returns [GuardedCommand result] : T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= actionBody[null] T_END ; public GuardedCommand discreteActionBody() // throws RecognitionException [1] { GuardedCommand result = default(GuardedCommand); Expression expr = default(Expression); Block bdy = default(Block); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "discreteActionBody"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(441, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:446:2: ( T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= actionBody[null] T_END ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:447:3: T_REQUIRES expr= expression T_COLON bdy= actionBody[null] T_END { dbg.Location(447,3); Match(input,T_REQUIRES,FOLLOW_T_REQUIRES_in_discreteActionBody1788); dbg.Location(447,18); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_discreteActionBody1792); expr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(447,30); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_discreteActionBody1794); dbg.Location(448,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBody_in_discreteActionBody1801); bdy = actionBody(null); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(449,3); Match(input,T_END,FOLLOW_T_END_in_discreteActionBody1806); dbg.Location(450,3); result = createGuardedCommandStatement(expr,bdy); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(451, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "discreteActionBody"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "discreteActionBody" // $ANTLR start "actionBlock" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:458:1: actionBlock[Block top] returns [Block prioList] : actionBlockParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO actionBlockParallel[prioList] )* ; public Block actionBlock(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Block prioList = default(Block); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlock"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(458, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:460:2: ( actionBlockParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO actionBlockParallel[prioList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:460:6: actionBlockParallel[prioList] ( T_PRIO actionBlockParallel[prioList] )* { dbg.Location(460,6); prioList = createPrioBlock(top); dbg.Location(461,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockParallel_in_actionBlock1842); actionBlockParallel(prioList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(461,34); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:461:34: ( T_PRIO actionBlockParallel[prioList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(47); do { int alt47 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(47); int LA47_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA47_0 == T_PRIO) ) { alt47 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(47); } switch (alt47) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:461:35: T_PRIO actionBlockParallel[prioList] { dbg.Location(461,35); Match(input,T_PRIO,FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_actionBlock1846); dbg.Location(461,42); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockParallel_in_actionBlock1848); actionBlockParallel(prioList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop47; } } while (true); loop47: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop47' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(47); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(462, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlock"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return prioList; } // $ANTLR end "actionBlock" // $ANTLR start "actionBlockParallel" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:464:1: actionBlockParallel[Block top] : actionBlockSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET actionBlockSequential[parList] )* ; public void actionBlockParallel(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockParallel"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(464, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:465:2: ( actionBlockSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET actionBlockSequential[parList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:465:6: actionBlockSequential[parList] ( T_NONDET actionBlockSequential[parList] )* { dbg.Location(465,6); Block parList = createNondetBlock(top); dbg.Location(466,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockSequential_in_actionBlockParallel1873); actionBlockSequential(parList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(466,34); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:466:34: ( T_NONDET actionBlockSequential[parList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(48); do { int alt48 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(48); int LA48_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA48_0 == T_NONDET) ) { alt48 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(48); } switch (alt48) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:466:35: T_NONDET actionBlockSequential[parList] { dbg.Location(466,35); Match(input,T_NONDET,FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_actionBlockParallel1877); dbg.Location(466,44); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockSequential_in_actionBlockParallel1879); actionBlockSequential(parList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop48; } } while (true); loop48: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop48' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(48); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(467, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockParallel"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "actionBlockParallel" // $ANTLR start "actionBlockSequential" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:470:1: actionBlockSequential[Block top] : ( T_VAR syms= blockvarlist[seqList] ( '&' sexpr= expression )? T_COLON )? actionBlockParen[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBlockParen[seqList] )* ; public void actionBlockSequential(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression sexpr = default(Expression); Block seqList = createSeqBlock(top); pushBlockToResolveStack(seqList); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockSequential"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(470, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:2: ( ( T_VAR syms= blockvarlist[seqList] ( '&' sexpr= expression )? T_COLON )? actionBlockParen[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBlockParen[seqList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:5: ( T_VAR syms= blockvarlist[seqList] ( '&' sexpr= expression )? T_COLON )? actionBlockParen[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBlockParen[seqList] )* { dbg.Location(475,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:5: ( T_VAR syms= blockvarlist[seqList] ( '&' sexpr= expression )? T_COLON )? int alt50 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(50); try { dbg.EnterDecision(50); int LA50_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA50_0 == T_VAR) ) { alt50 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(50); } switch (alt50) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:6: T_VAR syms= blockvarlist[seqList] ( '&' sexpr= expression )? T_COLON { dbg.Location(475,6); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_actionBlockSequential1908); dbg.Location(475,16); PushFollow(FOLLOW_blockvarlist_in_actionBlockSequential1912); blockvarlist(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(475,39); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:39: ( '&' sexpr= expression )? int alt49 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(49); try { dbg.EnterDecision(49); int LA49_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA49_0 == 120) ) { alt49 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(49); } switch (alt49) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:475:40: '&' sexpr= expression { dbg.Location(475,40); Match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_actionBlockSequential1916); dbg.Location(475,49); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_actionBlockSequential1920); sexpr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(475,61); addSeqBlockExpression(seqList,sexpr); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(49); } dbg.Location(475,104); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_actionBlockSequential1927); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(50); } dbg.Location(476,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockParen_in_actionBlockSequential1936); actionBlockParen(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(476,30); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:476:30: ( T_SEMICOLON actionBlockParen[seqList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(51); do { int alt51 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(51); int LA51_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA51_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt51 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(51); } switch (alt51) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:476:31: T_SEMICOLON actionBlockParen[seqList] { dbg.Location(476,31); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_actionBlockSequential1940); dbg.Location(476,43); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlockParen_in_actionBlockSequential1942); actionBlockParen(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop51; } } while (true); loop51: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop51' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(51); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popBlockFromResolveStack(seqList); } dbg.Location(477, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockSequential"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "actionBlockSequential" // $ANTLR start "actionBlockParen" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:481:1: actionBlockParen[Block top] : ( T_LPAREN actionBlock[top] T_RPAREN | anonymousOrNamedAction[top] ); public void actionBlockParen(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockParen"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(481, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:482:2: ( T_LPAREN actionBlock[top] T_RPAREN | anonymousOrNamedAction[top] ) int alt52 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(52); int LA52_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA52_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt52 = 1; } else if ( (LA52_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || (LA52_0 >= T_CONT && LA52_0 <= T_REQUIRES) || LA52_0 == T_SKIP) ) { alt52 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d52s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 52, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d52s0); throw nvae_d52s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(52); } switch (alt52) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:482:4: T_LPAREN actionBlock[top] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(482,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_actionBlockParen1966); dbg.Location(482,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBlock_in_actionBlockParen1968); actionBlock(top); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(482,30); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_actionBlockParen1971); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:483:4: anonymousOrNamedAction[top] { dbg.Location(483,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_anonymousOrNamedAction_in_actionBlockParen1976); anonymousOrNamedAction(top); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(484, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBlockParen"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "actionBlockParen" // $ANTLR start "anonymousOrNamedAction" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:486:1: anonymousOrNamedAction[Block top] : (gcmd= anonymousAction | aname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )? (amap= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) '(' amapexpr= expression ')' )? | T_SKIP ); public void anonymousOrNamedAction(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken aname = null; IToken amap = null; GuardedCommand gcmd = default(GuardedCommand); System.Collections.Generic.List m_params = default(System.Collections.Generic.List); Expression amapexpr = default(Expression); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "anonymousOrNamedAction"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(486, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:487:2: (gcmd= anonymousAction | aname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )? (amap= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) '(' amapexpr= expression ')' )? | T_SKIP ) int alt55 = 3; try { dbg.EnterDecision(55); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_CONT: case T_REQUIRES: { alt55 = 1; } break; case T_IDENTIFIER: { alt55 = 2; } break; case T_SKIP: { alt55 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d55s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 55, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d55s0); throw nvae_d55s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(55); } switch (alt55) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:487:4: gcmd= anonymousAction { dbg.Location(487,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_anonymousAction_in_anonymousOrNamedAction1993); gcmd = anonymousAction(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(487,25); addToBlockList(top,gcmd); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:488:4: aname= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )? (amap= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) '(' amapexpr= expression ')' )? { dbg.Location(488,9); aname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2002); dbg.Location(489,11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:489:11: ( T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )? int alt53 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(53); try { dbg.EnterDecision(53); int LA53_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA53_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt53 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(53); } switch (alt53) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:489:12: T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(489,12); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2016); dbg.Location(489,30); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2021); m_params = methodCallParams(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(489,48); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2023); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(53); } dbg.Location(490,11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:490:11: (amap= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) '(' amapexpr= expression ')' )? int alt54 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(54); try { dbg.EnterDecision(54); int LA54_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA54_0 >= T_FOLDLR && LA54_0 <= T_FOLDRL)) ) { alt54 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(54); } switch (alt54) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:490:12: amap= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) '(' amapexpr= expression ')' { dbg.Location(490,16); amap = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( (input.LA(1) >= T_FOLDLR && input.LA(1) <= T_FOLDRL) ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(490,37); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2047); dbg.Location(490,49); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2051); amapexpr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(490,61); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2053); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(54); } dbg.Location(491,3); addNamedActionCallToBlockList(top,aname,m_params,amap,amapexpr); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:492:4: T_SKIP { dbg.Location(492,4); Match(input,T_SKIP,FOLLOW_T_SKIP_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2064); dbg.Location(492,11); addSkipStatementToBlockList(top); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(493, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "anonymousOrNamedAction"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "anonymousOrNamedAction" // $ANTLR start "blockvarlist" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:496:1: blockvarlist[Block seqList] : blockvar[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON blockvar[seqList] )* ; public void blockvarlist(Block seqList) // throws RecognitionException [1] { try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "blockvarlist"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(496, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:497:2: ( blockvar[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON blockvar[seqList] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:497:4: blockvar[seqList] ( T_SEMICOLON blockvar[seqList] )* { dbg.Location(497,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_blockvar_in_blockvarlist2080); blockvar(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(497,23); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:497:23: ( T_SEMICOLON blockvar[seqList] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(56); do { int alt56 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(56); int LA56_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA56_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt56 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(56); } switch (alt56) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:497:24: T_SEMICOLON blockvar[seqList] { dbg.Location(497,24); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_blockvarlist2085); dbg.Location(497,36); PushFollow(FOLLOW_blockvar_in_blockvarlist2087); blockvar(seqList); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop56; } } while (true); loop56: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop56' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(56); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(498, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "blockvarlist"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "blockvarlist" // $ANTLR start "blockvar" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:500:1: blockvar[Block seqList] : varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType ; public void blockvar(Block seqList) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken varname = null; UlyssesType aType = default(UlyssesType); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "blockvar"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(500, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:501:2: (varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:501:5: varname= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON aType= complexType { dbg.Location(501,12); varname=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_blockvar2107); dbg.Location(501,27); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_blockvar2110); dbg.Location(501,40); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_blockvar2114); aType = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(502,3); addBlockVariable(seqList,varname,aType); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(503, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "blockvar"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "blockvar" // $ANTLR start "actionBody" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:511:1: actionBody[Block top] returns [Block result] : actionBodyParallel[result] ( T_PRIO actionBodyParallel[result] )? ; public Block actionBody(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Block result = default(Block); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBody"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(511, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:513:2: ( actionBodyParallel[result] ( T_PRIO actionBodyParallel[result] )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:513:4: actionBodyParallel[result] ( T_PRIO actionBodyParallel[result] )? { dbg.Location(513,4); result = createPrioBlock(top); dbg.Location(514,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodyParallel_in_actionBody2149); actionBodyParallel(result); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(514,30); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:514:30: ( T_PRIO actionBodyParallel[result] )? int alt57 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(57); try { dbg.EnterDecision(57); int LA57_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA57_0 == T_PRIO) ) { alt57 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(57); } switch (alt57) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:514:31: T_PRIO actionBodyParallel[result] { dbg.Location(514,31); Match(input,T_PRIO,FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_actionBody2153); dbg.Location(514,38); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodyParallel_in_actionBody2155); actionBodyParallel(result); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(57); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(515, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBody"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "actionBody" // $ANTLR start "actionBodyParallel" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:517:1: actionBodyParallel[Block top] returns [Block result] : actionBodySequential[result] ( T_NONDET olst= actionBodySequential[result] )* ; public Block actionBodyParallel(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Block result = default(Block); Block olst = default(Block); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodyParallel"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(517, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:519:2: ( actionBodySequential[result] ( T_NONDET olst= actionBodySequential[result] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:519:4: actionBodySequential[result] ( T_NONDET olst= actionBodySequential[result] )* { dbg.Location(519,4); result = createNondetBlock(top); dbg.Location(520,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodySequential_in_actionBodyParallel2183); actionBodySequential(result); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(521,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:521:3: ( T_NONDET olst= actionBodySequential[result] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(58); do { int alt58 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(58); int LA58_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA58_0 == T_NONDET) ) { alt58 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(58); } switch (alt58) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:521:4: T_NONDET olst= actionBodySequential[result] { dbg.Location(521,4); Match(input,T_NONDET,FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_actionBodyParallel2189); dbg.Location(521,17); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodySequential_in_actionBodyParallel2193); olst = actionBodySequential(result); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop58; } } while (true); loop58: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop58' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(58); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(522, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodyParallel"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "actionBodyParallel" // $ANTLR start "actionBodySequential" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:525:1: actionBodySequential[Block top] returns [Block result] : actionBodyParen[result] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBodyParen[result] )* ; public Block actionBodySequential(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Block result = default(Block); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodySequential"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(525, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:527:2: ( actionBodyParen[result] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBodyParen[result] )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:527:4: actionBodyParen[result] ( T_SEMICOLON actionBodyParen[result] )* { dbg.Location(527,4); result = createSeqBlock(top); dbg.Location(528,3); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodyParen_in_actionBodySequential2220); actionBodyParen(result); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(528,27); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:528:27: ( T_SEMICOLON actionBodyParen[result] )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(59); do { int alt59 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(59); int LA59_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA59_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt59 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(59); } switch (alt59) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:528:28: T_SEMICOLON actionBodyParen[result] { dbg.Location(528,28); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_actionBodySequential2224); dbg.Location(528,40); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBodyParen_in_actionBodySequential2226); actionBodyParen(result); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; default: goto loop59; } } while (true); loop59: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop59' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(59); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(529, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodySequential"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "actionBodySequential" // $ANTLR start "actionBodyParen" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:531:1: actionBodyParen[Block top] : ( T_LPAREN actionBody[top] T_RPAREN | stmt= statement ); public void actionBodyParen(Block top) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Statement stmt = default(Statement); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodyParen"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(531, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:532:2: ( T_LPAREN actionBody[top] T_RPAREN | stmt= statement ) int alt60 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(60); int LA60_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA60_0 == T_LPAREN) ) { alt60 = 1; } else if ( (LA60_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || LA60_0 == T_REQUIRES || (LA60_0 >= T_SKIP && LA60_0 <= T_SELF)) ) { alt60 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d60s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 60, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d60s0); throw nvae_d60s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(60); } switch (alt60) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:532:4: T_LPAREN actionBody[top] T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(532,4); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_actionBodyParen2244); dbg.Location(532,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_actionBody_in_actionBodyParen2246); actionBody(top); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(532,29); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_actionBodyParen2249); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:533:4: stmt= statement { dbg.Location(533,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_statement_in_actionBodyParen2256); stmt = statement(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(534,3); addToStatementList(top,stmt); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(535, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "actionBodyParen"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "actionBodyParen" // $ANTLR start "statement" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:538:1: statement returns [Statement result] : ( T_ABORT | T_SKIP | T_KILL T_LPAREN aname= ( T_IDENTIFIER | T_SELF ) T_RPAREN | gc= discreteActionBody | aqname= reference ( T_ASSIGNMENT aexp= expression ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? | ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ T_ASSIGNMENT mexp= expression ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? | ) ); public Statement statement() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Statement result = default(Statement); IToken aname = null; GuardedCommand gc = default(GuardedCommand); Expression aqname = default(Expression); Expression aexp = default(Expression); Expression ndexp = default(Expression); Expression malhs = default(Expression); Expression mexp = default(Expression); Expression mexp2 = default(Expression); Expression ndex2 = default(Expression); bool popFromResolveStack = false; result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "statement"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(538, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:544:2: ( T_ABORT | T_SKIP | T_KILL T_LPAREN aname= ( T_IDENTIFIER | T_SELF ) T_RPAREN | gc= discreteActionBody | aqname= reference ( T_ASSIGNMENT aexp= expression ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? | ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ T_ASSIGNMENT mexp= expression ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? | ) ) int alt66 = 5; try { dbg.EnterDecision(66); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_ABORT: { alt66 = 1; } break; case T_SKIP: { alt66 = 2; } break; case T_KILL: { alt66 = 3; } break; case T_REQUIRES: { alt66 = 4; } break; case T_IDENTIFIER: case T_SELF: { alt66 = 5; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d66s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 66, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d66s0); throw nvae_d66s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(66); } switch (alt66) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:544:4: T_ABORT { dbg.Location(544,4); Match(input,T_ABORT,FOLLOW_T_ABORT_in_statement2284); dbg.Location(544,12); result = createAbortStatement(); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:545:4: T_SKIP { dbg.Location(545,4); Match(input,T_SKIP,FOLLOW_T_SKIP_in_statement2291); dbg.Location(545,11); result = createSkipStatement(); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:546:4: T_KILL T_LPAREN aname= ( T_IDENTIFIER | T_SELF ) T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(546,4); Match(input,T_KILL,FOLLOW_T_KILL_in_statement2298); dbg.Location(546,11); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_statement2300); dbg.Location(546,25); aname = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( input.LA(1) == T_IDENTIFIER || input.LA(1) == T_SELF ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(546,50); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_statement2312); dbg.Location(546,59); result = createKillStatement(aname); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:547:5: gc= discreteActionBody { dbg.Location(547,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_statement2322); gc = discreteActionBody(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(547,27); result = gc; } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:548:4: aqname= reference ( T_ASSIGNMENT aexp= expression ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? | ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ T_ASSIGNMENT mexp= expression ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? | ) { dbg.Location(548,10); PushFollow(FOLLOW_reference_in_statement2331); aqname = reference(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(549,7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:549:7: ( T_ASSIGNMENT aexp= expression ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? | ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ T_ASSIGNMENT mexp= expression ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? | ) int alt65 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(65); try { dbg.EnterDecision(65); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_ASSIGNMENT: { alt65 = 1; } break; case T_COMMA: { alt65 = 2; } break; case T_SEMICOLON: case T_PRIO: case T_NONDET: case T_RPAREN: case T_END: { alt65 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d65s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 65, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d65s0); throw nvae_d65s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(65); } switch (alt65) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:550:12: T_ASSIGNMENT aexp= expression ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? { dbg.Location(550,12); Match(input,T_ASSIGNMENT,FOLLOW_T_ASSIGNMENT_in_statement2359); dbg.Location(550,30); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2364); aexp = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(550,43); result = createSingleAssignmentStatement(aqname,aexp); dbg.Location(551,15); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:551:15: ( T_WITH ndexp= expression )? int alt61 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(61); try { dbg.EnterDecision(61); int LA61_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA61_0 == T_WITH) ) { alt61 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(61); } switch (alt61) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:551:16: T_WITH ndexp= expression { dbg.Location(551,16); Match(input,T_WITH,FOLLOW_T_WITH_in_statement2384); dbg.Location(551,28); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2388); ndexp = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(551,40); addConstraintToAssignment(result,ndexp); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(61); } } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:554:8: ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ T_ASSIGNMENT mexp= expression ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? { dbg.Location(554,8); result = createMultipleAssignmentStatementLHS(aqname); dbg.Location(555,7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:555:7: ( T_COMMA malhs= reference )+ int cnt62 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(62); do { int alt62 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(62); int LA62_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA62_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt62 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(62); } switch (alt62) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:555:8: T_COMMA malhs= reference { dbg.Location(555,8); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_statement2441); dbg.Location(555,21); PushFollow(FOLLOW_reference_in_statement2445); malhs = reference(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(555,33); addMultipleAssignmentStatementLHS(result,malhs); } break; default: if ( cnt62 >= 1 ) goto loop62; EarlyExitException eee62 = new EarlyExitException(62, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee62); throw eee62; } cnt62++; } while (true); loop62: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop62' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(62); } dbg.Location(556,8); Match(input,T_ASSIGNMENT,FOLLOW_T_ASSIGNMENT_in_statement2460); dbg.Location(557,8); pushAssignmentOnResolveStack(result); popFromResolveStack = true; dbg.Location(558,12); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2482); mexp = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(559,8); addMutlipleAssignmentStatementRHS(result,mexp); dbg.Location(560,8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:560:8: ( T_COMMA mexp2= expression )+ int cnt63 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(63); do { int alt63 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(63); int LA63_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA63_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt63 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(63); } switch (alt63) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:560:9: T_COMMA mexp2= expression { dbg.Location(560,9); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_statement2501); dbg.Location(560,22); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2505); mexp2 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(560,34); addMutlipleAssignmentStatementRHS(result,mexp2); } break; default: if ( cnt63 >= 1 ) goto loop63; EarlyExitException eee63 = new EarlyExitException(63, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee63); throw eee63; } cnt63++; } while (true); loop63: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop63' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(63); } dbg.Location(561,8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:561:8: ( T_WITH ndex2= expression )? int alt64 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(64); try { dbg.EnterDecision(64); int LA64_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA64_0 == T_WITH) ) { alt64 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(64); } switch (alt64) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:561:9: T_WITH ndex2= expression { dbg.Location(561,9); Match(input,T_WITH,FOLLOW_T_WITH_in_statement2519); dbg.Location(561,21); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2523); ndex2 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(561,33); addConstraintToAssignment(result,ndex2); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(64); } } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:564:7: { dbg.Location(564,7); result = createCallStatement(aqname); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(65); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { if (popFromResolveStack == true) popAssignmentOffResolveStack(result); } dbg.Location(566, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "statement"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "statement" // $ANTLR start "expression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:575:1: expression returns [Expression expr] : left= atomExpression (op= binoperator right= atomExpression )* ; public Expression expression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression expr = default(Expression); Expression left = default(Expression); BinaryOperator op = default(BinaryOperator); Expression right = default(Expression); System.Collections.Generic.List operators = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); System.Collections.Generic.List expressions = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "expression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(575, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:581:2: (left= atomExpression (op= binoperator right= atomExpression )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:581:4: left= atomExpression (op= binoperator right= atomExpression )* { dbg.Location(581,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_atomExpression_in_expression2598); left = atomExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(582,3); expressions.Add(left); dbg.Location(583,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:583:3: (op= binoperator right= atomExpression )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(67); do { int alt67 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(67); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt67 = dfa67.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(67); } switch (alt67) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:583:5: op= binoperator right= atomExpression { dbg.Location(583,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_binoperator_in_expression2611); op = binoperator(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(584,10); PushFollow(FOLLOW_atomExpression_in_expression2619); right = atomExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(585,5); operators.Add(op); expressions.Add(right); } break; default: goto loop67; } } while (true); loop67: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop67' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(67); } dbg.Location(590,3); expr = createPrecedenceTree(expressions,operators); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(591, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "expression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return expr; } // $ANTLR end "expression" // $ANTLR start "binoperator" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:594:1: binoperator returns [BinaryOperator binop] : ( T_BIIMPLIES | T_GREATER | T_GREATEREQUAL | T_LESS | T_LESSEQUAL | T_EQUAL | T_NOTEQUAL | T_IMPLIES | T_MINUS | T_SUM | T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_NOT T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_SUBSET | T_OR | T_DIV | T_PROD | T_IDIV | T_MOD | T_UNION | T_DIFF | T_INTER | T_AND | T_POW | T_CONC | T_DOMRESBY | T_DOMRESTO | T_RNGRESBY | T_RNGRESTO | T_MUNION | T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE ); public BinaryOperator binoperator() // throws RecognitionException [1] { BinaryOperator binop = default(BinaryOperator); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "binoperator"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(594, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:596:2: ( T_BIIMPLIES | T_GREATER | T_GREATEREQUAL | T_LESS | T_LESSEQUAL | T_EQUAL | T_NOTEQUAL | T_IMPLIES | T_MINUS | T_SUM | T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_NOT T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_SUBSET | T_OR | T_DIV | T_PROD | T_IDIV | T_MOD | T_UNION | T_DIFF | T_INTER | T_AND | T_POW | T_CONC | T_DOMRESBY | T_DOMRESTO | T_RNGRESBY | T_RNGRESTO | T_MUNION | T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE ) int alt70 = 30; try { dbg.EnterDecision(70); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt70 = dfa70.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(70); } switch (alt70) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:596:4: T_BIIMPLIES { dbg.Location(596,4); Match(input,T_BIIMPLIES,FOLLOW_T_BIIMPLIES_in_binoperator2652); dbg.Location(597,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.biimplies); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:598:4: T_GREATER { dbg.Location(598,4); Match(input,T_GREATER,FOLLOW_T_GREATER_in_binoperator2661); dbg.Location(599,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.greater); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:600:4: T_GREATEREQUAL { dbg.Location(600,4); Match(input,T_GREATEREQUAL,FOLLOW_T_GREATEREQUAL_in_binoperator2671); dbg.Location(601,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.greaterequal); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:602:4: T_LESS { dbg.Location(602,4); Match(input,T_LESS,FOLLOW_T_LESS_in_binoperator2680); dbg.Location(603,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.less); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:604:4: T_LESSEQUAL { dbg.Location(604,4); Match(input,T_LESSEQUAL,FOLLOW_T_LESSEQUAL_in_binoperator2690); dbg.Location(605,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.lessequal); } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:606:4: T_EQUAL { dbg.Location(606,4); Match(input,T_EQUAL,FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_binoperator2699); dbg.Location(607,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.equal); } break; case 7 : dbg.EnterAlt(7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:608:4: T_NOTEQUAL { dbg.Location(608,4); Match(input,T_NOTEQUAL,FOLLOW_T_NOTEQUAL_in_binoperator2711); dbg.Location(609,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.notequal); } break; case 8 : dbg.EnterAlt(8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:610:4: T_IMPLIES { dbg.Location(610,4); Match(input,T_IMPLIES,FOLLOW_T_IMPLIES_in_binoperator2722); dbg.Location(611,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.implies); } break; case 9 : dbg.EnterAlt(9); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:612:4: T_MINUS { dbg.Location(612,4); Match(input,T_MINUS,FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_binoperator2731); dbg.Location(613,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.minus); } break; case 10 : dbg.EnterAlt(10); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:614:4: T_SUM { dbg.Location(614,4); Match(input,T_SUM,FOLLOW_T_SUM_in_binoperator2741); dbg.Location(615,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.sum); } break; case 11 : dbg.EnterAlt(11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:616:4: T_IN ( T_SET )? { dbg.Location(616,4); Match(input,T_IN,FOLLOW_T_IN_in_binoperator2751); dbg.Location(616,9); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:616:9: ( T_SET )? int alt68 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(68); try { dbg.EnterDecision(68); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt68 = dfa68.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(68); } switch (alt68) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:616:9: T_SET { dbg.Location(616,9); Match(input,T_SET,FOLLOW_T_SET_in_binoperator2753); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(68); } dbg.Location(617,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.elemin); } break; case 12 : dbg.EnterAlt(12); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:618:4: T_NOT T_IN ( T_SET )? { dbg.Location(618,4); Match(input,T_NOT,FOLLOW_T_NOT_in_binoperator2764); dbg.Location(618,10); Match(input,T_IN,FOLLOW_T_IN_in_binoperator2766); dbg.Location(618,15); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:618:15: ( T_SET )? int alt69 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(69); try { dbg.EnterDecision(69); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt69 = dfa69.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(69); } switch (alt69) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:618:15: T_SET { dbg.Location(618,15); Match(input,T_SET,FOLLOW_T_SET_in_binoperator2768); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(69); } dbg.Location(619,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.notelemin); } break; case 13 : dbg.EnterAlt(13); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:620:4: T_SUBSET { dbg.Location(620,4); Match(input,T_SUBSET,FOLLOW_T_SUBSET_in_binoperator2779); dbg.Location(621,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.subset); } break; case 14 : dbg.EnterAlt(14); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:622:4: T_OR { dbg.Location(622,4); Match(input,T_OR,FOLLOW_T_OR_in_binoperator2789); dbg.Location(623,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.or); } break; case 15 : dbg.EnterAlt(15); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:624:4: T_DIV { dbg.Location(624,4); Match(input,T_DIV,FOLLOW_T_DIV_in_binoperator2798); dbg.Location(625,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.div); } break; case 16 : dbg.EnterAlt(16); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:626:4: T_PROD { dbg.Location(626,4); Match(input,T_PROD,FOLLOW_T_PROD_in_binoperator2807); dbg.Location(627,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.prod); } break; case 17 : dbg.EnterAlt(17); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:628:4: T_IDIV { dbg.Location(628,4); Match(input,T_IDIV,FOLLOW_T_IDIV_in_binoperator2817); dbg.Location(629,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.idiv); } break; case 18 : dbg.EnterAlt(18); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:630:4: T_MOD { dbg.Location(630,4); Match(input,T_MOD,FOLLOW_T_MOD_in_binoperator2827); dbg.Location(631,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.mod); } break; case 19 : dbg.EnterAlt(19); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:632:4: T_UNION { dbg.Location(632,4); Match(input,T_UNION,FOLLOW_T_UNION_in_binoperator2837); dbg.Location(633,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.union); } break; case 20 : dbg.EnterAlt(20); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:634:4: T_DIFF { dbg.Location(634,4); Match(input,T_DIFF,FOLLOW_T_DIFF_in_binoperator2848); dbg.Location(635,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.diff); } break; case 21 : dbg.EnterAlt(21); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:636:4: T_INTER { dbg.Location(636,4); Match(input,T_INTER,FOLLOW_T_INTER_in_binoperator2859); dbg.Location(637,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.inter); } break; case 22 : dbg.EnterAlt(22); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:638:4: T_AND { dbg.Location(638,4); Match(input,T_AND,FOLLOW_T_AND_in_binoperator2870); dbg.Location(639,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.and); } break; case 23 : dbg.EnterAlt(23); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:640:4: T_POW { dbg.Location(640,4); Match(input,T_POW,FOLLOW_T_POW_in_binoperator2885); dbg.Location(641,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.pow); } break; case 24 : dbg.EnterAlt(24); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:642:4: T_CONC { dbg.Location(642,4); Match(input,T_CONC,FOLLOW_T_CONC_in_binoperator2900); dbg.Location(643,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.conc); } break; case 25 : dbg.EnterAlt(25); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:644:4: T_DOMRESBY { dbg.Location(644,4); Match(input,T_DOMRESBY,FOLLOW_T_DOMRESBY_in_binoperator2913); dbg.Location(645,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.domresby); } break; case 26 : dbg.EnterAlt(26); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:646:4: T_DOMRESTO { dbg.Location(646,4); Match(input,T_DOMRESTO,FOLLOW_T_DOMRESTO_in_binoperator2923); dbg.Location(647,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.domresto); } break; case 27 : dbg.EnterAlt(27); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:648:4: T_RNGRESBY { dbg.Location(648,4); Match(input,T_RNGRESBY,FOLLOW_T_RNGRESBY_in_binoperator2933); dbg.Location(649,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.rngresby); } break; case 28 : dbg.EnterAlt(28); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:650:4: T_RNGRESTO { dbg.Location(650,4); Match(input,T_RNGRESTO,FOLLOW_T_RNGRESTO_in_binoperator2943); dbg.Location(651,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.rngresto); } break; case 29 : dbg.EnterAlt(29); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:652:4: T_MUNION { dbg.Location(652,4); Match(input,T_MUNION,FOLLOW_T_MUNION_in_binoperator2953); dbg.Location(653,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.munion); } break; case 30 : dbg.EnterAlt(30); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:654:4: T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE { dbg.Location(654,4); Match(input,T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE,FOLLOW_T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE_in_binoperator2963); dbg.Location(656,3); binop = createBinaryOperator(ExpressionKind.seqmod_mapoverride); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(657, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "binoperator"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return binop; } // $ANTLR end "binoperator" // $ANTLR start "atomExpression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:660:1: atomExpression returns [Expression expr] : ( ( (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? ) | ie= T_IF ce= expression T_THEN te= expression T_ELSE ee= expression T_END ); public Expression atomExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression expr = default(Expression); IToken idn = null; IToken cid = null; IToken ie = null; UnaryOperator unexpr = default(UnaryOperator); Expression e = default(Expression); Expression res = default(Expression); Expression ce = default(Expression); Expression te = default(Expression); Expression ee = default(Expression); expr = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "atomExpression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(660, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:2: ( ( (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? ) | ie= T_IF ce= expression T_THEN te= expression T_ELSE ee= expression T_END ) int alt77 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(77); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt77 = dfa77.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(77); } switch (alt77) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:4: ( (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? ) { dbg.Location(665,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:4: ( (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:5: (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? { dbg.Location(665,11); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:11: (unexpr= op_un )? int alt71 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(71); try { dbg.EnterDecision(71); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt71 = dfa71.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(71); } switch (alt71) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:11: unexpr= op_un { dbg.Location(665,11); PushFollow(FOLLOW_op_un_in_atomExpression3001); unexpr = op_un(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(71); } dbg.Location(665,19); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:665:19: (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) int alt75 = 6; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(75); try { dbg.EnterDecision(75); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt75 = dfa75.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(75); } switch (alt75) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:666:8: e= identifierExpression { dbg.Location(666,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_identifierExpression_in_atomExpression3018); e = identifierExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:667:8: e= qvalExpression { dbg.Location(667,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qvalExpression_in_atomExpression3029); e = qvalExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:668:8: e= constant { dbg.Location(668,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_constant_in_atomExpression3040); e = constant(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:669:8: e= initializedComplexType { dbg.Location(669,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_initializedComplexType_in_atomExpression3051); e = initializedComplexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:670:8: e= quantifierExpression { dbg.Location(670,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_quantifierExpression_in_atomExpression3063); e = quantifierExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:671:8: T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? { dbg.Location(671,8); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_atomExpression3072); dbg.Location(671,18); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3076); e = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(671,30); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_atomExpression3078); dbg.Location(672,8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:672:8: ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? int alt74 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(74); try { dbg.EnterDecision(74); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt74 = dfa74.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(74); } switch (alt74) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:673:6: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? { dbg.Location(673,6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:673:6: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ int cnt72 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(72); do { int alt72 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(72); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt72 = dfa72.