The OOAS Compiler Component is based on the following open source software components. Java Version: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Eclipse Project, Eclipse Java Batch Compiler - License: Eclipse Public License - Libraries: ecj-4.4.2.jar * ANTLR 3 - License: Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) - Libraries: antlr-3.4-complete.jar, (antlrworks-1.4.3.jar) * Java Native Access (JNA) - License: Apache License 2.0 - Libraries: jna-4.0.0.jar, jna-platform-4.0.0.jar * Google Protocol Buffers - License: Modified BSD - Libraries: protobuf.jar C++ AST: ~~~~~~~~ * Google Protocol Buffers - License: Modified BSD - Libraries: not included * BOOST - License: Boost License - Libraries: not included C# Version: ~~~~~~~~~~~ * C5 Libraries - License: MIT style open license - Libraries: source included * ANTLR 3 - License: BSD - Libraries: antlr.runtime.dll, Antlr3.Runtime.dll, Antlr3.Utility.dll, antlr-3.2.jar