import "FunctionNames.proto"; package serialize; option java_package = "org.momut.ooas.codegen.ast.protobuf.gen"; option java_outer_classname = "RecordedAstTraversal"; message PBParameter { optional uint64 uint64_value = 1; // meant for references, but may be used for actual uint64 values too (if they're needed in the future) optional string literal_value = 2; optional bool bool_value = 3; optional int32 int32_value = 4; optional uint32 uint32_value = 5; } enum PBReturnType { type_voidPointer = 1; type_boolean = 2; } message PBReturnValue { required PBReturnType return_type = 1; optional uint64 return_id = 2; } message PBFunctionCall { optional PBAdd add = 1; optional PBAllocation allocate = 2; optional PBIdentifiers identifier = 3; optional PBTypes type = 4; optional PBStatements statement = 5; optional PBExpressions expression = 6; repeated PBParameter parameters = 7; required PBReturnValue return_value = 8; } message PBAstTraversal { repeated PBFunctionCall calls = 1; required uint64 main_module = 2; }