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(72); } switch (alt72) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:673:7: T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(673,7); Match(input,T_POINT,FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_atomExpression3101); dbg.Location(674,11); idn=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_atomExpression3113); dbg.Location(675,8); e = addIdentifierAccessExpression(e,idn); } break; default: if ( cnt72 >= 1 ) goto loop72; EarlyExitException eee72 = new EarlyExitException(72, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee72); throw eee72; } cnt72++; } while (true); loop72: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop72' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(72); } dbg.Location(676,8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:676:8: (res= accessExpression[e] )? int alt73 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(73); try { dbg.EnterDecision(73); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt73 = dfa73.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(73); } switch (alt73) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:676:9: res= accessExpression[e] { dbg.Location(676,12); PushFollow(FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_atomExpression3137); res = accessExpression(e); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(676,33); e=res; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(73); } } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:678:6: e= accessExpression[e] { dbg.Location(678,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_atomExpression3157); e = accessExpression(e); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(74); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(75); } dbg.Location(680,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:680:5: ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? int alt76 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(76); try { dbg.EnterDecision(76); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt76 = dfa76.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(76); } switch (alt76) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:680:6: 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(680,6); Match(input,121,FOLLOW_121_in_atomExpression3176); dbg.Location(680,14); cid=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_atomExpression3180); dbg.Location(680,28); e=addCastExpression(e,cid); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(76); } dbg.Location(681,3); expr = addUnaryExpression(unexpr,e); } } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:683:6: ie= T_IF ce= expression T_THEN te= expression T_ELSE ee= expression T_END { dbg.Location(683,8); ie=(IToken)Match(input,T_IF,FOLLOW_T_IF_in_atomExpression3201); dbg.Location(683,16); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3205); ce = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(683,28); Match(input,T_THEN,FOLLOW_T_THEN_in_atomExpression3207); dbg.Location(683,37); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3211); te = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(683,49); Match(input,T_ELSE,FOLLOW_T_ELSE_in_atomExpression3213); dbg.Location(683,58); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3217); ee = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(683,70); Match(input,T_END,FOLLOW_T_END_in_atomExpression3219); dbg.Location(684,3); expr = createConditionalExpression(ce,te,ee,ie); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(685, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "atomExpression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return expr; } // $ANTLR end "atomExpression" // $ANTLR start "quantifierExpression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:688:1: quantifierExpression returns [Quantifier result] : t= ( T_FORALL | T_EXISTS ) (id= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* ) T_COLON T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ; public Quantifier quantifierExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Quantifier result = default(Quantifier); IToken t = null; IToken id = null; IToken id2 = null; UlyssesType id_type = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType id_type2 = default(UlyssesType); Expression e = default(Expression); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "quantifierExpression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(688, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:693:2: (t= ( T_FORALL | T_EXISTS ) (id= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* ) T_COLON T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:693:5: t= ( T_FORALL | T_EXISTS ) (id= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* ) T_COLON T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(693,6); t = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( (input.LA(1) >= T_FORALL && input.LA(1) <= T_EXISTS) ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(694,3); result = createQuantifierExpression(t); dbg.Location(695,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:695:3: (id= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:695:4: id= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* { dbg.Location(695,6); id=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_quantifierExpression3268); dbg.Location(695,20); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:695:20: ( T_COLON id_type= simpleType ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:695:21: T_COLON id_type= simpleType { dbg.Location(695,21); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3271); dbg.Location(695,36); PushFollow(FOLLOW_simpleType_in_quantifierExpression3275); id_type = simpleType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(695,48); addBoundVarToQuantifierExpression(result,id,id_type); } dbg.Location(696,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:696:5: ( T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(78); do { int alt78 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(78); int LA78_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA78_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt78 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(78); } switch (alt78) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:696:6: T_COMMA id2= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) { dbg.Location(696,6); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_quantifierExpression3286); dbg.Location(696,17); id2=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_quantifierExpression3290); dbg.Location(696,31); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:696:31: ( T_COLON id_type2= simpleType ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:696:32: T_COLON id_type2= simpleType { dbg.Location(696,32); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3293); dbg.Location(696,48); PushFollow(FOLLOW_simpleType_in_quantifierExpression3297); id_type2 = simpleType(); state.followingStackPointer--; } dbg.Location(696,60); addBoundVarToQuantifierExpression(result,id2,id_type2); } break; default: goto loop78; } } while (true); loop78: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop78' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(78); } } dbg.Location(697,3); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3307); dbg.Location(697,11); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_quantifierExpression3309); dbg.Location(697,21); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_quantifierExpression3313); e = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(697,33); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_quantifierExpression3315); dbg.Location(698,3); addExpressionToQuantifier(result,e); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { removeBoundVarsFromResolveStack(result); } dbg.Location(699, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "quantifierExpression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "quantifierExpression" // $ANTLR start "constant" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:703:1: constant returns [LeafExpression result] : ( T_TRUE | T_FALSE | T_NIL | T_SELF | t_fl= T_FLOATNUMBER | t_in= T_INTNUMBER | t_l= T_STRINGLITERAL ); public LeafExpression constant() // throws RecognitionException [1] { LeafExpression result = default(LeafExpression); IToken t_fl = null; IToken t_in = null; IToken t_l = null; result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "constant"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(703, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:708:2: ( T_TRUE | T_FALSE | T_NIL | T_SELF | t_fl= T_FLOATNUMBER | t_in= T_INTNUMBER | t_l= T_STRINGLITERAL ) int alt79 = 7; try { dbg.EnterDecision(79); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_TRUE: { alt79 = 1; } break; case T_FALSE: { alt79 = 2; } break; case T_NIL: { alt79 = 3; } break; case T_SELF: { alt79 = 4; } break; case T_FLOATNUMBER: { alt79 = 5; } break; case T_INTNUMBER: { alt79 = 6; } break; case T_STRINGLITERAL: { alt79 = 7; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d79s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 79, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d79s0); throw nvae_d79s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(79); } switch (alt79) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:708:5: T_TRUE { dbg.Location(708,5); Match(input,T_TRUE,FOLLOW_T_TRUE_in_constant3349); dbg.Location(708,13); result = createBoolConstant(true); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:709:4: T_FALSE { dbg.Location(709,4); Match(input,T_FALSE,FOLLOW_T_FALSE_in_constant3357); dbg.Location(709,12); result = createBoolConstant(false); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:710:4: T_NIL { dbg.Location(710,4); Match(input,T_NIL,FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_constant3364); dbg.Location(710,11); result = createNullPointerConstant(); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:711:4: T_SELF { dbg.Location(711,4); Match(input,T_SELF,FOLLOW_T_SELF_in_constant3372); dbg.Location(711,12); result = createSelfPointer(); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:712:5: t_fl= T_FLOATNUMBER { dbg.Location(712,9); t_fl=(IToken)Match(input,T_FLOATNUMBER,FOLLOW_T_FLOATNUMBER_in_constant3383); dbg.Location(712,24); result = createFloatConstant(t_fl); } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:713:4: t_in= T_INTNUMBER { dbg.Location(713,8); t_in=(IToken)Match(input,T_INTNUMBER,FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_constant3392); dbg.Location(713,21); result = createIntConstant(t_in); } break; case 7 : dbg.EnterAlt(7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:714:4: t_l= T_STRINGLITERAL { dbg.Location(714,7); t_l=(IToken)Match(input,T_STRINGLITERAL,FOLLOW_T_STRINGLITERAL_in_constant3401); dbg.Location(714,24); result = createStringConstant(t_l); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(715, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "constant"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "constant" // $ANTLR start "initializedComplexType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:717:1: initializedComplexType returns [Expression result] : (res= initializedListType | res= initializedSetType | T_NEW T_LPAREN anid= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA aname= T_STRINGLITERAL T_RPAREN | T_RPAREN ) ); public Expression initializedComplexType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); IToken anid = null; IToken aname = null; Expression res = default(Expression); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedComplexType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(717, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:722:2: (res= initializedListType | res= initializedSetType | T_NEW T_LPAREN anid= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA aname= T_STRINGLITERAL T_RPAREN | T_RPAREN ) ) int alt81 = 3; try { dbg.EnterDecision(81); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_LSQPAREN: { alt81 = 1; } break; case T_CBRL: { alt81 = 2; } break; case T_NEW: { alt81 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d81s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 81, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d81s0); throw nvae_d81s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(81); } switch (alt81) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:722:4: res= initializedListType { dbg.Location(722,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_initializedListType_in_initializedComplexType3428); res = initializedListType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(722,28); result = res; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:723:4: res= initializedSetType { dbg.Location(723,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_initializedSetType_in_initializedComplexType3437); res = initializedSetType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(723,27); result = res; } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:724:5: T_NEW T_LPAREN anid= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA aname= T_STRINGLITERAL T_RPAREN | T_RPAREN ) { dbg.Location(724,5); Match(input,T_NEW,FOLLOW_T_NEW_in_initializedComplexType3445); dbg.Location(724,11); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3447); dbg.Location(724,24); anid=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_initializedComplexType3451); dbg.Location(725,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:725:4: ( T_COMMA aname= T_STRINGLITERAL T_RPAREN | T_RPAREN ) int alt80 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(80); try { dbg.EnterDecision(80); int LA80_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA80_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt80 = 1; } else if ( (LA80_0 == T_RPAREN) ) { alt80 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d80s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 80, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d80s0); throw nvae_d80s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(80); } switch (alt80) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:726:5: T_COMMA aname= T_STRINGLITERAL T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(726,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedComplexType3463); dbg.Location(726,19); aname=(IToken)Match(input,T_STRINGLITERAL,FOLLOW_T_STRINGLITERAL_in_initializedComplexType3468); dbg.Location(726,36); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3470); dbg.Location(726,45); result = createNamedObject(anid, aname); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:727:6: T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(727,6); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3479); dbg.Location(727,15); result = createObject(anid); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(80); } } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(729, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedComplexType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "initializedComplexType" // $ANTLR start "initializedListType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:731:1: initializedListType returns [ListConstructor result] : T_LSQPAREN e= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | listComprehension[result] )? T_RSQPAREN ; public ListConstructor initializedListType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { ListConstructor result = default(ListConstructor); Expression e = default(Expression); Expression e2 = default(Expression); result = createInitializedList(); pushListVarsOnResolveStack(result); // need this here for list comprehension try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedListType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(731, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:737:2: ( T_LSQPAREN e= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | listComprehension[result] )? T_RSQPAREN ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:737:4: T_LSQPAREN e= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | listComprehension[result] )? T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(737,4); Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_initializedListType3510); dbg.Location(737,16); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedListType3514); e = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(737,28); addListElement(result,e); dbg.Location(737,56); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:737:56: ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | listComprehension[result] )? int alt83 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(83); try { dbg.EnterDecision(83); int LA83_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA83_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt83 = 1; } else if ( (LA83_0 == T_BAR) ) { alt83 = 2; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(83); } switch (alt83) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:738:4: ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ { dbg.Location(738,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:738:4: ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ int cnt82 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(82); do { int alt82 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(82); int LA82_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA82_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt82 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(82); } switch (alt82) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:738:5: T_COMMA e2= expression { dbg.Location(738,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedListType3525); dbg.Location(738,15); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedListType3529); e2 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(738,27); addListElement(result,e2); } break; default: if ( cnt82 >= 1 ) goto loop82; EarlyExitException eee82 = new EarlyExitException(82, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee82); throw eee82; } cnt82++; } while (true); loop82: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop82' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(82); } } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:739:6: listComprehension[result] { dbg.Location(739,6); PushFollow(FOLLOW_listComprehension_in_initializedListType3541); listComprehension(result); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(83); } dbg.Location(740,6); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_initializedListType3549); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popListVarsFromResolveStack(result); } dbg.Location(741, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedListType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "initializedListType" // $ANTLR start "listComprehension" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:745:1: listComprehension[ListConstructor result] : T_BAR T_VAR id= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER t2= complexType )* ( '&' e= expression )? ; public void listComprehension(ListConstructor result) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken id = null; IToken id2 = null; UlyssesType t1 = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType t2 = default(UlyssesType); Expression e = default(Expression); result.SetHasComprehension(true); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "listComprehension"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(745, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:749:2: ( T_BAR T_VAR id= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER t2= complexType )* ( '&' e= expression )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:750:3: T_BAR T_VAR id= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER t2= complexType )* ( '&' e= expression )? { dbg.Location(750,3); Match(input,T_BAR,FOLLOW_T_BAR_in_listComprehension3580); dbg.Location(750,9); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_listComprehension3582); dbg.Location(751,5); id=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_listComprehension3588); dbg.Location(751,20); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_listComprehension3591); dbg.Location(751,30); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_listComprehension3595); t1 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(751,43); addListComprVar(result,id,t1); dbg.Location(752,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:752:4: ( T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER t2= complexType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(84); do { int alt84 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(84); int LA84_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA84_0 == T_SEMICOLON) ) { alt84 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(84); } switch (alt84) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:752:5: T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER t2= complexType { dbg.Location(752,5); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_listComprehension3604); dbg.Location(752,20); id2=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_listComprehension3608); dbg.Location(752,37); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_listComprehension3613); t2 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(752,50); addListComprVar(result,id2,t2); } break; default: goto loop84; } } while (true); loop84: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop84' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(84); } dbg.Location(753,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:753:3: ( '&' e= expression )? int alt85 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(85); try { dbg.EnterDecision(85); int LA85_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA85_0 == 120) ) { alt85 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(85); } switch (alt85) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:753:4: '&' e= expression { dbg.Location(753,4); Match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_listComprehension3623); dbg.Location(754,4); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_listComprehension3629); e = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(754,16); addListComprExpr(result,e); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(85); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(755, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "listComprehension"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "listComprehension" // $ANTLR start "initializedSetType" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:757:1: initializedSetType returns [Expression result] : ( T_CBRL T_MAPS T_CBRR | res= initializedSet ); public Expression initializedSetType() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); Expression res = default(Expression); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedSetType"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(757, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:762:2: ( T_CBRL T_MAPS T_CBRR | res= initializedSet ) int alt86 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(86); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt86 = dfa86.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(86); } switch (alt86) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:762:4: T_CBRL T_MAPS T_CBRR { dbg.Location(762,4); Match(input,T_CBRL,FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_initializedSetType3655); dbg.Location(762,11); Match(input,T_MAPS,FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_initializedSetType3657); dbg.Location(762,18); Match(input,T_CBRR,FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_initializedSetType3659); dbg.Location(762,25); result = createEmptyMap(); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:763:4: res= initializedSet { dbg.Location(763,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_initializedSet_in_initializedSetType3670); res = initializedSet(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(763,23); result = res; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(764, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedSetType"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "initializedSetType" // $ANTLR start "initializedSet" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:766:1: initializedSet returns [Expression result] : T_CBRL e1= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | m= map[result, e1] | setComprehension[(SetConstructor)result] )? T_CBRR ; public Expression initializedSet() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); Expression e1 = default(Expression); Expression e2 = default(Expression); Expression m = default(Expression); SetConstructor theset = createSet(); pushSetVarsOnResolveStack(theset); // need this here for set comprehension result = theset; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedSet"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(766, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:773:2: ( T_CBRL e1= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | m= map[result, e1] | setComprehension[(SetConstructor)result] )? T_CBRR ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:773:4: T_CBRL e1= expression ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | m= map[result, e1] | setComprehension[(SetConstructor)result] )? T_CBRR { dbg.Location(773,4); Match(input,T_CBRL,FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_initializedSet3696); dbg.Location(773,13); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedSet3700); e1 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(774,10); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:774:10: ( ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ | m= map[result, e1] | setComprehension[(SetConstructor)result] )? int alt88 = 4; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(88); try { dbg.EnterDecision(88); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_COMMA: { alt88 = 1; } break; case T_MAPS: { alt88 = 2; } break; case T_BAR: { alt88 = 3; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(88); } switch (alt88) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:775:4: ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ { dbg.Location(775,4); addToSet(result,e1); dbg.Location(776,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:776:4: ( T_COMMA e2= expression )+ int cnt87 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(87); do { int alt87 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(87); int LA87_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA87_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt87 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(87); } switch (alt87) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:776:5: T_COMMA e2= expression { dbg.Location(776,5); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedSet3730); dbg.Location(776,15); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedSet3734); e2 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(776,27); addToSet(result,e2); } break; default: if ( cnt87 >= 1 ) goto loop87; EarlyExitException eee87 = new EarlyExitException(87, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee87); throw eee87; } cnt87++; } while (true); loop87: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop87' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(87); } } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:777:6: m= map[result, e1] { dbg.Location(777,7); PushFollow(FOLLOW_map_in_initializedSet3752); m = map(result, e1); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(777,24); result = m; } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:778:5: setComprehension[(SetConstructor)result] { dbg.Location(778,5); addToSet(result,e1); dbg.Location(778,28); PushFollow(FOLLOW_setComprehension_in_initializedSet3765); setComprehension((SetConstructor)result); state.followingStackPointer--; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(88); } dbg.Location(779,6); Match(input,T_CBRR,FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_initializedSet3776); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { popSetVarsFromResolveStack(theset); } dbg.Location(780, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "initializedSet"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "initializedSet" // $ANTLR start "map" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:784:1: map[Expression _map, Expression e1] returns [Expression result] : am= T_MAPS e2= expression ( T_COMMA e3= expression T_MAPS e4= expression )* ; public Expression map(Expression _map, Expression e1) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); IToken am = null; Expression e2 = default(Expression); Expression e3 = default(Expression); Expression e4 = default(Expression); result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "map"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(784, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:789:2: (am= T_MAPS e2= expression ( T_COMMA e3= expression T_MAPS e4= expression )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:789:4: am= T_MAPS e2= expression ( T_COMMA e3= expression T_MAPS e4= expression )* { dbg.Location(789,6); am=(IToken)Match(input,T_MAPS,FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_map3812); dbg.Location(789,16); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_map3816); e2 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(789,29); result = createMap(e1,e2,am); dbg.Location(789,63); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:789:63: ( T_COMMA e3= expression T_MAPS e4= expression )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(89); do { int alt89 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(89); int LA89_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA89_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt89 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(89); } switch (alt89) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:789:64: T_COMMA e3= expression T_MAPS e4= expression { dbg.Location(789,64); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_map3824); dbg.Location(789,74); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_map3828); e3 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(789,86); Match(input,T_MAPS,FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_map3830); dbg.Location(789,95); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_map3834); e4 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(789,107); addToMap(result,e3,e4); } break; default: goto loop89; } } while (true); loop89: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop89' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(89); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(790, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "map"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "map" // $ANTLR start "setComprehension" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:792:1: setComprehension[SetConstructor _set] : T_BAR T_VAR (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* ( '&' epx= expression )? ; public void setComprehension(SetConstructor _set) // throws RecognitionException [1] { IToken id1 = null; IToken id2 = null; UlyssesType t1 = default(UlyssesType); UlyssesType t2 = default(UlyssesType); Expression epx = default(Expression); _set.SetHasComprehension(true); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "setComprehension"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(792, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:796:2: ( T_BAR T_VAR (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* ( '&' epx= expression )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:796:4: T_BAR T_VAR (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* ( '&' epx= expression )? { dbg.Location(796,4); Match(input,T_BAR,FOLLOW_T_BAR_in_setComprehension3856); dbg.Location(796,10); Match(input,T_VAR,FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_setComprehension3858); dbg.Location(796,16); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:796:16: (id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(90); do { int alt90 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(90); int LA90_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA90_0 == T_IDENTIFIER) ) { alt90 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(90); } switch (alt90) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:796:17: id1= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t1= complexType T_SEMICOLON id2= T_IDENTIFIER T_COLON t2= complexType { dbg.Location(796,20); id1=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_setComprehension3863); dbg.Location(796,35); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_setComprehension3866); dbg.Location(796,45); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_setComprehension3870); t1 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(797,3); addSetComprVar(_set, id1, t1); dbg.Location(798,3); Match(input,T_SEMICOLON,FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_setComprehension3879); dbg.Location(798,18); id2=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_setComprehension3883); dbg.Location(798,32); Match(input,T_COLON,FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_setComprehension3885); dbg.Location(798,42); PushFollow(FOLLOW_complexType_in_setComprehension3889); t2 = complexType(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(799,4); addSetComprVar(_set, id2, t2); } break; default: goto loop90; } } while (true); loop90: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop90' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(90); } dbg.Location(800,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:800:3: ( '&' epx= expression )? int alt91 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(91); try { dbg.EnterDecision(91); int LA91_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA91_0 == 120) ) { alt91 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(91); } switch (alt91) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:800:4: '&' epx= expression { dbg.Location(800,4); Match(input,120,FOLLOW_120_in_setComprehension3903); dbg.Location(801,6); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_setComprehension3909); epx = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(802,3); addSetComprExpr(_set,epx); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(91); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(803, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "setComprehension"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return ; } // $ANTLR end "setComprehension" // $ANTLR start "qvalExpression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:806:1: qvalExpression returns [QValConstructor result] : aval= 'qval' T_LPAREN ( T_NIL | (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? ) T_COMMA ( T_NIL | ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) ) T_RPAREN ; public QValConstructor qvalExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { QValConstructor result = default(QValConstructor); IToken aval = null; Expression expr = default(Expression); Expression expr2 = default(Expression); bool minus = false; result = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "qvalExpression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(806, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:812:2: (aval= 'qval' T_LPAREN ( T_NIL | (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? ) T_COMMA ( T_NIL | ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) ) T_RPAREN ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:813:3: aval= 'qval' T_LPAREN ( T_NIL | (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? ) T_COMMA ( T_NIL | ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) ) T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(813,7); aval=(IToken)Match(input,122,FOLLOW_122_in_qvalExpression3944); dbg.Location(813,15); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_qvalExpression3946); dbg.Location(814,3); result = createQualitativeValue(aval); dbg.Location(815,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:815:3: ( T_NIL | (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? ) int alt96 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(96); try { dbg.EnterDecision(96); int LA96_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA96_0 == T_NIL) ) { alt96 = 1; } else if ( (LA96_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || (LA96_0 >= T_MINUS && LA96_0 <= T_INFTY) || LA96_0 == T_SELF) ) { alt96 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d96s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 96, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d96s0); throw nvae_d96s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(96); } switch (alt96) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:816:4: T_NIL { dbg.Location(816,4); Match(input,T_NIL,FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_qvalExpression3960); dbg.Location(817,4); setQualitativeValueDontCare(result); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:819:4: (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? { dbg.Location(819,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:819:4: (expr= qualifiedIdentifier | ( '-' )? T_INFTY ) int alt93 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(93); try { dbg.EnterDecision(93); int LA93_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA93_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || LA93_0 == T_SELF) ) { alt93 = 1; } else if ( ((LA93_0 >= T_MINUS && LA93_0 <= T_INFTY)) ) { alt93 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d93s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 93, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d93s0); throw nvae_d93s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(93); } switch (alt93) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:819:6: expr= qualifiedIdentifier { dbg.Location(819,10); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_qvalExpression3981); expr = qualifiedIdentifier(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(820,6); setQualitativeValueLandmark(result,expr); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:822:5: ( '-' )? T_INFTY { dbg.Location(822,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:822:5: ( '-' )? int alt92 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(92); try { dbg.EnterDecision(92); int LA92_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA92_0 == T_MINUS) ) { alt92 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(92); } switch (alt92) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:822:6: '-' { dbg.Location(822,6); Match(input,T_MINUS,FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_qvalExpression4000); dbg.Location(822,10); minus = true; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(92); } dbg.Location(822,28); Match(input,T_INFTY,FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_qvalExpression4006); dbg.Location(823,5); setQualitativeValueInfinity(result,minus); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(93); } dbg.Location(825,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:825:4: ( T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) )? int alt95 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(95); try { dbg.EnterDecision(95); int LA95_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA95_0 == T_RANGETO) ) { alt95 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(95); } switch (alt95) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:825:5: T_RANGETO (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) { dbg.Location(825,5); Match(input,T_RANGETO,FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_qvalExpression4024); dbg.Location(826,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:826:4: (expr2= qualifiedIdentifier | T_INFTY ) int alt94 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(94); try { dbg.EnterDecision(94); int LA94_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA94_0 == T_IDENTIFIER || LA94_0 == T_SELF) ) { alt94 = 1; } else if ( (LA94_0 == T_INFTY) ) { alt94 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d94s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 94, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d94s0); throw nvae_d94s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(94); } switch (alt94) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:826:6: expr2= qualifiedIdentifier { dbg.Location(826,11); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_qvalExpression4034); expr2 = qualifiedIdentifier(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(827,5); setQualitativeValueRange(result,expr2); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:829:5: T_INFTY { dbg.Location(829,5); Match(input,T_INFTY,FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_qvalExpression4052); dbg.Location(830,5); setQualitativeValueRangeInfinity(result,false); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(94); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(95); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(96); } dbg.Location(833,3); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_qvalExpression4076); dbg.Location(834,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:834:3: ( T_NIL | ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) ) int alt98 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(98); try { dbg.EnterDecision(98); int LA98_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA98_0 == T_NIL) ) { alt98 = 1; } else if ( ((LA98_0 >= 123 && LA98_0 <= 125)) ) { alt98 = 2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae_d98s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 98, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d98s0); throw nvae_d98s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(98); } switch (alt98) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:835:4: T_NIL { dbg.Location(835,4); Match(input,T_NIL,FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_qvalExpression4086); dbg.Location(836,4); setQualitativeDerivDontCare(result); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:838:4: ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) { dbg.Location(838,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:838:4: ( 'steady' | 'inc' | 'dec' ) int alt97 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(97); try { dbg.EnterDecision(97); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 123: { alt97 = 1; } break; case 124: { alt97 = 2; } break; case 125: { alt97 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d97s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 97, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d97s0); throw nvae_d97s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(97); } switch (alt97) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:838:6: 'steady' { dbg.Location(838,6); Match(input,123,FOLLOW_123_in_qvalExpression4102); dbg.Location(839,5); setQualitativeDerivSteady(result); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:840:6: 'inc' { dbg.Location(840,6); Match(input,124,FOLLOW_124_in_qvalExpression4115); dbg.Location(841,5); setQualitativeDerivInc(result); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:842:6: 'dec' { dbg.Location(842,6); Match(input,125,FOLLOW_125_in_qvalExpression4128); dbg.Location(843,5); setQualitativeDerivDec(result); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(97); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(98); } dbg.Location(846,3); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_qvalExpression4150); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(847, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "qvalExpression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "qvalExpression" // $ANTLR start "identifierExpression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:850:1: identifierExpression returns [Expression result] : ({...}?aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN | res= reference ); public Expression identifierExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); IToken aName = null; System.Collections.Generic.List m_params = default(System.Collections.Generic.List); Expression res = default(Expression); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "identifierExpression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(850, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:852:2: ({...}?aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN | res= reference ) int alt99 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(99); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt99 = dfa99.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(99); } switch (alt99) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:853:3: {...}?aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(853,3); if ( !(EvalPredicate(isTuple(input.LT(1).Text),"isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)")) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "identifierExpression", "isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)"); } dbg.Location(854,8); aName=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_identifierExpression4183); dbg.Location(854,22); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_identifierExpression4185); dbg.Location(854,39); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_identifierExpression4189); m_params = methodCallParams(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(854,57); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_identifierExpression4191); dbg.Location(855,3); result = createInitializedTuple(aName,m_params); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:857:3: res= reference { dbg.Location(857,6); PushFollow(FOLLOW_reference_in_identifierExpression4206); res = reference(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(858,5); result = res; } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(859, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "identifierExpression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "identifierExpression" // $ANTLR start "reference" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:862:1: reference returns [Expression result] : {...}?aName= qualifiedIdentifier (output= accessExpression[result] | ) (pr= T_PRIMED | ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN )? ; public Expression reference() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); IToken pr = null; IToken afold = null; Expression aName = default(Expression); Expression output = default(Expression); Expression init = default(Expression); Expression anexpr = default(Expression); result = null; init = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "reference"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(862, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:868:2: ({...}?aName= qualifiedIdentifier (output= accessExpression[result] | ) (pr= T_PRIMED | ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:868:4: {...}?aName= qualifiedIdentifier (output= accessExpression[result] | ) (pr= T_PRIMED | ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN )? { dbg.Location(868,4); if ( !(EvalPredicate(!isTuple(input.LT(1).Text),"!isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)")) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "reference", "!isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)"); } dbg.Location(869,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_reference4244); aName = qualifiedIdentifier(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(869,29); result = aName; dbg.Location(870,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:870:3: (output= accessExpression[result] | ) int alt100 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(100); try { dbg.EnterDecision(100); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt100 = dfa100.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(100); } switch (alt100) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:870:5: output= accessExpression[result] { dbg.Location(870,11); PushFollow(FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_reference4256); output = accessExpression(result); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(870,37); result = output; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:873:3: { } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(100); } dbg.Location(874,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:874:3: (pr= T_PRIMED | ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN )? int alt102 = 3; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(102); try { dbg.EnterDecision(102); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt102 = dfa102.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(102); } switch (alt102) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:874:6: pr= T_PRIMED { dbg.Location(874,8); pr=(IToken)Match(input,T_PRIMED,FOLLOW_T_PRIMED_in_reference4281); dbg.Location(874,18); setIdentifierExpressionPrimed(ref result,pr); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:876:5: ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(876,5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:876:5: ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? int alt101 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(101); try { dbg.EnterDecision(101); int LA101_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA101_0 == 126) ) { alt101 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(101); } switch (alt101) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:876:6: '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(876,6); Match(input,126,FOLLOW_126_in_reference4297); dbg.Location(876,11); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_reference4299); dbg.Location(876,24); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_reference4303); init = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(876,36); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_reference4305); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(101); } dbg.Location(876,52); afold = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ( (input.LA(1) >= T_FOLDLR && input.LA(1) <= T_FOLDRL) ) { input.Consume(); state.errorRecovery = false; } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); dbg.RecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } dbg.Location(876,73); Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_reference4317); dbg.Location(876,88); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_reference4321); anexpr = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(876,100); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_reference4323); dbg.Location(877,5); result = createFoldExpression(result,afold,init,anexpr); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(102); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(879, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "reference"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "reference" // $ANTLR start "accessExpression" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:881:1: accessExpression[Expression subexpr] returns [Expression result] : (tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN | bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )+ ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? )? ; public Expression accessExpression(Expression subexpr) // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression result = default(Expression); IToken tcall = null; IToken bcall = null; IToken idn = null; Expression ac = default(Expression); System.Collections.Generic.List m_params = default(System.Collections.Generic.List); Expression res = default(Expression); UnaryOperator newExpr = null; result = subexpr; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "accessExpression"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(881, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:887:2: ( (tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN | bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )+ ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:888:7: (tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN | bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )+ ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? )? { dbg.Location(888,7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:888:7: (tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN | bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )+ int cnt103 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(103); do { int alt103 = 3; try { dbg.EnterDecision(103); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt103 = dfa103.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(103); } switch (alt103) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:888:9: tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN { dbg.Location(888,14); tcall=(IToken)Match(input,T_LSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_accessExpression4368); dbg.Location(888,28); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_accessExpression4372); ac = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(888,40); Match(input,T_RSQPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_accessExpression4374); dbg.Location(889,8); result = createTupleMapAccessExpression(result,ac,tcall); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:890:10: bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN { dbg.Location(890,15); bcall=(IToken)Match(input,T_LPAREN,FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_accessExpression4401); dbg.Location(890,33); PushFollow(FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_accessExpression4405); m_params = methodCallParams(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(890,51); Match(input,T_RPAREN,FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_accessExpression4407); dbg.Location(891,4); result = createMethodAccessExpression(result,m_params,bcall); } break; default: if ( cnt103 >= 1 ) goto loop103; EarlyExitException eee103 = new EarlyExitException(103, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee103); throw eee103; } cnt103++; } while (true); loop103: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop103' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(103); } dbg.Location(893,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:893:3: ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? )? int alt106 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(106); try { dbg.EnterDecision(106); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt106 = dfa106.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(106); } switch (alt106) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:894:4: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? { dbg.Location(894,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:894:4: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ int cnt104 = 0; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(104); do { int alt104 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(104); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt104 = dfa104.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(104); } switch (alt104) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:894:5: T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(894,5); Match(input,T_POINT,FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_accessExpression4429); dbg.Location(895,7); idn=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_accessExpression4437); dbg.Location(896,4); result = addIdentifierAccessExpression(result,idn); } break; default: if ( cnt104 >= 1 ) goto loop104; EarlyExitException eee104 = new EarlyExitException(104, input); dbg.RecognitionException(eee104); throw eee104; } cnt104++; } while (true); loop104: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop104' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(104); } dbg.Location(897,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:897:4: (res= accessExpression[result] )? int alt105 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(105); try { dbg.EnterDecision(105); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt105 = dfa105.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(105); } switch (alt105) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:897:5: res= accessExpression[result] { dbg.Location(897,8); PushFollow(FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_accessExpression4453); res = accessExpression(result); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(897,34); result=res; } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(105); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(106); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(899, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "accessExpression"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "accessExpression" // $ANTLR start "qualifiedIdentifier" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:901:1: qualifiedIdentifier returns [Expression top] : (self= T_SELF T_POINT )? idb= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER )* ; public Expression qualifiedIdentifier() // throws RecognitionException [1] { Expression top = default(Expression); IToken self = null; IToken idb = null; IToken idd = null; IdentifierExpression selfexpr = null; top = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "qualifiedIdentifier"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(901, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:907:2: ( (self= T_SELF T_POINT )? idb= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER )* ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:908:3: (self= T_SELF T_POINT )? idb= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER )* { dbg.Location(908,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:908:3: (self= T_SELF T_POINT )? int alt107 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(107); try { dbg.EnterDecision(107); int LA107_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA107_0 == T_SELF) ) { alt107 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(107); } switch (alt107) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:908:4: self= T_SELF T_POINT { dbg.Location(908,8); self=(IToken)Match(input,T_SELF,FOLLOW_T_SELF_in_qualifiedIdentifier4492); dbg.Location(908,16); Match(input,T_POINT,FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_qualifiedIdentifier4494); dbg.Location(908,25); selfexpr = createSelfIdentifierExpression(self); } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(107); } dbg.Location(909,6); idb=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualifiedIdentifier4506); dbg.Location(909,22); top = createIdentifierAccessExpression(selfexpr,idb); dbg.Location(910,3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:910:3: ( T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(108); do { int alt108 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(108); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt108 = dfa108.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(108); } switch (alt108) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:910:4: T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER { dbg.Location(910,4); Match(input,T_POINT,FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_qualifiedIdentifier4515); dbg.Location(910,15); idd=(IToken)Match(input,T_IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualifiedIdentifier4519); dbg.Location(910,30); top = addIdentifierAccessExpression(top,idd); } break; default: goto loop108; } } while (true); loop108: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop108' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(108); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(911, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "qualifiedIdentifier"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return top; } // $ANTLR end "qualifiedIdentifier" // $ANTLR start "methodCallParams" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:914:1: methodCallParams returns [System.Collections.Generic.List result] : (expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* )? ; public System.Collections.Generic.List methodCallParams() // throws RecognitionException [1] { System.Collections.Generic.List result = default(System.Collections.Generic.List); Expression expa = default(Expression); Expression expb = default(Expression); result = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "methodCallParams"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(914, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:2: ( (expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* )? ) dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:4: (expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* )? { dbg.Location(919,4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:4: (expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* )? int alt110 = 2; try { dbg.EnterSubRule(110); try { dbg.EnterDecision(110); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt110 = dfa110.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(110); } switch (alt110) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:5: expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* { dbg.Location(919,9); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_methodCallParams4552); expa = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(919,21); result.Add(expa); dbg.Location(919,41); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:41: ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* try { dbg.EnterSubRule(109); do { int alt109 = 2; try { dbg.EnterDecision(109); int LA109_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA109_0 == T_COMMA) ) { alt109 = 1; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(109); } switch (alt109) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:919:42: T_COMMA expb= expression { dbg.Location(919,42); Match(input,T_COMMA,FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_methodCallParams4557); dbg.Location(919,54); PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_methodCallParams4561); expb = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(919,66); result.Add(expb); } break; default: goto loop109; } } while (true); loop109: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop109' has no statements } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(109); } } break; } } finally { dbg.ExitSubRule(110); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(920, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "methodCallParams"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return result; } // $ANTLR end "methodCallParams" // $ANTLR start "op_un" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:929:1: op_un returns [UnaryOperator expr] : (r= op_un_set_list | r2= op_un_map | T_MINUS | T_NOT | T_ABS ); public UnaryOperator op_un() // throws RecognitionException [1] { UnaryOperator expr = default(UnaryOperator); UnaryOperator r = default(UnaryOperator); UnaryOperator r2 = default(UnaryOperator); expr = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(929, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:934:2: (r= op_un_set_list | r2= op_un_map | T_MINUS | T_NOT | T_ABS ) int alt111 = 5; try { dbg.EnterDecision(111); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt111 = dfa111.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(111); } switch (alt111) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:934:4: r= op_un_set_list { dbg.Location(934,5); PushFollow(FOLLOW_op_un_set_list_in_op_un4600); r = op_un_set_list(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(934,21); expr = r; } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:935:4: r2= op_un_map { dbg.Location(935,6); PushFollow(FOLLOW_op_un_map_in_op_un4609); r2 = op_un_map(); state.followingStackPointer--; dbg.Location(935,18); expr = r2; } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:936:4: T_MINUS { dbg.Location(936,4); Match(input,T_MINUS,FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_op_un4617); dbg.Location(936,13); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.unminus); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:937:4: T_NOT { dbg.Location(937,4); Match(input,T_NOT,FOLLOW_T_NOT_in_op_un4625); dbg.Location(937,11); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.not); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:938:4: T_ABS { dbg.Location(938,4); Match(input,T_ABS,FOLLOW_T_ABS_in_op_un4633); dbg.Location(938,11); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.abs); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(939, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return expr; } // $ANTLR end "op_un" // $ANTLR start "op_un_set_list" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:942:1: op_un_set_list returns [UnaryOperator expr] : ( T_CARD | T_DCONC | T_DINTER | T_DUNION | T_ELEMS | T_HEAD | T_INDS | T_LEN | T_TAIL ); public UnaryOperator op_un_set_list() // throws RecognitionException [1] { UnaryOperator expr = default(UnaryOperator); expr = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un_set_list"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(942, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:947:2: ( T_CARD | T_DCONC | T_DINTER | T_DUNION | T_ELEMS | T_HEAD | T_INDS | T_LEN | T_TAIL ) int alt112 = 9; try { dbg.EnterDecision(112); try { isCyclicDecision = true; alt112 = dfa112.Predict(input); } catch (NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(112); } switch (alt112) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:947:4: T_CARD { dbg.Location(947,4); Match(input,T_CARD,FOLLOW_T_CARD_in_op_un_set_list4660); dbg.Location(948,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.card); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:949:4: T_DCONC { dbg.Location(949,4); Match(input,T_DCONC,FOLLOW_T_DCONC_in_op_un_set_list4671); dbg.Location(950,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.dconc); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:951:4: T_DINTER { dbg.Location(951,4); Match(input,T_DINTER,FOLLOW_T_DINTER_in_op_un_set_list4682); dbg.Location(952,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.dinter); } break; case 4 : dbg.EnterAlt(4); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:953:4: T_DUNION { dbg.Location(953,4); Match(input,T_DUNION,FOLLOW_T_DUNION_in_op_un_set_list4692); dbg.Location(954,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.dunion); } break; case 5 : dbg.EnterAlt(5); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:955:4: T_ELEMS { dbg.Location(955,4); Match(input,T_ELEMS,FOLLOW_T_ELEMS_in_op_un_set_list4702); dbg.Location(956,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.elems); } break; case 6 : dbg.EnterAlt(6); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:957:4: T_HEAD { dbg.Location(957,4); Match(input,T_HEAD,FOLLOW_T_HEAD_in_op_un_set_list4713); dbg.Location(958,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.head); } break; case 7 : dbg.EnterAlt(7); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:959:4: T_INDS { dbg.Location(959,4); Match(input,T_INDS,FOLLOW_T_INDS_in_op_un_set_list4724); dbg.Location(960,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.inds); } break; case 8 : dbg.EnterAlt(8); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:961:4: T_LEN { dbg.Location(961,4); Match(input,T_LEN,FOLLOW_T_LEN_in_op_un_set_list4735); dbg.Location(962,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.len); } break; case 9 : dbg.EnterAlt(9); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:963:4: T_TAIL { dbg.Location(963,4); Match(input,T_TAIL,FOLLOW_T_TAIL_in_op_un_set_list4746); dbg.Location(964,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.tail); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(965, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un_set_list"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return expr; } // $ANTLR end "op_un_set_list" // $ANTLR start "op_un_map" // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:968:1: op_un_map returns [UnaryOperator expr] : ( T_DOM | T_RNG | T_MERGE ); public UnaryOperator op_un_map() // throws RecognitionException [1] { UnaryOperator expr = default(UnaryOperator); expr = null; try { dbg.EnterRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un_map"); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Commence();} IncRuleLevel(); dbg.Location(968, 1); try { // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:973:2: ( T_DOM | T_RNG | T_MERGE ) int alt113 = 3; try { dbg.EnterDecision(113); switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case T_DOM: { alt113 = 1; } break; case T_RNG: { alt113 = 2; } break; case T_MERGE: { alt113 = 3; } break; default: NoViableAltException nvae_d113s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 113, 0, input); dbg.RecognitionException(nvae_d113s0); throw nvae_d113s0; } } finally { dbg.ExitDecision(113); } switch (alt113) { case 1 : dbg.EnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:973:4: T_DOM { dbg.Location(973,4); Match(input,T_DOM,FOLLOW_T_DOM_in_op_un_map4775); dbg.Location(974,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.dom); } break; case 2 : dbg.EnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:975:4: T_RNG { dbg.Location(975,4); Match(input,T_RNG,FOLLOW_T_RNG_in_op_un_map4786); dbg.Location(976,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.range); } break; case 3 : dbg.EnterAlt(3); // C:\\Users\\stiran\\homer\\argos\\trunk\\src\\ooa.g:977:4: T_MERGE { dbg.Location(977,4); Match(input,T_MERGE,FOLLOW_T_MERGE_in_op_un_map4797); dbg.Location(978,3); expr = createUnaryOperator(ExpressionKind.merge); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); } finally { } dbg.Location(979, 2); } finally { dbg.ExitRule(GrammarFileName, "op_un_map"); DecRuleLevel(); if ( RuleLevel==0 ) {dbg.Terminate();} } return expr; } // $ANTLR end "op_un_map" // Delegated rules protected DFA4 dfa4; protected DFA14 dfa14; protected DFA67 dfa67; protected DFA70 dfa70; protected DFA68 dfa68; protected DFA69 dfa69; protected DFA77 dfa77; protected DFA71 dfa71; protected DFA75 dfa75; protected DFA74 dfa74; protected DFA72 dfa72; protected DFA73 dfa73; protected DFA76 dfa76; protected DFA86 dfa86; protected DFA99 dfa99; protected DFA100 dfa100; protected DFA102 dfa102; protected DFA103 dfa103; protected DFA106 dfa106; protected DFA104 dfa104; protected DFA105 dfa105; protected DFA108 dfa108; protected DFA110 dfa110; protected DFA111 dfa111; protected DFA112 dfa112; private void InitializeCyclicDFAs(IDebugEventListener dbg) { this.dfa4 = new DFA4(this, dbg); this.dfa14 = new DFA14(this, dbg); this.dfa67 = new DFA67(this, dbg); this.dfa70 = new DFA70(this, dbg); this.dfa68 = new DFA68(this, dbg); this.dfa69 = new DFA69(this, dbg); this.dfa77 = new DFA77(this, dbg); this.dfa71 = new DFA71(this, dbg); this.dfa75 = new DFA75(this, dbg); this.dfa74 = new DFA74(this, dbg); this.dfa72 = new DFA72(this, dbg); this.dfa73 = new DFA73(this, dbg); this.dfa76 = new DFA76(this, dbg); this.dfa86 = new DFA86(this, dbg); this.dfa99 = new DFA99(this, dbg); this.dfa100 = new DFA100(this, dbg); this.dfa102 = new DFA102(this, dbg); this.dfa103 = new DFA103(this, dbg); this.dfa106 = new DFA106(this, dbg); this.dfa104 = new DFA104(this, dbg); this.dfa105 = new DFA105(this, dbg); this.dfa108 = new DFA108(this, dbg); this.dfa110 = new DFA110(this, dbg); this.dfa111 = new DFA111(this, dbg); this.dfa112 = new DFA112(this, dbg); this.dfa99.specialStateTransitionHandler = new DFA.SpecialStateTransitionHandler(DFA99_SpecialStateTransition); } const string DFA4_eotS = "\x0e\uffff"; const string DFA4_eofS = "\x0e\uffff"; const string DFA4_minS = "\x01\x06\x0d\uffff"; const string DFA4_maxS = "\x01\x21\x0d\uffff"; const string DFA4_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x0a\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff"; const string DFA4_specialS = "\x0e\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA4_transitionS = { "\x01\x0c\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x02"+ "\x01\x04\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x02\x01\x01"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x02\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x0c", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA4_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA4_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA4_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA4_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA4_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA4_minS); static readonly char[] DFA4_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA4_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA4_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA4_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA4_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA4_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA4_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA4_transitionS); protected class DFA4 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA4(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 4; this.eot = DFA4_eot; this.eof = DFA4_eof; this.min = DFA4_min; this.max = DFA4_max; this.accept = DFA4_accept; this.special = DFA4_special; this.transition = DFA4_transition; } public DFA4(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "175:3: (aType= complexType | anOoaType= ooActionSystem )"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA14_eotS = "\x0c\uffff"; const string DFA14_eofS = "\x0c\uffff"; const string DFA14_minS = "\x01\x08\x0b\uffff"; const string DFA14_maxS = "\x01\x1f\x0b\uffff"; const string DFA14_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x03\x01\x04\x01\x05\x01\x06\x05"+ "\uffff"; const string DFA14_specialS = "\x0c\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA14_transitionS = { "\x01\x06\x03\uffff\x01\x05\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x04\uffff"+ "\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff\x02\x06\x01\uffff\x01\x06"+ "\x01\uffff\x02\x06", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA14_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA14_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA14_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA14_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA14_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA14_minS); static readonly char[] DFA14_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA14_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA14_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA14_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA14_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA14_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA14_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA14_transitionS); protected class DFA14 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA14(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 14; this.eot = DFA14_eot; this.eof = DFA14_eof; this.min = DFA14_min; this.max = DFA14_max; this.accept = DFA14_accept; this.special = DFA14_special; this.transition = DFA14_transition; } public DFA14(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "209:1: complexType returns [UlyssesType aTypeSymbol] : ( T_LIST T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN T_OF innertype= complexType | T_LSQPAREN alistelem= T_IDENTIFIER ( T_COMMA otherlistelem= T_IDENTIFIER )* T_RSQPAREN | T_MAP ( T_LSQPAREN numOfElements= ( T_INTNUMBER | T_IDENTIFIER ) T_RSQPAREN )? mapfromtype= simpleType T_TO maptotype= complexType | T_QUANTITY T_OF T_LSQPAREN (alandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | alandmark= T_MINUS T_INFTY ) ( T_COMMA (otherlandmark= T_IDENTIFIER | otherlandmark= T_INFTY ) )* T_RSQPAREN | T_LPAREN aType= complexType ( T_COMMA anotherType= complexType )* T_RPAREN | r= simpleType );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA67_eotS = "\x32\uffff"; const string DFA67_eofS = "\x32\uffff"; const string DFA67_minS = "\x01\x05\x31\uffff"; const string DFA67_maxS = "\x01\x76\x31\uffff"; const string DFA67_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x12\uffff\x01\x01\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA67_specialS = "\x32\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA67_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x14\x02\x01\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x14"+ "\x08\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x03\x01\x04\uffff\x02\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x03\x14\x07\uffff\x01\x01\x08\x14\x01\uffff\x11\x14\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x01\x07\uffff\x02\x01\x15\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA67_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA67_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA67_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA67_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA67_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA67_minS); static readonly char[] DFA67_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA67_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA67_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA67_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA67_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA67_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA67_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA67_transitionS); protected class DFA67 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA67(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 67; this.eot = DFA67_eot; this.eof = DFA67_eof; this.min = DFA67_min; this.max = DFA67_max; this.accept = DFA67_accept; this.special = DFA67_special; this.transition = DFA67_transition; } public DFA67(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "()* loopback of 583:3: (op= binoperator right= atomExpression )*"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA70_eotS = "\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA70_eofS = "\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA70_minS = "\x01\x09\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA70_maxS = "\x01\x53\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA70_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x03\x01\x04\x01\x05\x01\x06\x01"+ "\x07\x01\x08\x01\x09\x01\x0a\x01\x0b\x01\x0c\x01\x0d\x01\x0e\x01"+ "\x0f\x01\x10\x01\x11\x01\x12\x01\x13\x01\x14\x01\x15\x01\x16\x01"+ "\x17\x01\x18\x01\x19\x01\x1a\x01\x1b\x01\x1c\x01\x1d\x01\x1e"; const string DFA70_specialS = "\x1f\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA70_transitionS = { "\x01\x06\x0d\uffff\x01\x09\x17\uffff\x01\x0a\x01\x14\x01\x10"+ "\x08\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x03\x01\x04\x01\x05\x01\x07\x01"+ "\x08\x01\x0b\x01\uffff\x01\x0c\x01\x0d\x01\x0e\x01\x0f\x01\x11"+ "\x01\x12\x01\x13\x01\x15\x01\x16\x01\x17\x01\x18\x01\x19\x01"+ "\x1a\x01\x1b\x01\x1c\x01\x1d\x01\x1e", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA70_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA70_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA70_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA70_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA70_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA70_minS); static readonly char[] DFA70_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA70_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA70_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA70_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA70_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA70_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA70_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA70_transitionS); protected class DFA70 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA70(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 70; this.eot = DFA70_eot; this.eof = DFA70_eof; this.min = DFA70_min; this.max = DFA70_max; this.accept = DFA70_accept; this.special = DFA70_special; this.transition = DFA70_transition; } public DFA70(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "594:1: binoperator returns [BinaryOperator binop] : ( T_BIIMPLIES | T_GREATER | T_GREATEREQUAL | T_LESS | T_LESSEQUAL | T_EQUAL | T_NOTEQUAL | T_IMPLIES | T_MINUS | T_SUM | T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_NOT T_IN ( T_SET )? | T_SUBSET | T_OR | T_DIV | T_PROD | T_IDIV | T_MOD | T_UNION | T_DIFF | T_INTER | T_AND | T_POW | T_CONC | T_DOMRESBY | T_DOMRESTO | T_RNGRESBY | T_RNGRESTO | T_MUNION | T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA68_eotS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA68_eofS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA68_minS = "\x01\x08\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA68_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA68_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA68_specialS = "\x20\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA68_transitionS = { "\x01\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x02\x02\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x02\x05\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x17\uffff\x01\x02\x0a"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x11\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x07\x02\x03"+ "\uffff\x0d\x02\x0b\uffff\x01\x02", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA68_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA68_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA68_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA68_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA68_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA68_minS); static readonly char[] DFA68_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA68_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA68_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA68_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA68_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA68_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA68_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA68_transitionS); protected class DFA68 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA68(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 68; this.eot = DFA68_eot; this.eof = DFA68_eof; this.min = DFA68_min; this.max = DFA68_max; this.accept = DFA68_accept; this.special = DFA68_special; this.transition = DFA68_transition; } public DFA68(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "616:9: ( T_SET )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA69_eotS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA69_eofS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA69_minS = "\x01\x08\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA69_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA69_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA69_specialS = "\x20\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA69_transitionS = { "\x01\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x02\x02\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x02\x05\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x17\uffff\x01\x02\x0a"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x11\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x07\x02\x03"+ "\uffff\x0d\x02\x0b\uffff\x01\x02", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA69_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA69_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA69_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA69_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA69_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA69_minS); static readonly char[] DFA69_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA69_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA69_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA69_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA69_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA69_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA69_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA69_transitionS); protected class DFA69 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA69(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 69; this.eot = DFA69_eot; this.eof = DFA69_eof; this.min = DFA69_min; this.max = DFA69_max; this.accept = DFA69_accept; this.special = DFA69_special; this.transition = DFA69_transition; } public DFA69(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "618:15: ( T_SET )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA77_eotS = "\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA77_eofS = "\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA77_minS = "\x01\x08\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA77_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA77_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x1c\uffff\x01\x02"; const string DFA77_specialS = "\x1f\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA77_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x02\x01\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x01\x05\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x17\uffff\x01\x01\x0b"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x11\uffff\x01\x1e\x02\uffff\x07\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x0d\x01\x0b\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA77_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA77_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA77_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA77_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA77_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA77_minS); static readonly char[] DFA77_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA77_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA77_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA77_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA77_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA77_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA77_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA77_transitionS); protected class DFA77 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA77(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 77; this.eot = DFA77_eot; this.eof = DFA77_eof; this.min = DFA77_min; this.max = DFA77_max; this.accept = DFA77_accept; this.special = DFA77_special; this.transition = DFA77_transition; } public DFA77(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "660:1: atomExpression returns [Expression expr] : ( ( (unexpr= op_un )? (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? ) ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )? ) | ie= T_IF ce= expression T_THEN te= expression T_ELSE ee= expression T_END );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA71_eotS = "\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA71_eofS = "\x1e\uffff"; const string DFA71_minS = "\x01\x08\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA71_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA71_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x0e\uffff\x01\x02\x0d\uffff"; const string DFA71_specialS = "\x1e\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA71_transitionS = { "\x01\x10\x03\uffff\x01\x10\x02\uffff\x02\x10\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x01\x05\uffff\x01\x10\x01\uffff\x01\x10\x17\uffff\x01\x10\x0b"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x14\uffff\x07\x10\x03\uffff\x0d\x01\x0b\uffff"+ "\x01\x10", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA71_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA71_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA71_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA71_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA71_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA71_minS); static readonly char[] DFA71_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA71_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA71_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA71_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA71_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA71_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA71_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA71_transitionS); protected class DFA71 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA71(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 71; this.eot = DFA71_eot; this.eof = DFA71_eof; this.min = DFA71_min; this.max = DFA71_max; this.accept = DFA71_accept; this.special = DFA71_special; this.transition = DFA71_transition; } public DFA71(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "665:11: (unexpr= op_un )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA75_eotS = "\x42\uffff"; const string DFA75_eofS = "\x42\uffff"; const string DFA75_minS = "\x01\x08\x01\uffff\x01\x05\x3f\uffff"; const string DFA75_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x01\uffff\x01\x79\x3f\uffff"; const string DFA75_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\x03\x05\uffff\x01\x04"+ "\x02\uffff\x01\x05\x01\x06\x33\uffff"; const string DFA75_specialS = "\x42\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA75_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x0e\x02\uffff\x01\x0a\x01\x04\x0c\uffff"+ "\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x0a\x17\uffff\x01\x02\x20\uffff\x02\x0d"+ "\x04\x04\x01\x0a\x1b\uffff\x01\x03", "", "\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x03\x04\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x04\x03\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x03\uffff\x01\x04\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff\x03\x04\x04\uffff\x02\x04\x03\uffff"+ "\x03\x04\x07\uffff\x09\x04\x01\uffff\x11\x04\x01\x01\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x04\x07\uffff\x02\x04\x15\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff\x01\x04", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA75_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA75_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA75_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA75_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA75_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA75_minS); static readonly char[] DFA75_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA75_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA75_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA75_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA75_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA75_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA75_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA75_transitionS); protected class DFA75 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA75(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 75; this.eot = DFA75_eot; this.eof = DFA75_eof; this.min = DFA75_min; this.max = DFA75_max; this.accept = DFA75_accept; this.special = DFA75_special; this.transition = DFA75_transition; } public DFA75(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "665:19: (e= identifierExpression | e= qvalExpression | e= constant | e= initializedComplexType | e= quantifierExpression | T_LPAREN e= expression T_RPAREN ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )? )"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA74_eotS = "\x36\uffff"; const string DFA74_eofS = "\x36\uffff"; const string DFA74_minS = "\x01\x05\x35\uffff"; const string DFA74_maxS = "\x01\x79\x35\uffff"; const string DFA74_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x31\uffff"; const string DFA74_specialS = "\x36\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA74_transitionS = { "\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x03\x04\x01\x02\x01\x04"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x04\x08\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff\x03\x04\x04\uffff\x02\x04"+ "\x03\uffff\x03\x04\x07\uffff\x09\x04\x01\uffff\x11\x04\x01\x01"+ "\x01\uffff\x02\x04\x07\uffff\x02\x04\x15\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x04", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA74_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA74_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA74_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA74_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA74_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA74_minS); static readonly char[] DFA74_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA74_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA74_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA74_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA74_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA74_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA74_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA74_transitionS); protected class DFA74 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA74(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 74; this.eot = DFA74_eot; this.eof = DFA74_eof; this.min = DFA74_min; this.max = DFA74_max; this.accept = DFA74_accept; this.special = DFA74_special; this.transition = DFA74_transition; } public DFA74(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "672:8: ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[e] )? | e= accessExpression[e] )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA72_eotS = "\x36\uffff"; const string DFA72_eofS = "\x36\uffff"; const string DFA72_minS = "\x01\x05\x35\uffff"; const string DFA72_maxS = "\x01\x79\x35\uffff"; const string DFA72_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x33\uffff\x01\x01"; const string DFA72_specialS = "\x36\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA72_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x05\x01\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x03\x01\x04\uffff\x02\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x03\x01\x07\uffff\x09\x01\x01\uffff\x11\x01\x01\x35\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x01\x07\uffff\x02\x01\x15\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA72_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA72_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA72_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA72_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA72_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA72_minS); static readonly char[] DFA72_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA72_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA72_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA72_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA72_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA72_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA72_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA72_transitionS); protected class DFA72 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA72(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 72; this.eot = DFA72_eot; this.eof = DFA72_eof; this.min = DFA72_min; this.max = DFA72_max; this.accept = DFA72_accept; this.special = DFA72_special; this.transition = DFA72_transition; } public DFA72(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "()+ loopback of 673:6: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA73_eotS = "\x35\uffff"; const string DFA73_eofS = "\x35\uffff"; const string DFA73_minS = "\x01\x05\x34\uffff"; const string DFA73_maxS = "\x01\x79\x34\uffff"; const string DFA73_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x31\uffff"; const string DFA73_specialS = "\x35\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA73_transitionS = { "\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x03\x03\x01\x01\x01\x03"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x03\x08\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x03\x03\x04\uffff\x02\x03"+ "\x03\uffff\x03\x03\x07\uffff\x09\x03\x01\uffff\x11\x03\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x03\x07\uffff\x02\x03\x15\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x01\x03", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA73_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA73_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA73_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA73_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA73_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA73_minS); static readonly char[] DFA73_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA73_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA73_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA73_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA73_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA73_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA73_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA73_transitionS); protected class DFA73 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA73(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 73; this.eot = DFA73_eot; this.eof = DFA73_eof; this.min = DFA73_min; this.max = DFA73_max; this.accept = DFA73_accept; this.special = DFA73_special; this.transition = DFA73_transition; } public DFA73(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "676:8: (res= accessExpression[e] )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA76_eotS = "\x33\uffff"; const string DFA76_eofS = "\x33\uffff"; const string DFA76_minS = "\x01\x05\x32\uffff"; const string DFA76_maxS = "\x01\x79\x32\uffff"; const string DFA76_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x30\uffff"; const string DFA76_specialS = "\x33\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA76_transitionS = { "\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x03\x02\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x03\x02\x04\uffff\x02\x02\x03\uffff"+ "\x03\x02\x07\uffff\x09\x02\x01\uffff\x11\x02\x02\uffff\x02\x02"+ "\x07\uffff\x02\x02\x15\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA76_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA76_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA76_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA76_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA76_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA76_minS); static readonly char[] DFA76_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA76_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA76_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA76_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA76_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA76_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA76_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA76_transitionS); protected class DFA76 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA76(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 76; this.eot = DFA76_eot; this.eof = DFA76_eof; this.min = DFA76_min; this.max = DFA76_max; this.accept = DFA76_accept; this.special = DFA76_special; this.transition = DFA76_transition; } public DFA76(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "680:5: ( 'as' cid= T_IDENTIFIER )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA86_eotS = "\x21\uffff"; const string DFA86_eofS = "\x21\uffff"; const string DFA86_minS = "\x01\x1f\x01\x08\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA86_maxS = "\x01\x1f\x01\x7a\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA86_acceptS = "\x02\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x1d\uffff"; const string DFA86_specialS = "\x21\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA86_transitionS = { "\x01\x01", "\x01\x03\x03\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x02\x03\x06\uffff\x01"+ "\x03\x05\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x17\uffff\x01\x03\x0b"+ "\uffff\x01\x03\x11\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x07\x03\x01\uffff"+ "\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x0d\x03\x0b\uffff\x01\x03", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA86_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA86_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA86_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA86_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA86_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA86_minS); static readonly char[] DFA86_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA86_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA86_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA86_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA86_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA86_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA86_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA86_transitionS); protected class DFA86 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA86(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 86; this.eot = DFA86_eot; this.eof = DFA86_eof; this.min = DFA86_min; this.max = DFA86_max; this.accept = DFA86_accept; this.special = DFA86_special; this.transition = DFA86_transition; } public DFA86(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "757:1: initializedSetType returns [Expression result] : ( T_CBRL T_MAPS T_CBRR | res= initializedSet );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA99_eotS = "\x3c\uffff"; const string DFA99_eofS = "\x3c\uffff"; const string DFA99_minS = "\x01\x08\x01\x05\x01\uffff\x01\x00\x38\uffff"; const string DFA99_maxS = "\x01\x37\x01\x7e\x01\uffff\x01\x00\x38\uffff"; const string DFA99_acceptS = "\x02\uffff\x01\x02\x38\uffff\x01\x01"; const string DFA99_specialS = "\x03\uffff\x01\x00\x38\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA99_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x2e\uffff\x01\x02", "\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x03\x02\x01\x03\x01\x02"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x02\x08\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x03\x02\x04\uffff\x02\x02"+ "\x03\uffff\x05\x02\x05\uffff\x09\x02\x01\uffff\x12\x02\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x02\x07\uffff\x03\x02\x14\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x01\x02"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x02", "", "\x01\uffff", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA99_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA99_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA99_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA99_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA99_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA99_minS); static readonly char[] DFA99_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA99_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA99_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA99_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA99_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA99_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA99_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA99_transitionS); protected class DFA99 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA99(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 99; this.eot = DFA99_eot; this.eof = DFA99_eof; this.min = DFA99_min; this.max = DFA99_max; this.accept = DFA99_accept; this.special = DFA99_special; this.transition = DFA99_transition; } public DFA99(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "850:1: identifierExpression returns [Expression result] : ({...}?aName= T_IDENTIFIER T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN | res= reference );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } protected internal int DFA99_SpecialStateTransition(DFA dfa, int s, IIntStream _input) //throws NoViableAltException { ITokenStream input = (ITokenStream)_input; int _s = s; switch ( s ) { case 0 : int LA99_3 = input.LA(1); int index99_3 = input.Index(); input.Rewind(); s = -1; if ( (EvalPredicate(isTuple(input.LT(1).Text),"isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)")) ) { s = 59; } else if ( (EvalPredicate(!isTuple(input.LT(1).Text),"!isTuple(input.LT(1).Text)")) ) { s = 2; } input.Seek(index99_3); if ( s >= 0 ) return s; break; } NoViableAltException nvae99 = new NoViableAltException(dfa.Description, 99, _s, input); dfa.Error(nvae99); throw nvae99; } const string DFA100_eotS = "\x39\uffff"; const string DFA100_eofS = "\x39\uffff"; const string DFA100_minS = "\x01\x05\x38\uffff"; const string DFA100_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x38\uffff"; const string DFA100_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x35\uffff"; const string DFA100_specialS = "\x39\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA100_transitionS = { "\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x03\x03\x01\x01\x01\x03"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x03\x08\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x03\x03\x04\uffff\x02\x03"+ "\x03\uffff\x05\x03\x04\uffff\x0a\x03\x01\uffff\x11\x03\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x03\x07\uffff\x03\x03\x14\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x01\x03"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x03", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA100_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA100_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA100_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA100_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA100_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA100_minS); static readonly char[] DFA100_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA100_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA100_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA100_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA100_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA100_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA100_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA100_transitionS); protected class DFA100 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA100(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 100; this.eot = DFA100_eot; this.eof = DFA100_eof; this.min = DFA100_min; this.max = DFA100_max; this.accept = DFA100_accept; this.special = DFA100_special; this.transition = DFA100_transition; } public DFA100(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "870:3: (output= accessExpression[result] | )"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA102_eotS = "\x37\uffff"; const string DFA102_eofS = "\x37\uffff"; const string DFA102_minS = "\x01\x05\x36\uffff"; const string DFA102_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x36\uffff"; const string DFA102_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x32\uffff"; const string DFA102_specialS = "\x37\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA102_transitionS = { "\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x03\x04\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x04\x03\uffff\x01\x04\x01\uffff\x01\x04\x03\uffff\x01\x04\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff\x03\x04\x04\uffff\x02\x04\x03\uffff"+ "\x03\x04\x02\x02\x04\uffff\x0a\x04\x01\uffff\x11\x04\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x04\x07\uffff\x02\x04\x01\x01\x14\uffff\x01\x04\x02\uffff"+ "\x01\x04\x04\uffff\x01\x02", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA102_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA102_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA102_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA102_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA102_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA102_minS); static readonly char[] DFA102_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA102_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA102_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA102_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA102_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA102_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA102_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA102_transitionS); protected class DFA102 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA102(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 102; this.eot = DFA102_eot; this.eof = DFA102_eof; this.min = DFA102_min; this.max = DFA102_max; this.accept = DFA102_accept; this.special = DFA102_special; this.transition = DFA102_transition; } public DFA102(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "874:3: (pr= T_PRIMED | ( '::' T_LPAREN init= expression T_RPAREN )? afold= ( T_FOLDLR | T_FOLDRL ) T_LPAREN anexpr= expression T_RPAREN )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA103_eotS = "\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA103_eofS = "\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA103_minS = "\x01\x05\x39\uffff"; const string DFA103_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x39\uffff"; const string DFA103_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x36\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02"; const string DFA103_specialS = "\x3a\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA103_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x03\x01\x01\x39\x01\x01"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x38\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x01\x08\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x03\x01\x04\uffff\x02\x01"+ "\x03\uffff\x05\x01\x04\uffff\x0a\x01\x01\uffff\x12\x01\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x01\x07\uffff\x03\x01\x14\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x01\x01"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA103_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA103_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA103_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA103_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA103_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA103_minS); static readonly char[] DFA103_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA103_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA103_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA103_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA103_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA103_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA103_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA103_transitionS); protected class DFA103 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA103(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 103; this.eot = DFA103_eot; this.eof = DFA103_eof; this.min = DFA103_min; this.max = DFA103_max; this.accept = DFA103_accept; this.special = DFA103_special; this.transition = DFA103_transition; } public DFA103(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "()+ loopback of 888:7: (tcall= T_LSQPAREN ac= expression T_RSQPAREN | bcall= T_LPAREN m_params= methodCallParams T_RPAREN )+"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA106_eotS = "\x38\uffff"; const string DFA106_eofS = "\x38\uffff"; const string DFA106_minS = "\x01\x05\x37\uffff"; const string DFA106_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x37\uffff"; const string DFA106_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x35\uffff"; const string DFA106_specialS = "\x38\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA106_transitionS = { "\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x03\x02\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x03\uffff\x01\x02\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x03\x02\x04\uffff\x02\x02\x03\uffff"+ "\x05\x02\x04\uffff\x0a\x02\x01\uffff\x11\x02\x01\x01\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x02\x07\uffff\x03\x02\x14\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x01\x02"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x02", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA106_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA106_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA106_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA106_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA106_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA106_minS); static readonly char[] DFA106_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA106_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA106_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA106_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA106_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA106_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA106_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA106_transitionS); protected class DFA106 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA106(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 106; this.eot = DFA106_eot; this.eof = DFA106_eof; this.min = DFA106_min; this.max = DFA106_max; this.accept = DFA106_accept; this.special = DFA106_special; this.transition = DFA106_transition; } public DFA106(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "893:3: ( ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+ (res= accessExpression[result] )? )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA104_eotS = "\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA104_eofS = "\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA104_minS = "\x01\x05\x39\uffff"; const string DFA104_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x39\uffff"; const string DFA104_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x37\uffff\x01\x01"; const string DFA104_specialS = "\x3a\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA104_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x05\x01\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x08"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x03\x01\x04\uffff\x02\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x05\x01\x04\uffff\x0a\x01\x01\uffff\x11\x01\x01\x39\x01\uffff"+ "\x02\x01\x07\uffff\x03\x01\x14\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x01\x01"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA104_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA104_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA104_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA104_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA104_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA104_minS); static readonly char[] DFA104_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA104_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA104_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA104_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA104_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA104_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA104_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA104_transitionS); protected class DFA104 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA104(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 104; this.eot = DFA104_eot; this.eof = DFA104_eof; this.min = DFA104_min; this.max = DFA104_max; this.accept = DFA104_accept; this.special = DFA104_special; this.transition = DFA104_transition; } public DFA104(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "()+ loopback of 894:4: ( T_POINT idn= T_IDENTIFIER )+"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA105_eotS = "\x39\uffff"; const string DFA105_eofS = "\x39\uffff"; const string DFA105_minS = "\x01\x05\x38\uffff"; const string DFA105_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x38\uffff"; const string DFA105_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x35\uffff"; const string DFA105_specialS = "\x39\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA105_transitionS = { "\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x03\x03\x01\x01\x01\x03"+ "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x01\uffff\x01\x03\x03\uffff"+ "\x01\x03\x08\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x03\x03\x04\uffff\x02\x03"+ "\x03\uffff\x05\x03\x04\uffff\x0a\x03\x01\uffff\x11\x03\x02\uffff"+ "\x02\x03\x07\uffff\x03\x03\x14\uffff\x01\x03\x02\uffff\x01\x03"+ "\x04\uffff\x01\x03", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA105_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA105_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA105_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA105_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA105_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA105_minS); static readonly char[] DFA105_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA105_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA105_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA105_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA105_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA105_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA105_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA105_transitionS); protected class DFA105 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA105(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 105; this.eot = DFA105_eot; this.eof = DFA105_eof; this.min = DFA105_min; this.max = DFA105_max; this.accept = DFA105_accept; this.special = DFA105_special; this.transition = DFA105_transition; } public DFA105(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "897:4: (res= accessExpression[result] )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA108_eotS = "\x3b\uffff"; const string DFA108_eofS = "\x3b\uffff"; const string DFA108_minS = "\x01\x05\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA108_maxS = "\x01\x7e\x3a\uffff"; const string DFA108_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x02\x38\uffff\x01\x01"; const string DFA108_specialS = "\x3b\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA108_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x05\x01\x01\uffff\x01"+ "\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x03"+ "\uffff\x01\x01\x04\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x03\x01\x04\uffff"+ "\x02\x01\x03\uffff\x05\x01\x04\uffff\x0a\x01\x01\uffff\x11\x01"+ "\x01\x3a\x01\uffff\x02\x01\x07\uffff\x03\x01\x14\uffff\x01\x01"+ "\x02\uffff\x01\x01\x04\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA108_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA108_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA108_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA108_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA108_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA108_minS); static readonly char[] DFA108_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA108_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA108_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA108_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA108_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA108_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA108_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA108_transitionS); protected class DFA108 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA108(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 108; this.eot = DFA108_eot; this.eof = DFA108_eof; this.min = DFA108_min; this.max = DFA108_max; this.accept = DFA108_accept; this.special = DFA108_special; this.transition = DFA108_transition; } public DFA108(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "()* loopback of 910:3: ( T_POINT idd= T_IDENTIFIER )*"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA110_eotS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA110_eofS = "\x20\uffff"; const string DFA110_minS = "\x01\x08\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA110_maxS = "\x01\x7a\x1f\uffff"; const string DFA110_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x1d\uffff\x01\x02"; const string DFA110_specialS = "\x20\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA110_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x03\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x1f\x01\uffff\x02\x01\x06\uffff"+ "\x01\x01\x05\uffff\x01\x01\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x17\uffff\x01\x01"+ "\x0b\uffff\x01\x01\x11\uffff\x01\x01\x02\uffff\x07\x01\x03\uffff"+ "\x0d\x01\x0b\uffff\x01\x01", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA110_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA110_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA110_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA110_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA110_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA110_minS); static readonly char[] DFA110_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA110_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA110_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA110_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA110_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA110_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA110_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA110_transitionS); protected class DFA110 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA110(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 110; this.eot = DFA110_eot; this.eof = DFA110_eof; this.min = DFA110_min; this.max = DFA110_max; this.accept = DFA110_accept; this.special = DFA110_special; this.transition = DFA110_transition; } public DFA110(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "919:4: (expa= expression ( T_COMMA expb= expression )* )?"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA111_eotS = "\x10\uffff"; const string DFA111_eofS = "\x10\uffff"; const string DFA111_minS = "\x01\x17\x0f\uffff"; const string DFA111_maxS = "\x01\x6e\x0f\uffff"; const string DFA111_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x08\uffff\x01\x02\x02\uffff\x01\x03\x01\x04"+ "\x01\x05"; const string DFA111_specialS = "\x10\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA111_transitionS = { "\x01\x0d\x2b\uffff\x01\x0e\x1e\uffff\x01\x0f\x09\x01\x03\x0a", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA111_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA111_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA111_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA111_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA111_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA111_minS); static readonly char[] DFA111_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA111_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA111_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA111_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA111_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA111_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA111_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA111_transitionS); protected class DFA111 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA111(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 111; this.eot = DFA111_eot; this.eof = DFA111_eof; this.min = DFA111_min; this.max = DFA111_max; this.accept = DFA111_accept; this.special = DFA111_special; this.transition = DFA111_transition; } public DFA111(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "929:1: op_un returns [UnaryOperator expr] : (r= op_un_set_list | r2= op_un_map | T_MINUS | T_NOT | T_ABS );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } const string DFA112_eotS = "\x0a\uffff"; const string DFA112_eofS = "\x0a\uffff"; const string DFA112_minS = "\x01\x63\x09\uffff"; const string DFA112_maxS = "\x01\x6b\x09\uffff"; const string DFA112_acceptS = "\x01\uffff\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x03\x01\x04\x01\x05\x01\x06\x01"+ "\x07\x01\x08\x01\x09"; const string DFA112_specialS = "\x0a\uffff}>"; static readonly string[] DFA112_transitionS = { "\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x03\x01\x04\x01\x05\x01\x06\x01\x07\x01"+ "\x08\x01\x09", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static readonly short[] DFA112_eot = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA112_eotS); static readonly short[] DFA112_eof = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA112_eofS); static readonly char[] DFA112_min = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA112_minS); static readonly char[] DFA112_max = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA112_maxS); static readonly short[] DFA112_accept = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA112_acceptS); static readonly short[] DFA112_special = DFA.UnpackEncodedString(DFA112_specialS); static readonly short[][] DFA112_transition = DFA.UnpackEncodedStringArray(DFA112_transitionS); protected class DFA112 : DFA { IDebugEventListener dbg; public DFA112(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { this.recognizer = recognizer; this.decisionNumber = 112; this.eot = DFA112_eot; this.eof = DFA112_eof; this.min = DFA112_min; this.max = DFA112_max; this.accept = DFA112_accept; this.special = DFA112_special; this.transition = DFA112_transition; } public DFA112(BaseRecognizer recognizer, IDebugEventListener dbg) : this(recognizer) { this.dbg = dbg; } override public string Description { get { return "942:1: op_un_set_list returns [UnaryOperator expr] : ( T_CARD | T_DCONC | T_DINTER | T_DUNION | T_ELEMS | T_HEAD | T_INDS | T_LEN | T_TAIL );"; } } public override void Error(NoViableAltException nvae) { dbg.RecognitionException(nvae); } } public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CONSTS_in_ooActionSystems93 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedConstList_in_ooActionSystems95 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000020UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_TYPES_in_ooActionSystems105 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedTypeList_in_ooActionSystems113 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000040UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SYSTEM_in_ooActionSystems118 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeComposition_in_ooActionSystems125 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedConst_in_namedConstList148 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedConstList151 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedConst_in_namedConstList153 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedConst169 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedConst173 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_namedConst179 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedType_in_namedTypeList199 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedTypeList202 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedType_in_namedTypeList204 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedType220 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedType225 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000002D650D140UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_namedType237 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_ooActionSystem_in_namedType249 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionParallel_in_asTypeComposition285 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000402UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_asTypeComposition290 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionParallel_in_asTypeComposition292 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000402UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionSequential_in_asTypeCompositionParallel315 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_asTypeCompositionParallel319 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionSequential_in_asTypeCompositionParallel321 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeCompositionBlockParen_in_asTypeCompositionSequential343 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen358 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_asTypeComposition_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen360 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen363 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_asTypeCompositionBlockParen370 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LIST_in_complexType401 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000008000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType404 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000010100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_complexType408 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType414 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000040000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OF_in_complexType416 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType421 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType436 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType440 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType449 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType453 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType459 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MAP_in_complexType469 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType474 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000010100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_complexType478 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType484 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_simpleType_in_complexType490 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000200000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_TO_in_complexType492 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType496 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_QUANTITY_in_complexType510 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000040000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OF_in_complexType512 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000008000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_complexType514 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000800100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType519 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_complexType524 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000001000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_complexType526 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType536 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000001000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_complexType541 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_complexType545 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_complexType552 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_complexType562 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType566 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000082000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_complexType575 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_complexType579 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000082000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_complexType586 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_simpleType_in_complexType599 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_BOOL_in_simpleType632 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INT_in_simpleType645 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000008000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_simpleType647 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000001010100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_simpleType651 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000008000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_simpleType659 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000001010100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_simpleType663 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_simpleType671 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_FLOAT_in_simpleType690 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000008000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_simpleType693 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000021000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_simpleType697 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000008000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_simpleType705 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000021000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_simpleType709 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_simpleType717 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CHAR_in_simpleType735 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_simpleType751 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType755 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_simpleType758 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000010000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_simpleType762 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_simpleType773 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType777 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_simpleType780 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000010000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_simpleType784 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_simpleType792 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_simpleType803 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_AUTOCONS_in_ooActionSystem846 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000040UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SYSTEM_in_ooActionSystem855 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL,0x0020000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_ooActionSystem858 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_ooActionSystem862 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_ooActionSystem864 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0020000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_117_in_ooActionSystem877 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000003C00000000UL,0x0040000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_ooActionSystem883 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000038000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_attrList_in_ooActionSystem885 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000003800000000UL,0x0040000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_METHODS_in_ooActionSystem893 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodList_in_ooActionSystem895 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000003000000000UL,0x0040000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ACTIONS_in_ooActionSystem903 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000130000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedActionList_in_ooActionSystem905 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000002000000000UL,0x0040000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DO_in_ooActionSystem913 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010304400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlock_in_ooActionSystem918 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000004000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OD_in_ooActionSystem925 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0040000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_118_in_ooActionSystem931 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_attr_in_attrList962 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_attrList965 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000038000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_attr_in_attrList967 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_STATIC_in_attr992 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000030000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OBS_in_attr999 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CTRL_in_attr1005 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_attr1016 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_attr1019 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_attr1023 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000202UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_attr1026 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_attr1030 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_method_in_methodList1052 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_methodList1055 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_method_in_methodList1057 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_method1079 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000001200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_method1087 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_method1089 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_method1093 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_method1101 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_method1105 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_method1115 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_method1122 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_localActionVars_in_method1124 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0080000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_119_in_method1127 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBody_in_method1136 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000080000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_END_in_method1144 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_methodParameterList1168 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_methodParameterList1170 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_methodParameterList1174 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_methodParameterList1182 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_methodParameterList1186 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_methodParameterList1188 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_methodParameterList1192 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedAction_in_namedActionList1219 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_namedActionList1222 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000130000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_namedAction_in_namedActionList1224 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CONT_in_namedAction1244 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedAction1248 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_namedAction1256 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_namedAction1258 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_namedAction1262 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedAction1269 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000100000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_continuousActionBody_in_namedAction1273 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CTRL_in_namedAction1288 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OBS_in_namedAction1293 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_namedAction1305 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_namedAction1313 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodParameterList_in_namedAction1315 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_namedAction1319 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_namedAction1326 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000300400000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_namedAction1332 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_localActionVars_in_namedAction1334 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000300000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_namedAction1345 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_localActionVars1377 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_localActionVars1379 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_localActionVars1383 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_localActionVars1392 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_localActionVars1396 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_localActionVars1398 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_localActionVars1402 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_continuousActionBody_in_anonymousAction1432 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_anonymousAction1441 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CONT_in_continuousActionBody1466 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000200000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_REQUIRES_in_continuousActionBody1468 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_continuousActionBody1472 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_continuousActionBody1474 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualConstraintList_in_continuousActionBody1481 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000080000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_END_in_continuousActionBody1486 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualConstraint_in_qualConstraintList1514 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_qualConstraintList1521 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualConstraint_in_qualConstraintList1525 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1556 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000200UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_qualConstraint1558 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000400000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DERIV_in_qualConstraint1565 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1569 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1604 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0003800000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SUM_in_qualConstraint1635 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DIFF_in_qualConstraint1652 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PROD_in_qualConstraint1669 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualConstraint1698 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_REQUIRES_in_discreteActionBody1788 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_discreteActionBody1792 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_discreteActionBody1794 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBody_in_discreteActionBody1801 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000080000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_END_in_discreteActionBody1806 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockParallel_in_actionBlock1842 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000402UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_actionBlock1846 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockParallel_in_actionBlock1848 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000402UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockSequential_in_actionBlockParallel1873 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_actionBlockParallel1877 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockSequential_in_actionBlockParallel1879 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_actionBlockSequential1908 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_blockvarlist_in_actionBlockSequential1912 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL,0x0100000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_actionBlockSequential1916 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_actionBlockSequential1920 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_actionBlockSequential1927 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockParen_in_actionBlockSequential1936 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_actionBlockSequential1940 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlockParen_in_actionBlockSequential1942 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_actionBlockParen1966 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0010300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBlock_in_actionBlockParen1968 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_actionBlockParen1971 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_anonymousOrNamedAction_in_actionBlockParen1976 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_anonymousAction_in_anonymousOrNamedAction1993 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2002 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x000C000000001002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2016 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A081B100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2021 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2023 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x000C000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2041 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2047 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2051 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2053 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SKIP_in_anonymousOrNamedAction2064 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_blockvar_in_blockvarlist2080 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_blockvarlist2085 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_blockvar_in_blockvarlist2087 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_blockvar2107 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_blockvar2110 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_blockvar2114 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodyParallel_in_actionBody2149 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000402UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PRIO_in_actionBody2153 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodyParallel_in_actionBody2155 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodySequential_in_actionBodyParallel2183 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NONDET_in_actionBodyParallel2189 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodySequential_in_actionBodyParallel2193 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000802UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodyParen_in_actionBodySequential2220 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_actionBodySequential2224 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBodyParen_in_actionBodySequential2226 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_actionBodyParen2244 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00F0300400001100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_actionBody_in_actionBodyParen2246 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_actionBodyParen2249 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_statement_in_actionBodyParen2256 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ABORT_in_statement2284 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SKIP_in_statement2291 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_KILL_in_statement2298 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_statement2300 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0080000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_statement2304 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_statement2312 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_discreteActionBody_in_statement2322 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_reference_in_statement2331 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0100000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ASSIGNMENT_in_statement2359 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2364 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0200000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_WITH_in_statement2384 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2388 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_statement2441 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0080000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_reference_in_statement2445 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0100000000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ASSIGNMENT_in_statement2460 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2482 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_statement2501 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2505 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0200000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_WITH_in_statement2519 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_statement2523 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_atomExpression_in_expression2598 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0xFC03800000800202UL,0x00000000000FFFFBUL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_binoperator_in_expression2611 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_atomExpression_in_expression2619 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0xFC03800000800202UL,0x00000000000FFFFBUL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_BIIMPLIES_in_binoperator2652 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_GREATER_in_binoperator2661 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_GREATEREQUAL_in_binoperator2671 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LESS_in_binoperator2680 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LESSEQUAL_in_binoperator2690 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_EQUAL_in_binoperator2699 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NOTEQUAL_in_binoperator2711 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IMPLIES_in_binoperator2722 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_binoperator2731 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SUM_in_binoperator2741 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IN_in_binoperator2751 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0000000000000004UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SET_in_binoperator2753 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NOT_in_binoperator2764 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IN_in_binoperator2766 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0000000000000004UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SET_in_binoperator2768 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SUBSET_in_binoperator2779 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_OR_in_binoperator2789 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DIV_in_binoperator2798 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PROD_in_binoperator2807 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDIV_in_binoperator2817 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MOD_in_binoperator2827 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_UNION_in_binoperator2837 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DIFF_in_binoperator2848 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INTER_in_binoperator2859 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_AND_in_binoperator2870 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_POW_in_binoperator2885 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CONC_in_binoperator2900 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DOMRESBY_in_binoperator2913 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DOMRESTO_in_binoperator2923 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RNGRESBY_in_binoperator2933 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RNGRESTO_in_binoperator2943 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MUNION_in_binoperator2953 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEQMOD_MAPOVERRIDE_in_binoperator2963 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_op_un_in_atomExpression3001 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0019100UL,0x040000007F000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_identifierExpression_in_atomExpression3018 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qvalExpression_in_atomExpression3029 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_constant_in_atomExpression3040 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_initializedComplexType_in_atomExpression3051 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_quantifierExpression_in_atomExpression3063 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_atomExpression3072 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3076 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_atomExpression3078 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000009002UL,0x0200000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_atomExpression3101 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_atomExpression3113 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000009002UL,0x0200000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_atomExpression3137 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_atomExpression3157 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0200000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_121_in_atomExpression3176 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_atomExpression3180 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IF_in_atomExpression3201 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3205 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000000400000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_THEN_in_atomExpression3207 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3211 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000000800000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ELSE_in_atomExpression3213 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_atomExpression3217 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000080000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_END_in_atomExpression3219 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_quantifierExpression3251 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_quantifierExpression3268 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3271 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_simpleType_in_quantifierExpression3275 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_quantifierExpression3286 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_quantifierExpression3290 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3293 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_simpleType_in_quantifierExpression3297 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_quantifierExpression3307 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_quantifierExpression3309 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_quantifierExpression3313 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_quantifierExpression3315 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_TRUE_in_constant3349 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_FALSE_in_constant3357 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_constant3364 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SELF_in_constant3372 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_FLOATNUMBER_in_constant3383 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INTNUMBER_in_constant3392 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_STRINGLITERAL_in_constant3401 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_initializedListType_in_initializedComplexType3428 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_initializedSetType_in_initializedComplexType3437 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NEW_in_initializedComplexType3445 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3447 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_initializedComplexType3451 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000082000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedComplexType3463 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000020000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_STRINGLITERAL_in_initializedComplexType3468 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3470 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_initializedComplexType3479 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_initializedListType3510 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedListType3514 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL,0x0000000080000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedListType3525 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedListType3529 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000000A0000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_listComprehension_in_initializedListType3541 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_initializedListType3549 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_BAR_in_listComprehension3580 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000400000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_listComprehension3582 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_listComprehension3588 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_listComprehension3591 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_listComprehension3595 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL,0x0100000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_listComprehension3604 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_listComprehension3608 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_listComprehension3613 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000082UL,0x0100000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_listComprehension3623 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_listComprehension3629 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_initializedSetType3655 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000100000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_initializedSetType3657 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_initializedSetType3659 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_initializedSet_in_initializedSetType3670 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRL_in_initializedSet3696 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedSet3700 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080000UL,0x0000000180000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_initializedSet3730 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_initializedSet3734 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_map_in_initializedSet3752 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_setComprehension_in_initializedSet3765 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000100000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CBRR_in_initializedSet3776 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_map3812 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_map3816 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_map3824 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_map3828 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000100000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MAPS_in_map3830 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_map3834 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_BAR_in_setComprehension3856 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000400000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_VAR_in_setComprehension3858 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000102UL,0x0100000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_setComprehension3863 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_setComprehension3866 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_setComprehension3870 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000080UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SEMICOLON_in_setComprehension3879 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_setComprehension3883 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000040000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COLON_in_setComprehension3885 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00000000D650D100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_complexType_in_setComprehension3889 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000102UL,0x0100000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_120_in_setComprehension3903 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_setComprehension3909 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_122_in_qvalExpression3944 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_qvalExpression3946 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0080000001800100UL,0x0000000010000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_qvalExpression3960 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_qvalExpression3981 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000008080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_qvalExpression4000 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000001000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_qvalExpression4006 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000008080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RANGETO_in_qvalExpression4024 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0080000001000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_qvalExpression4034 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INFTY_in_qvalExpression4052 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_qvalExpression4076 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x3800000010000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NIL_in_qvalExpression4086 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_123_in_qvalExpression4102 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_124_in_qvalExpression4115 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_125_in_qvalExpression4128 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_qvalExpression4150 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_identifierExpression4183 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_identifierExpression4185 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A081B100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_identifierExpression4189 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_identifierExpression4191 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_reference_in_identifierExpression4206 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_qualifiedIdentifier_in_reference4244 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x000C000000009002UL,0x4000000200000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_reference4256 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x000C000000000002UL,0x4000000200000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_PRIMED_in_reference4281 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_126_in_reference4297 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_reference4299 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_reference4303 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_reference4305 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x000C000000000000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_reference4311 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000001000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_reference4317 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_reference4321 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_reference4323 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LSQPAREN_in_accessExpression4368 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_accessExpression4372 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000020000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RSQPAREN_in_accessExpression4374 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000009002UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LPAREN_in_accessExpression4401 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A081B100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_methodCallParams_in_accessExpression4405 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000002000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RPAREN_in_accessExpression4407 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000009002UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_accessExpression4429 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_accessExpression4437 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000009002UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_accessExpression_in_accessExpression4453 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_SELF_in_qualifiedIdentifier4492 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000000UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_qualifiedIdentifier4494 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualifiedIdentifier4506 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_POINT_in_qualifiedIdentifier4515 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000100UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_IDENTIFIER_in_qualifiedIdentifier4519 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL,0x0000000000100000UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_methodCallParams4552 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_COMMA_in_methodCallParams4557 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x00800000A0819100UL,0x04007FFC7F200008UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_expression_in_methodCallParams4561 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000080002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_op_un_set_list_in_op_un4600 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_op_un_map_in_op_un4609 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MINUS_in_op_un4617 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_NOT_in_op_un4625 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ABS_in_op_un4633 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_CARD_in_op_un_set_list4660 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DCONC_in_op_un_set_list4671 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DINTER_in_op_un_set_list4682 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DUNION_in_op_un_set_list4692 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_ELEMS_in_op_un_set_list4702 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_HEAD_in_op_un_set_list4713 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_INDS_in_op_un_set_list4724 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_LEN_in_op_un_set_list4735 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_TAIL_in_op_un_set_list4746 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_DOM_in_op_un_map4775 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_RNG_in_op_un_map4786 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); public static readonly BitSet FOLLOW_T_MERGE_in_op_un_map4797 = new BitSet(new ulong[]{0x0000000000000002UL}); } }